View Full Version : ANNOUNCEMENT: the rebuilt website for "The Honda NSX Owners Club" launches today.

21-12-2020, 02:01 PM

We are pleased and excited to announce the new website is now live at The Honda NSX Owners Club (nsxclub.co.uk) (https://protect-eu.mimecast.com/s/YuOvC6RojCrB52vcpg0JV?domain=nsxclub.co.uk) with simple to join discounted renewal and membership rates.

Whether you like attending events or just to take advantage of the new supplier discounts or maybe both we believe there are so many great reasons to join the club today.

Your NSX Club membership will provide you the following so will substantially save you more each year than your membership fee costs:

- details of benefits of membership, event and supplier discounts which include:

Public Liability Cover for all members at organised Club events.
15% discount on agreed value classic car insurance.
10% discount on work at a well known NSX specialist.
20% discount on detailing.
10% discount on oils and other service parts.
Group buys on some products at US parts supplier.
5% track day discounts (not your own car).

- a membership service link that will allow renewals and new applications for membership or sponsorship to be made in a simple and secure way.

- information about the NSX and photos.

- a contact page for your contributions including your own photos and videos to improve the content.

- a link to a new NSX club Facebook group open to members.

Renewals and new members are being offered at discounted rates for 2021, so please cancel any DD or standing orders you may have set up in previous years. The membership process is managed externally to the Club site providing secure payment options via PayPal and bank cards, privacy and are fully GDPR compliant. We hope the process proves simple to use but if you have any difficulty please do not hesitate to call to call either one of us.

We'er hoping all 2020 members will now renew and that many more of you will decide to come back or join for the first time because without you joining there would be no club.
We look forward to seeing you at an event in 2021.

In previous years club membership came with a bundled Platinum membership of NSXB but this will not be the case from 2021 membership onwards. Your Platinum membership of NSXCB will now need to be progressed separately noting that the renewal is the anniversary of your original joining date. NSXCB and the Club remain on good terms with the shared objective of supporting NSX owners.

We wish everyone a good Christmas in these strained times, let's all hope for good health and better times to come for 2021

Neil Shaw (Chair) and Clive Pluckrose (Secretary)
The Honda NSX Owners Club

Call Neil 07785 592725
Or Clive 07503 522945