View Full Version : New Clutch - Initialising Procedure

04-12-2021, 11:43 AM
I'm just about to start to putting the new clutch together & back on the engine (which I'll document in my rebuild thread) but I have a question regarding the initialising of the new clutch assembly.

I've read the workshop manual, a few times & the initialising seems straight forward enough but I'm just checking that the only procedure I need to follow is on page 12-16 ?

The guide replacement on pages 12-17 & 12-18, are not applicable for a complete new clutch & flywheel assembly ?

Thanks in advance.

05-12-2021, 04:24 PM
I think I've now answered my own question, now I've built the clutch assembly up on the engine & numerous checks with the old clutch assembly and the procedures on pages 12-17 & 12-18 aren't applicable to a full rebuild.

The problem I have now, is the actual initialisation of the clutch on page 12-16. I've checked the distance between the front of the mid plate and the mid plate guide but only get 8 thou, no where near the 16-22 in the SM.
The SM doesn't say what to do if the distance isn't within the limits. I have looked at both clutch assemblies the old one has around 10 thou gap but the question I now have, is what to do or adjust to get the correct distance ? The guide pin is a single piece of metal, so impossible to increase the distance between it's two ends & therefore increase the distance between it & the mid plate........


am I missing something completely obvious ????.....

Frustrated of Coventry..:angry:

06-12-2021, 11:46 AM
Hi, wixer.
First, please get the latest workshop manual.
Probably you are using the original one released in Jul/Aug 1990.

By mid 92, that clearance spec was revised in Japan and new manual was released in time for the introduction of the Type-R.

It's only a reference figure but the latest spec for the clearance [ B ] is 0.25 - 0.40mm (0.010 - 0.016in).

The zipped version of the workshop manual can be downloaded through NSX Prime and it contains about 1,000 of pdf files.
You can find the zipped version half way down the list.

Majority of the pdf files are linked so if you click on the blue highlighted text, it will jump to the linked destination.

Some of the pages are missing but combined with the 1st edition of the manual that you have, should be plenty of info available.

You've already answered your question about the guide comp (guide assy).

When you buy new OEM twin disc CL, it comes with the new guide comp pre-installed.

As a side note, if you still have the used mid plate, just play with it to understand how the guide moves and the clearance [ B ].
Just follow the inspection procedure.

You can even disassemble the guide comp. and see how the two pieces wedged guide move against the guide collar.

If you know what you are doing, you can even initialise it on the bench but if it's the first time, best following the workshop manual.


06-12-2021, 12:41 PM
Many thanks for your reply Kaz. I've accessed the later SM from your link & this is the page for initializing the clutch assembly.
some of the text has been updated from the earlier SM dimensions A & B, now (0.010 - 0.016in).

I've studied the old clutch assembly to understand how the guides & mid plate adjust/move together but as the guide is a single machined piece, the mid plate can only move within the recess as I've indicated here
so the thing I'm trying to understand is, the dimension critical or, as long as there is a clearance & the mid plate moves freely, there is no problem.

My new clutch only measures 0.008in (Dimension B), is this enough ?