View Full Version : Future of the Forum - Aug/24

06-08-2024, 12:26 PM
[Update: **/***/24 **:**] ****

[Update: 29/AUG/24 19:35] Example of platform options and cost

[Update: 29/AUG/24 11:57] Number of feed back from members

[Update: 29/AUG/24 11:57] Naming

Hi, all.
I'll keep this as 'Sticky thread' so that it always appear at the top section within this area.

Decided to start as a new thread.
Could have posted in 'NSXCB Website discussion' area but decided to post in 'General'.

Background info here;

As you may know, we have about 1 year of time to make decision on future of this Forum platform.

First thing first, please note that no one owns this site including all administrator right holders – NSXGB, Senninha, forumadmin (Kevin) and Kaz-kzukNA1.

Everything we do is on voluntary basis and all platinum contribution goes to the running of the site.
None of us got paid for what we do.

First of all, I would like to say thank you to Kevin for not just starting this Forum but also for looking after the site for years even after he no longer owned NSX or even started living outside of UK.

Can't find the right word to thank him enough but I think everyone has the same view.

We really appreciate what you have started and kept doing for such long time.
Thank you.

To start with, I would like to pass on what Kevin mentioned when he decided to hand the 'key' of the Forum to three of us mentioned above.

In his word;
I would suggest rebranding it away from nsxcb.
It seems a bit silly now to call it the NSX Club Britain, when there is another club.
I would just call it UK NSX forums or something.
Keep the nsxcb.co.uk DNS pointing to it, and add a new DNS for the future.

I also hope it will continue to be non profit for those that run it.
I've been running it for 24 years, and I guess I could have sold it, if someone would buy it.
But I hand it over to you to carry on in the same way as it started.

Kevin didn't know the reason for creating the separated Club.
Nothing decided yet.
And that's the whole point of this thread.

However, as the courtesy to Kevin, we are keeping this as non-profit basis for now.
Personally, I would follow his wish of non-profit basis.

Also, I don't mind keeping the wording 'nsxcb' as is.

Until Kevin pointed out, completely forgotten that it standed for NSX Club Britain.
I just always refered this Forum as 'nsxcb' or 'the Forum'.

Many recognise it as nsxcb on the NSX Prime as well, just like referring NSX Prime as 'prime' so my personal view is to keep it as is.

I have been thinking about the future of this Forum quite some time and discussed about the potential options in another thread as well as with some of the users in the background.

Before we start, one question for you.

Should we discuss this within Platinum status members only or should involve everyone including non-Platinum ones?

From certain point of view, it makes sense for the Platinum members to decide the future.

They are the ones who made the contribution in keeping the Forum running until now.

Considering all sorts of different platforms for expressing one's view, Q&A, etc, there are other methods in reaching out to other fellow owners or posting photo/video/media in much quicker and easier way than the Forum.
Still, I believe the Forum has its own place among other platform.

However, when the money runs out, that's it. No more Forum.
So, can see the point of having priority of the opinion from the current and the previous Platinum members.

On the other hand, from different point of view, there are many long term users still on here and possibly no longer Platinum status or even never became as Platinum.

Although I was following this Forum for years, I only joined as a member in 2008.
So, I must say, I'm fairly new and don't feel comfortable in not getting the feedback from the long term users involved on the Forum.

There are few different channels that could be discussing this subject even if we start the discussion among the Platinum members only.

For example, there is a WhatsApp group that sorepaws started and it's quite active.

Same topic could be discussed outside of this Forum even if we limit the discussion among the Platinum members.

Thus, not much point in limiting the discussion to Platinum members despite what I wrote first.

There is also FB group that I started but very unlikely to discuss this on there as some of the members are not even visited this Forum.

So, before presenting some of the available options for the future platform, please provide your view on how we want to start the discussion.

If not enough reply or no decision can be made, please allow the current administrators to make the final say.

Thank you.

06-08-2024, 03:17 PM
Thanks for summing up the current situation, Kaz. Thoughts (in no particular order):

only a few hundred NSXs on the road in the UK
some enthusiasts have two (or more?)
some are with collectors with large car collections and no interest in spending time contributing to a forum
some are happy with the more superficial chat on Facebook
so there are just not enough people to support the forum to the level it was when I joined
there's a huge amount of vital info in the database
all written by enthusiasts for enthusiasts
the running costs outlined by the admins are out of all proportion to the current level of activity

All of which, in combination, makes me think that it would be best to try to move the UK club. And the only place that I think is sensible would be a (new) section of NSX Prime. That's if the Prime owners/admin would allow and facilitate it. :)

Ideally, the many contributions in our blog/forum database are portable. Spending the Platinum funds to get a SQL expert to port the data might be feasible? (fingers crossed)

The NSXCB domain could be pointed at the relevant area of Prime, with an explainer home page left online. (A single page with redirect link would be very cheap to leave standing for as long as it was thought useful.)

06-08-2024, 05:22 PM
First of all, huge thanks to the people who've kept the forum running up to now - NSXGB, Senninha, forumadmin (Kevin) and Kaz-kzukNA1.
Secondly, thanks also to the technical leading lights who have shared their knowledge on here, Kaz of course, but there are others, you know who you are.
Through the efforts of these two groups of people, the forum has been a fantastic resource. Personally, I've saved far more money and hassle by using the information on here than the Platinum subscription has cost me. Platinum membership has been a great investment.

My preferences on what the future would look like,
- WhatsApp and FB are fine for social discussions - meets, events, sharing YouTube videos, etc, especially so for people who already know each other. TBH, I don't much enjoy scrolling through the chit chat.
- But I'd like to see a different platform for sharing functional information - the kind of info you might want to go back to, i.e. tech info, how much you paid for your insurance, cars which come up for sale.
- It would be great if the current NSXCB info could be archived and available in the future.
- Moving NSXCB across to Prime looks like it might be a solution.


06-08-2024, 07:21 PM
I concur with other members. It would be incredibly sad if the forum closed and all the information and club history was lost.
It’s a fantastic resource. I’d also like to join in and thank those who have run the club over the years.
If I understand correctly, we would need around £45.00 per month to run the forum? Do we have any idea how many reliable regular members there are?
I would be happy to contribute more. But I can never remember when I last contributed and I forget. If there was a way of sending an email reminder, that might help?
Regarding alternatives; I don’t like the Prime idea. I fear we would just get swallowed up. I’m also not sure I like Prime so much.
I am enjoying the WhatsApp group is nice right now, but again, not a longterm proposition for me. If we do continue with WhatsApp, it will reduce forum traffic further.
I’m for getting a list of potential contributors. Getting a figure per person and seeing how we can promote donations through the site.
Finally, I like NSXCB and think it should stay.


07-08-2024, 02:01 PM
I concur with other members. It would be incredibly sad if the forum closed and all the information and club history was lost.
It’s a fantastic resource. I’d also like to join in and thank those who have run the club over the years.
If I understand correctly, we would need around £45.00 per month to run the forum? Do we have any idea how many reliable regular members there are?
I would be happy to contribute more. But I can never remember when I last contributed and I forget. If there was a way of sending an email reminder, that might help?
Regarding alternatives; I don’t like the Prime idea. I fear we would just get swallowed up. I’m also not sure I like Prime so much.
I am enjoying the WhatsApp group is nice right now, but again, not a longterm proposition for me. If we do continue with WhatsApp, it will reduce forum traffic further.
I’m for getting a list of potential contributors. Getting a figure per person and seeing how we can promote donations through the site.
Finally, I like NSXCB and think it should stay.


I concur with all of this . (saves me typing it all )

07-08-2024, 02:29 PM
Hi Papa...you should receive a reminder email when your platinum membership runs out...of course, it may go into jour junk folder...

Just to throw a suggestion into the pot - we could employ some low-level advertising onto the Web page to generate some funds towards running the forum. I have no idea how much this would raise, but "every little helps" :)

07-08-2024, 07:05 PM
Hi Papa...you should receive a reminder email when your platinum membership runs out...of course, it may go into jour junk folder...

Just to throw a suggestion into the pot - we could employ some low-level advertising onto the Web page to generate some funds towards running the forum. I have no idea how much this would raise, but "every little helps" :)

Hi Simon,

I think that is a good idea. ��

07-08-2024, 07:25 PM
Hi Papa...you should receive a reminder email when your platinum membership runs out...of course, it may go into jour junk folder...

Just to throw a suggestion into the pot - we could employ some low-level advertising onto the Web page to generate some funds towards running the forum. I have no idea how much this would raise, but "every little helps" :)

I agree with comments made so far regarding the future of the forum.
The Owners club do have sponsorship from service providers to help raise funds which I have no objection too. Is there a stipulation to be able to offer advertisement that a forum can not do like the reason the forum couldn't get the PLI?
There are a lot of people in the other club as well that are completely unaware of NSXCB. Maybe we need to consider how we can promote whichever format is selected to increase suitable traffic through the site?

08-08-2024, 09:46 AM
Not seen many of you around for a while, I pop to a few shows etc but it’s only ever the other forum attending and as they have no free forum then no idea what goes on over there.

Would be a shame if nsxcb didn’t continue but web hosting etc seems ridiculous these days.

Maybe move to Facebook group or similar but it would be a shame to lose all the information, resources and memories that are within this forum.

08-08-2024, 10:16 AM
The continuation of NSXCB offers all owners with an archive of information and ongoing support for owners that is either at no or low cost.

The original name NSX Club Britain is for me important. This is more than an information source, it is also a community of owners, while WhatsApp and Facebook provide a level of interaction that is both quick and personal, they are not a replacement for the Forum. If we merge with NSX Prime then there is a chance we lose a local identity.

At one point The Honda NSX Owners Club (THNOC) and NSXCB were linked, that link was removed in 2021 and created a divide. That is just a statement of fact.

If there are events that owners wish to attend that require PLi then their option is either to join THNOC or another club that is open to NSX owners as members. In many ways NSX ownership is too limited in number, so joining forces with other Honda clubs has a number of benefits, but that is off topic in regard to the Forum.

I think that by moving to a more upto date platform - cloud based, by managing costs we can still offer a "service" to owners. The aim (again in my opinion) is for NSXCB to be run by NSX Enthusiasts for NSX Enthusiasts - not just by a few individuals who decide what events etc are available.

Finally if you know NSX owners that are not aware of the Forum - let them know, it's not choosing between the THNOC or NSXCB it is for the support and continued ownership of the NSX. The more NSX's the better.

Nick Graves
16-08-2024, 07:49 AM
I concur with all of this . (saves me typing it all )

Me three.

I hardly ever drop by any more, cannot stand social meeja but it would be a shame to lose it all.

Temple of VTEC's recently gone, so I guess the writing's really on the wall.

18-08-2024, 09:26 PM
Make that 4 …

I will have been a paid up member for 20 yrs next year and whilst I dont post as often, I too would see it as a loss to current and future owners of these uniqu vehicles if all the history and information contained within the forum and the blogs was to be lost … and I would be in support of retaining NSXCB please …

Thanks, Paul

27-08-2024, 07:13 PM
NSXCB future – a proposal from the NSX Club Committee (who are also NSXCB members)

(note the full name of the NSX Club is The Honda NSX Owners Club - details found at www.nsxclub.co.uk)

The NSX Club Committee value the resources of NSXCB and wish to support the process of finding a sustainable structure and funding solution. We believe there is a continuing role in supporting the NSX community for both the NSXCB and NSX Club going forward.

The reason for two organisations existing is a matter of history and led to immediate confusion amongst the NSX community despite the best efforts of the original and current Committee members this has continued.

We propose the following solution:

Maintain both separate entities, with separate governance, but rename as follows:

NSX Drivers Club Forum (formerly NSXCB) – upgraded to latest vBulletin software or alternate, free to access to all other than vendors, but linked through to the NSX Drivers Club to encourage full paid membership. NSX Drivers Club Forum users will not be compelled to join the NSX Club
NSX Drivers Club (formerly NSX Club) – maintain current website and promote NSX Drivers Club Forum for discussions, blogs and access to existing extensive resources.
Funding - the NSX Drivers Club provides funding for the upgrade to the latest version of vBulletin or alternate. Subject to understanding the costs are reasonable and affordable. NSX Drivers Club provides an annual contribution sufficient to fund the running of the NSX Drivers Club Forum on a not-for-profit basis, subject to understanding costs are reasonable and affordable. Based on cost information detailed on NSXCB we believe the costs will be reasonable and affordable.
Platinum membership of NSX Drivers Forum is suspended and replaced by an option to join NSX Drivers Club by a link to the existing automated sign-up process.
NSX Drivers Club removes the current members only Forum function and direct members to NSX Drivers Club Forum (need to check possible).
All subscription collection is through the automated membership service in the NSX Drivers Club website including vendor subscription for NSX Drivers Club Forum
All car show and driving tour events are organised through the automated system in NSX Drivers Club Website. This website can manage local events and does not need to be limited by NSX Drivers Club main events or driving tours which are determined by consultation with members. This does not preclude discussion of events in the NSX Drivers Club Forum, which in fact is encouraged as an effective consultation process.

Subject to approval by NSX Club members.

Next steps would be to gain support from NSX Club members which we expect can be achieved within 2 weeks of the Administrators of NSXCB agreeing in the form of a signed heads of terms based on these principles. An early step will be to secure the Domain names that are available at £60 each for 3 years and complete the VBulletin software upgrade to reduce the current risks with the continued use of old/unsupported software.

We hope this proposal will be supported by NSXCB users by replying to this proposal.

Neil Shaw, Clive Pluckrose and Tom Haywood – NSX Club Committee 27 Aug 2024

27-08-2024, 07:34 PM
Looks like an excellent solution to me. Well done and thanks to Neil, Clive and Tom for working this out.

Edit a day later ... my post was in the context of Kevin's initial post that NSXCB was in imminent danger of closure due to lack of funds. Kaz has clarified in the meantime that that is not the case. This maybe gives space to be a bit more circumspect, but my fundamentals are appreciation for the efforts of anybody who donates their time to any kind of UK NSX activities and interests.

27-08-2024, 08:30 PM
just to clarify, who is 'the nsx club'...??

do you mean the facebook group of that name, or do you mean 'the honda NSX owners club'?

presuming the second, in which case why do we need the name changes? they are already 2 separate entities, history/politics/whatever made sure of that.

is this going to be discussed at the THNSXOC AGM, whenever that is? NEC like last year?

edit... don't worry, AGM was friday apparently, according to THNSXOC events history..... email notification/invitation must have got lost

27-08-2024, 08:54 PM
I deliberately excluded referencing the various Facebook groups that exist as these do not require membership of either organisation and are free to run and are not affected by the funding issues NSXCB faces. The full name of the NSX club is The Honda NSX Owners Club, I will amend the original post to make this clear.

The matter was not discussed at the AGM on Friday as the Committee consider such a significant matter is best handles with consultation with all members.

The suggested name change is designed to pick up other suggestions in thread about potential name changes to help eliminate the continued confusion that exists amongst the NSX community. Most importantly the proposal is designed to solve the immediate and longer term funding problems for NSXCB for the benefit of the NSX Community.

Owners Club.
just to clarify, who is 'the nsx club'...??

do you mean the facebook group of that name, or do you mean 'the honda NSX owners club'?

presuming the second, in which case why do we need the name changes? they are already 2 separate entities, history/politics/whatever made sure of that.

is this going to be discussed at the THNSXOC AGM, whenever that is? NEC like last year?

edit... don't worry, AGM was friday apparently, according to THNSXOC events history..... email notification/invitation must have got lost

Silver Surfer
28-08-2024, 07:11 AM
This solution seems sensible to me and would support as a member to both and agree the wealth of resources and info for the NSX would be best retained and easily accessible for current and future NSX owners, at all reasonable cost.
Will the NSXCB name/logo be retained as this is so well known internationally and nationally..?

I am aware that there was a payment of a significant sum to keep this website going from the Club to the Forum which should keep the Forum going for a number of years and possibly pay for any upgrade...is there any idea where this sum was spent?


Silver Surfer
28-08-2024, 07:15 AM
I can see that the proposal for name change is aiming to help distinguish the 2 entity with one being a owners club and the other being a Forum to eliminate confusion.... but I still would like to maintain the NSXCB name.


Silver Surfer
28-08-2024, 08:48 AM
Just to clarify, the Club is also a non-profit entity?
The Forum is open to all including people who are non-NSX owner browsing etc..?

For those that want to pay or need to pay...
1. Access to Club
2. ?Access to Certain thread of the Forum
3. For Advertising

any thing else?

The income and financial balance showed be transparent and open to all members to see as it is non-profit making so all know what the expenditure is....so all paying members can question or enquire about what their fees are being spent on.

Just my 2p


28-08-2024, 09:09 AM
NSXCB future – a proposal from the NSX Club Committee (who are also NSXCB members)

(note the full name of the NSX Club is The Honda NSX Owners Club - details found at www.nsxclub.co.uk (http://www.nsxclub.co.uk))

The NSX Club Committee value the resources of NSXCB and wish to support the process of finding a sustainable structure and funding solution. We believe there is a continuing role in supporting the NSX community for both the NSXCB and NSX Club going forward.

The reason for two organisations existing is a matter of history and led to immediate confusion amongst the NSX community despite the best efforts of the original and current Committee members this has continued.

We propose the following solution:

Hi, Neil.
Good to see you posting on here and with logical thinking although some are not clear to me.

[ By the way, as in my post #1, I started this thread by specifically asking for the opinion on
whether to discuss this subject among the Platinum members only or involve everyone
based on the example point of view as per my post.

As the discussion already going on, it may no longer matter but I do hope people will re-visit it. ]

I would like to ask you some questions before posting my additional opinion that I on purposely didn't include in post #1.

Although I hold the administrator right, I have the right to express my opinion that may or may not affect the decision making process.

The discussion with you may include the detail that I would like to keep them off the public domain.

For example, the very reason why I left the Club and asked removal of all references related to me on the Club website.
You already know the reason.
It's not clear from my point of view on how your proposal will affect this.

Also, as I'm not your Club member, I have no idea what kind of forum is running on your end.

If I ask following question publicly, it may require something to be disclosed of your end that may be against the sirit of closed member only forum.
So again, thought best asking you privately and not on here.
Would like to know your view on what will happen to existing posts on there.
Merging them into NSXCB Forum???

[ As I started this thread and asked opinion from others on the public forum, I didn't feel comfortable contacting specific member regarding the specific post privately.

Hence, this latest post from me. ]

Will contact you in the near future.

I deliberately excluded referencing the ......

Most importantly the proposal is designed to solve the immediate and longer term funding problems for NSXCB for the benefit of the NSX Community.

Owners Club.
But I can post something already on the public domain now.

Not sure how soon the wording 'immediate' mean but could you modify your post #16?

Could you modify it in case of causing misunderstanding of the wording 'the immediate' and 'problems' ?

Not sure what the 'immediate funding problem' means but there is none.

We are acting well in advance from the cost efficiency.

Possibly you were referring to the post by forumadmin (Kevin) that 'there was only a few months left' if paying the current level of site running cost.

The post is within the link included in my post #1.

http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/showthread.php?16238-NSXCB-Finances-and-web-server-costs (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/showthread.php?16238-NSXCB-Finances-and-web-server-costs)

I already mentioned on here that Kevin didn't know at the time of his writing, the fact that there was already sizeable fund looked after by one of the administrator.
I believe this is the same thing mentioned by Silver Surfer above.

Thank you for your cooperation on this, Neil.

This solution seems sensible to me and ....

I am aware that there was a payment of a significant sum to keep this website going from the Club to the Forum which should keep the Forum going for a number of years and possibly pay for any upgrade...is there any idea where this sum was spent?

Silver Surfer, hope above answers your question.

Regarding the naming….

For the reason I already stated in my post #1, I support keeping the wording 'nsxcb' as is.

No one owns this Forum and the administrator right holders are just volunteers helping the site.

I'm one of them but don't control the site future.

To backup the above, I even stated in post #29 of the above link that I don't mind losing more than 2,700 blog posts if that helps for the future upgrade.

I'll stop here for now.


Silver Surfer
28-08-2024, 09:39 AM
Thanks Kaz

I copy from the Finance and Web server cost thread:

'Hello everyone,

I want to let you all know, that this forum site relies on contributions to pay for the web hosting. It's run non profit, all the contribution money goes into the hosting costs. In the past there was more contributions coming in each year, than the annual costs. However, for the past few years, practically nothing has been coming in contributions, and so the savings have been used to pay the costs. We are in a situation where there are a few months left in the account, to pay for the hosting.

I don't own an NSX anymore. Haven't done so since 2009. It matters to me not one bit, if this site continues to operate or not. When the finances have run out, the site will close.


On that Thread..there was no answer saying how much fund and how much longer the Forum can last except what was written by Kevin above saying 2 months...

I now am aware if no change then the Forum can go on for approx 2 years even with no additional funding....if upgrade is needed then the cost of this should be shared.. so all members are aware.

This will allow time to work out what is best to try an maintain all the data and info from being lost....even your blogs Kaz.

I am not IT savvy but a few of the members here probably are ..so in this day and age, there got to be a good solution to this.


28-08-2024, 11:16 AM
Although I'm a relatively new user I have experience with club & group splits (Nissan GTR forums!) and prefer the idea of the forum and its contents (built up over years of posting on here) being open and available to all, but accepting somene needs ot own it. I'd suggest ownership remains with admins (or other "independent"entity if preferred) and THNSXOC can rename to NSX Drivers Club.

Otherwise keep the name NSXCB.co.uk and consider funding options...If we need funds, either restrict access to certain important/useful areas, see what can be achieved with advertising (suspect not a lot!) or see if annual membership to the forum would attract enough (in my experience voluntary options never work, but some imght consider membership of the forum akin to a club and pay it?).

THNSXOC (renamed to NSX Drivers Club) can contribute to the forum or their members can pay annual membership to NSXCB.co.uk.

Nick Graves
28-08-2024, 11:28 AM
Well, that was precisely why the Popular Front of NSX was set up as a company - a motley crue of Honda fanbois isn't really a legal entity for contractual purposes.

Perhaps the simplest solution might be for the company to reverse into the forum - that way, an individual isn't left carrying the can for unpaid web fees or whatever.

That's if they're interested, of course...and if the subscription idea is palatable.

28-08-2024, 11:48 AM
In answer to some of the suggestions and options offered by the THNOC Committee - I will add some context to the current situation.

NSXCB was the original organisation for UK owners of the Honda NSX (there was no confusion). In order to provide access to events that required PLi THNOC was formed. The THNOC (The Honda NSX Owners Club) was a group within the NSXCB Forum, as a part of the membership to THNOC it was a pre-requisite that there was Platinum membership of NSXCB. The implication of this was that a THNOC member paying £25 per year was contributing £10 of that to the forum. (Note the 2020/21 THNOC AGM proposed a continuation of the original fee process)

In 2020/21 the THNOC Committee took the decision that the full £25 membership fee would be used in order to setup a website and automated membership payment system. A decision made without consulation with the members (the THNOC constitution allows this). The result of this was that funding to NSXCB forum was removed.

The Forum NSXCB is an open platform for discussion and non PLi events, members are able to organise events and promote activities which are available to all, including events that need a code to register attendance.

THNOC is a closed organisation as required to ensure the conditions of Pli are maintained, and as such only members have access to those events that are promoted/approved by the committee.

The offer being put forward to support the Forum by THNOC while being on the surface a generous offer, it restricts the Forum and could if the THNOC decide be "de-funded" by the Committee at anytime as there is nothing in the current Constitution to prevent that.

If there is anything that I have misunderstood or misrepresented please feel free to comment.

28-08-2024, 12:15 PM
Thanks for that precis, Mike. I'm getting a bit bamboozled by the walls of text and various names.

(Thankfully, we're not MX5 drivers, there are about eleventy million MX5 clubs.)

28-08-2024, 01:19 PM
In answer to some of the suggestions and options offered by the THNOC Committee - I will add some context to the current situation.

NSXCB was the original organisation for UK owners of the Honda NSX (there was no confusion). In order to provide access to events that required PLi THNOC was formed. The THNOC (The Honda NSX Owners Club) was a group within the NSXCB Forum, as a part of the membership to THNOC it was a pre-requisite that there was Platinum membership of NSXCB. The implication of this was that a THNOC member paying £25 per year was contributing £10 of that to the forum. (Note the 2020/21 THNOC AGM proposed a continuation of the original fee process)

In 2020/21 the THNOC Committee took the decision that the full £25 membership fee would be used in order to setup a website and automated membership payment system. A decision made without consulation with the members (the THNOC constitution allows this). The result of this was that funding to NSXCB forum was removed.

The Forum NSXCB is an open platform for discussion and non PLi events, members are able to organise events and promote activities which are available to all, including events that need a code to register attendance.

THNOC is a closed organisation as required to ensure the conditions of Pli are maintained, and as such only members have access to those events that are promoted/approved by the committee.

The offer being put forward to support the Forum by THNOC while being on the surface a generous offer, it restricts the Forum and could if the THNOC decide be "de-funded" by the Committee at anytime as there is nothing in the current Constitution to prevent that.

If there is anything that I have misunderstood or misrepresented please feel free to comment.

The part in bold is what I have a problem with

28-08-2024, 04:01 PM
The part in bold is what I have a problem with

Agree. I cannot entertain this. For me; No renaming of the club that many of us have been members of for a long time. Nearly 20 years for me and some pre forum.
More crucially, no link in any way to THNOC. Although it may have been set up as a solution, I can only view it as divisive now.
I could never feel ok about giving the reins to those, who I believe do not have the interests of the club at heart.
We don’t need it and we are better off without it. All we need to do is get the funding organised and we are sorted.

28-08-2024, 05:38 PM
Thank you for your comments, Kaz.

Taking your points in order and using the nomenclature of NSXCB and THNOC.

I think all members views should be considered not just Platinum Members as this is such a small proportion of NSXCB members.

I am happy to talk directly with you about the matters you wish to keep off the public domain including how the matters that led you to leave THNOC can be dealt with to your satisfaction.

The Forum on www.nsxclub.co.uk (http://www.nsxclub.co.uk/) is a modern user interface forum that is much easier to use in many ways than the current version of v Bulletin for example photos and videos are much easier to upload. The volume of information we have is insignificant compared to NSXCB and I think manual transfer of the most important items would not be difficult. The Forum function is a standard feature of the website package we have but can be disabled which would be my intention as just as I feel having two routes to organising events is not necessary and causes confusion (I have had calls about NSXCB only events in the past) the same is true of having two Forums, one would make more sense. I also propose THNOC website directs members to NSXCB for Forum services.

I note your clarification on the funding issue not being an immediate one as I had assumed based on the various information set out in the thread and the earlier one you linked to. I don’t think amending my post is necessary as your clarification and my acceptance of your point are recorded here. However, I am sure you would like to migrate to the latest version of v Bulletin asap to reduce the real and current risks faced by operating such an out-of-date version which I understand is Version 4.2.4 compared to the current Version 6.0.4. From my research it seems 4.2.4. is from 2017 with many releases of upgrades over the last 7 years that have not been taken.
I further note this statement from vBulletin about V4.
vBulletin 4 End of Life
It is recommended to upgrade to vBulletin 6.X
vBulletin 4.2.5 is end of life and will not be receiving any future development. Warning: vBulletin 4.2.5 is not compatible with PHP 7.2.0 or higher.

Naming is always going to be a sensitive point and my only desire to find a way of minimising the continuing confusion that the current names create, and Kevin did suggest it. I am open to discussing how our respective priorities can be met.

I certainly value your blogs and other content very highly and support the various comments that it is important to retain these.
Please also refer to my answers to Mike’s post.

I want to emphasise the offer presented is a genuine one without hidden agenda designed to support the NSXCB and the wider NSX community which is an objective both of us share. I had written to Simon O in July and offered to discuss how THNOC could help with the funding challenge but having not had any follow up before reading your second thread I thought it best to just to make a proposal in a completely transparent way.

If the weight of opinion is already entrenched and set against the proposal from THNOC please just reject it now so we all avoid wasting time. It will not cause any offence at THNOC.

I am aware there is currently a WhatsApp group with a subset of NSXCB members is that for Platinum members such as myself and will I be invited to join?


Hi, Neil.
Good to see you posting on here and with logical thinking although some are not clear to me.

[ By the way, as in my post #1, I started this thread by specifically asking for the opinion on
whether to discuss this subject among the Platinum members only or involve everyone
based on the example point of view as per my post.

As the discussion already going on, it may no longer matter but I do hope people will re-visit it. ]

I would like to ask you some questions before posting my additional opinion that I on purposely didn't include in post #1.

Although I hold the administrator right, I have the right to express my opinion that may or may not affect the decision making process.

The discussion with you may include the detail that I would like to keep them off the public domain.

For example, the very reason why I left the Club and asked removal of all references related to me on the Club website.
You already know the reason.
It's not clear from my point of view on how your proposal will affect this.

Also, as I'm not your Club member, I have no idea what kind of forum is running on your end.

If I ask following question publicly, it may require something to be disclosed of your end that may be against the sirit of closed member only forum.
So again, thought best asking you privately and not on here.
Would like to know your view on what will happen to existing posts on there.
Merging them into NSXCB Forum???

[ As I started this thread and asked opinion from others on the public forum, I didn't feel comfortable contacting specific member regarding the specific post privately.

Hence, this latest post from me. ]

Will contact you in the near future.

But I can post something already on the public domain now.

Not sure how soon the wording 'immediate' mean but could you modify your post #16?

Could you modify it in case of causing misunderstanding of the wording 'the immediate' and 'problems' ?

Not sure what the 'immediate funding problem' means but there is none.

We are acting well in advance from the cost efficiency.

Possibly you were referring to the post by forumadmin (Kevin) that 'there was only a few months left' if paying the current level of site running cost.

The post is within the link included in my post #1.

http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/showthread.php?16238-NSXCB-Finances-and-web-server-costs (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/showthread.php?16238-NSXCB-Finances-and-web-server-costs)

I already mentioned on here that Kevin didn't know at the time of his writing, the fact that there was already sizeable fund looked after by one of the administrator.
I believe this is the same thing mentioned by Silver Surfer above.

Thank you for your cooperation on this, Neil.

Silver Surfer, hope above answers your question.

Regarding the naming….

For the reason I already stated in my post #1, I support keeping the wording 'nsxcb' as is.

No one owns this Forum and the administrator right holders are just volunteers helping the site.

I'm one of them but don't control the site future.

To backup the above, I even stated in post #29 of the above link that I don't mind losing more than 2,700 blog posts if that helps for the future upgrade.

I'll stop here for now.


28-08-2024, 05:43 PM
Thank you for your comments, Mike.

Using your nomenclature and taking your points about the proposal first:

“De funded” Risk. I am confident that with both parties being reasonable this can be avoided for example by all perceived restrictions to fall away if funding ceased. But I would add there is no intention to restrict activities. If the concern is about events that NSXCB wish to attend there would be no restriction, but it would make sense and be most efficient to do that through THNOC. It would also allow all current events led by NSXCB to benefit from PLI for all members of both organisations.

Although it is against my better judgement to perpetuate a discussion about the past history of how we got here as the most important issue is to secure NSXCBs future which is where I think we should focus all our efforts. But there are just a few points of clarity that may help the reader who has not been as close to all this as you and I and a few others.

There would have been no need to establish THNOC if NSXCB Admin/Owner had been willing to convert the NSXCB to formal club to enable the PLI requirement to be met. This was always my preference at the time.
In 2020/21 the membership of THNOC was under 25 and the new committee at that time decided this was not sustainable in the long run. We had all experienced issues with the confusion the two organisations caused, and we considered this was one factor leading to low membership the other being the lack of an effective and efficient website as the face/brand for THNOC.
At 2020/21 THNOC had a £1320.00 liability to NSXCB for Platinum Membership fees collected since 2015. Due to not having the required information from NSXCB to make the payment this was not settled until November 2023 when I made the payment. This may have been a poor assumption, but it had led me to believe there was no funding pressure for NSXCB, and none were highlighted to me at that time until Kaz posted recently.
The changes made were in the best interest of THNOC and we did not consider that it left NSXCB in any worse position as they remained free to collect Platinum Membership fees as they had previously done and indeed continue to.

I hope this also addresses some points made by others. I recognise the number of posts appears to be tiresome for some members so it may be best if we pause more comments for now and allow me to have the call Kaz suggested after which we could issue a summary of the conclusion of those discussions and then pick up any other points that arise.

You will note I have also replied to Kaz this evening.

In answer to some of the suggestions and options offered by the THNOC Committee - I will add some context to the current situation.

NSXCB was the original organisation for UK owners of the Honda NSX (there was no confusion). In order to provide access to events that required PLi THNOC was formed. The THNOC (The Honda NSX Owners Club) was a group within the NSXCB Forum, as a part of the membership to THNOC it was a pre-requisite that there was Platinum membership of NSXCB. The implication of this was that a THNOC member paying £25 per year was contributing £10 of that to the forum. (Note the 2020/21 THNOC AGM proposed a continuation of the original fee process)

In 2020/21 the THNOC Committee took the decision that the full £25 membership fee would be used in order to setup a website and automated membership payment system. A decision made without consulation with the members (the THNOC constitution allows this). The result of this was that funding to NSXCB forum was removed.

The Forum NSXCB is an open platform for discussion and non PLi events, members are able to organise events and promote activities which are available to all, including events that need a code to register attendance.

THNOC is a closed organisation as required to ensure the conditions of Pli are maintained, and as such only members have access to those events that are promoted/approved by the committee.

The offer being put forward to support the Forum by THNOC while being on the surface a generous offer, it restricts the Forum and could if the THNOC decide be "de-funded" by the Committee at anytime as there is nothing in the current Constitution to prevent that.

If there is anything that I have misunderstood or misrepresented please feel free to comment.

NSX 2000
28-08-2024, 06:04 PM
Blimey, this has to be the most commented and viewed thread in a long time! :)

I can't belive I've been a member for over 18 years! I don't want NSXCB to go for many of the same reasons that others have listed above! Because of NSXCB I'll be going to my second wedding later this year (as a guest), various birthday celebrations, dinners, and both non car and car events. I'm sure my first event was going to a rolling road day organised by Kevin! I even ended up buying his old Honda CR-V when he moved to Switzerland.

A few of us are going to Go Japan! on the 8th September and hopefully we will be able to discuss this topic in person, as sometimes people mis read or mis interpret what has been put in writting.

Just putting this link here https://xenforo.com/purchase/ as the sort of cost we might be looking at going forward.

28-08-2024, 06:17 PM
I am aware there is currently a WhatsApp group with a subset of NSXCB members is that for Platinum members such as myself and will I be invited to join?


There was a post on here inviting all to contact me if they wanted to join the WhatsApp group. As far as I am concerned when there is a decision by all those interested in the way forward with NSXCB you are most welcome to join. At this time I am sure you will agree it might be uncomfortable.

post for reference


28-08-2024, 06:48 PM
There was a post on here inviting all to contact me if they wanted to join the WhatsApp group. As far as I am concerned when there is a decision by all those interested in the way forward with NSXCB you are most welcome to join. At this time I am sure you will agree it might be uncomfortable.

post for reference


I did not see the original post, otherwise I would have responded at the time.

I don't see why an open conversion of all options for the future should be uncomfortable for anyone, but of course that is your choice.

28-08-2024, 07:02 PM
So despite not being a comprehensive poster, I have been a member of this forum since 2006 and had endless use of the wealth of information about our beloved NSX. It’s allowed me to own and use my car since 2007 and enjoy the friendships I have made trough it that have lasted for years.

All I would want going forward is not to loose the originality and credibility of this forum and the wealth of information that that it holds to allow us all to keep these amazing vehicles roadworthy and useable.

Having done a few shows and events with the club quite a few years ago, that side personally no longer holds an interest for me. I never joined the other “show club” originally set up to allow us to go to Silverstone all those years ago.

So I am still passionate to keep the Forum going and keep this community together, just as Kevin and the
initial supporters intended.

Kind regards,


28-08-2024, 07:02 PM
I did not see the original post, otherwise I would have responded at the time.

I don't see why an open conversion of all options for the future should be uncomfortable for anyone, but of course that is your choice.

I think we are having an open conversation here which is available to far more people than there would be in a WhatsApp group, since your answer was directed to me, I have answered as such, however I am not the sole administrator of said WhatsApp group, so it is also their choice to make and if they so desire reply here.

You are aware of my personal opinion and have politely dismissed it, that was of course your choice.

28-08-2024, 08:54 PM
is there still a naming issue?

since THNSXOC took the decision to move away from from the NSXCB forum, and indeed set up there own members forum, i don't see it to be an issue.

yes there was confusion when the THNSXOC membership subs were tied to the NSXCB platinum forum subs, but as that is well and truly separated now what is the issue with the names....

of course the THNSXOC can call themselves anything they like, but the proposal seems to be the THNSXOC rename to " 'insert name here' club" and NSXCB gets renamed to " 'insert name here' clubs forum".... that doesn't appear to be promoting 2 separate entities, in fact it does give the impression of steamrollering the NSXCB administrators.

this does seem to be a weird solution to a problem that really doesn't exist any more

28-08-2024, 08:57 PM
I took a quick look at how other clubs/forums approach a similar situation and as such have copied the section from the Honda S2000 Club. It would seem that they are very explicit about the forum as a seperate entity and actively direct club members to it.

If the NSXClub (THNOC) would like to provide a donation based on the value it felt there was in NSXCB for it's members and refer members to the Forum for Technical information and "open" events. This would enable each entity to provide the best for their respective members.

I have copied the S2000 section here :-

At S2KUK we do not have have our own forums.

The club was formed as a result of people coming together on the international forum S2KI, within the UK Community.

For this reason we have no need nor intention to set up our own forum. We encourage members to get involved and sign up to the S2KI forum - which runs a separate but complimentary membership. Registration there to post in general is free.

You can access the S2KI forum by clicking the logo below. This will open another window, and take you to the separate S2KI site; directly to the UK Community Forum

28-08-2024, 09:49 PM
is there still a naming issue?

since THNSXOC took the decision to move away from from the NSXCB forum, and indeed set up there own members forum, i don't see it to be an issue.

yes there was confusion when the THNSXOC membership subs were tied to the NSXCB platinum forum subs, but as that is well and truly separated now what is the issue with the names....

of course the THNSXOC can call themselves anything they like, but the proposal seems to be the THNSXOC rename to " 'insert name here' club" and NSXCB gets renamed to " 'insert name here' clubs forum".... that doesn't appear to be promoting 2 separate entities, in fact it does give the impression of steamrollering the NSXCB administrators.

this does seem to be a weird solution to a problem that really doesn't exist any more

My understanding is that NSXCB was going to continue with its original name with no connection to THNSXOC. Funded and run by forum members. Certainly this appears to be the consensus. Is this inaccurate?

28-08-2024, 10:20 PM
A busy little thread which has got a little animated as it has progressed and had my text inbox busier than usual …

I would like time to consider all the ideas and suggestions, discuss these with other owners and to offer a positive proposal for consideration.

In the meantime, make good use of the remaining summer and enjoy driving your NSX …. I know I will!!

Thanks everyone, Paul

28-08-2024, 10:47 PM
My understanding is that NSXCB was going to continue with its original name with no connection to THNSXOC. Funded and run by forum members. Certainly this appears to be the consensus. Is this inaccurate?

That appears to be the concensus here but that isn't what was in the proposal....

29-08-2024, 06:59 AM

Thank you for bringing to our attention a similar situation in the S2K community, their approach is certainly worth exploring further as at first glance it includes solutions to at least some of the important objectives of our proposal and my subsequent responses.

I could not see the logo/link referred to in your post could you please add it?

Could you please also send me contact details for people at both the S2K entities so I can talk to them directly to understand it better before Kaz calls me?

Based on further comments by others after my latest responses yesterday to Mike and Kaz I again assure NSXCB members neither I nor THNOC have any hidden agendas and are certainly not trying to steamroller NSXCB administrators. We are simply trying to provide options for an enduring solution to the funding requirements of NSXCB and find ways that THNOC and NSXCB can work more effectively together for the benefit of the NSX Community.

I hope we can now pause further comments on our proposal until Kaz and I have spoken and reported back, I am not suggesting other matters related to the topic outside our proposal are paused of course.

Thank you again


I took a quick look at how other clubs/forums approach a similar situation and as such have copied the section from the Honda S2000 Club. It would seem that they are very explicit about the forum as a seperate entity and actively direct club members to it.

If the NSXClub (THNOC) would like to provide a donation based on the value it felt there was in NSXCB for it's members and refer members to the Forum for Technical information and "open" events. This would enable each entity to provide the best for their respective members.

I have copied the S2000 section here :-

At S2KUK we do not have have our own forums.

The club was formed as a result of people coming together on the international forum S2KI, within the UK Community.

For this reason we have no need nor intention to set up our own forum. We encourage members to get involved and sign up to the S2KI forum - which runs a separate but complimentary membership. Registration there to post in general is free.

You can access the S2KI forum by clicking the logo below. This will open another window, and take you to the separate S2KI site; directly to the UK Community Forum

29-08-2024, 07:11 AM

Thank you for bringing to our attention a similar situation in the S2K community, their approach is certainly worth exploring further as at first glance it includes solutions to at least some of the important objectives of our proposal and my subsequent responses.

I could not see the logo/link referred to in your post could you please add it?

Could you please also send me contact details for people at both the S2K entities so I can talk to them directly to understand it better before Kaz calls me?

Based on further comments by others after my latest responses yesterday to Mike and Kaz I again assure NSXCB members neither I nor THNOC have any hidden agendas and are certainly not trying to steamroller NSXCB administrators. We are simply trying to provide options for an enduring solution to the funding requirements of NSXCB and find ways that THNOC and NSXCB can work more effectively together for the benefit of the NSX Community.

I hope we can now pause further comments on our proposal until Kaz and I have spoken and reported back, I am not suggesting other matters related to the topic outside our proposal are paused of course.

Thank you again



this is the link to the page on the S2000 Club site https://s2kuk.com/s2kuk-forum.php - you will see the text I copied and within that the mentioned link.

29-08-2024, 07:13 AM
That appears to be the concensus here but that isn't what was in the proposal....

Agreed. Knowing this. My confusion is; Now, why are we even discussing something we did not ask for and do not want?

NSX 2000
29-08-2024, 08:37 AM
Found this old thread from 10 years ago


So a bit of context to the history of this subject.

Very interesting to see so many of us are still here and still have an NSX.

29-08-2024, 08:43 AM
Found this old thread from 10 years ago


So a bit of context to the history of this subject.

Very interesting to see so many of us are still here and still have an NSX.

Ahhh I remember those days ! This goes back to the days where the events (Silverstone Classic as it was) and the discussion for PLI requirement, which if I remember correctly is why it all started in the first place.

As this has morphed a bit due to the discussions on the future of the forum hosting/ taking over of the Admin positions to run the forum etc. ( or have we spun off on another tangent?)


Silver Surfer
29-08-2024, 10:11 AM
At the end of the day..we all want the NSXCB forum to be open access for everyone like it is.. and the Club was to help attend events and to a bonus to be in a formal car club (may help with valuation/insurances etc). The 2 are not mutually exclusive.
We want to attract new members, we want it to be affordable and optional if you want to pay for additional privileges etc.
The Club is an extension from the Forum with the same veteran members from the Forum in both Forum and Club. The Forum has different members as Admin and the Club now has different members on the board from when it was started.
The later indifference in opinion has lead to the separation as us and them.... !!

The Forum needs funds to maintain and progress with updates. We all want it to be user-friendly like many modern Forum sites. The cost of this needs to be met with a non-profit way and be transparent for all members to see...this is for the Club also!
The Club has now been successful with current board to increase membership by 5 folds ...this should easily help to fund the forum and increase traffic...again what's not to like?

There should not be any personal differences impacting on function of both.... and unilateral decisions are unhelpful and should be a consensus model.

I will stop here as a contributor to both...Just my 2P worth as usual.

As Forumadmin said...enjoy the rest of summer and hopefully a solution will be found in a simplistic manner.


29-08-2024, 10:38 AM
At the end of the day..we all want the NSXCB forum to be open access for everyone like it is.. and the Club was to help attend events and to a bonus to be in a formal car club (may help with valuation/insurances etc). The 2 are not mutually exclusive.
We want to attract new members, we want it to be affordable and optional if you want to pay for additional privileges etc.
The Club is an extension from the Forum with the same veteran members from the Forum in both Forum and Club. The Forum has different members as Admin and the Club now has different members on the board from when it was started.
The later indifference in opinion has lead to the separation as us and them.... !!

The Forum needs funds to maintain and progress with updates. We all want it to be user-friendly like many modern Forum sites. The cost of this needs to be met with a non-profit way and be transparent for all members to see...this is for the Club also!
The Club has now been successful with current board to increase membership by 5 folds ...this should easily help to fund the forum and increase traffic...again what's not to like?

There should not be any personal differences impacting on function of both.... and unilateral decisions are unhelpful and should be a consensus model.

I will stop here as a contributor to both...Just my 2P worth as usual.

As Forumadmin said...enjoy the rest of summer and hopefully a solution will be found in a simplistic manner.

Well said, Silver Surfer :)

29-08-2024, 10:39 AM
In case someone joins the discussion half way through without visiting the 1st post, please note that this thread is not just about the feedback on the recent proposal from Shawnsx5 (Neil) who is representing THNOC.

Apart from forum software upgrade is needed, nothing decided and hence the very reason for starting this thread.

I’ll chime in from time to time to remind the purpose of this thread.

29-08-2024, 10:40 AM
As per another thread linked at the beginning of post #1, the discussion started mainly because of the frequent server crash due to frequent visits from AI bots, use of aged platform with several difficulties (photo must be manually compressed and re-sized if uploading directly, etc), security concern (though, it’s public forum so anyone can register and the door is unlocked until certain level), etc.

Despite all these, when you look at the amount of Platinum contribution (rolling 12 months so hard to tell but ‘probably’ something like £150 – 200/year) VS the running cost (I ‘believe’ it’s about £500/year), clearly not cost effective.

29-08-2024, 10:40 AM
Fortunately, we still have fair amount of fund (will ask one of the administrator to chime in as I never got involved on the financial side of this Forum) that I ‘think’ we have at least more than 12 months on deciding the next platform/direction.

Hence, this thread was started.

29-08-2024, 10:41 AM
As part of post #1, there was recommendation from forumadmin (Kevin) who was part of the original creator of this Forum.
In there, there was a suggestion to change the name of the Forum.

And another voice to change the name was included in the proposal from THNOC.

Regardless of people replying back to Kevin’s proposal or THNOC one, we can see lots of feedback on this.

Each is considered as just one voice.

Same goes to me.
While I support Kevin’s wish, my view is to keep ‘nsxcb’ name as is.
Just another voice.
Nothing more nothing less.

29-08-2024, 10:43 AM
Few months ago, I looked into several options for the platform including the guidance price but I didn’t contact the vendor and thus, the cost info was not accurate enough but good starting point.

I used it when talking to Honcho at NSX Prime who went through the same software upgrade/change of platform process recently.

I’ll just cut and paste my old info of example options later.

29-08-2024, 10:43 AM
So far, followings are what I can see on here.

I’ll link them into #1 post for ease of future reference.

And update them from time to time.

29-08-2024, 10:44 AM
While there are over 50 posts so far, they are from only 17 members.
13 x Platinum member
4 x non-Platinum member

While there was a request from Neil to hold the reply specific to his proposal, this number is something I see it controllable.

Far easier and nothing like the time taken for listening to the opinion of 100+ engineers in the team.

29-08-2024, 10:45 AM
Regarding the name of the nsxcb Forum.

There was one recommendation to change it and not a post in this thread.
It was from Kevin at the time of handing the key of the Forum to us.

Another vote for change was included in the post from Shawnsx5 (Neil) as part of proposal from THNOC.

If I’m not mistaken, so far, majority of voices are to keep it as is, nsxcb.

Please correct me if I’m wrong.

29-08-2024, 10:47 AM
I can see members wish to prevent the confusion between the nsxcb (I normally refer to this as ‘the Forum’) and THNOC (I refer to this as ‘the Club’).

And some connection between the two.

As the title states as ‘Future of the Forum’, I believe that lead to the proposal from Neil – THNOC.

This subject was not necessarily my main point of starting this thread, I’ll keep this discussion going.

Or, if I see it appropriate, I ‘may’ consider moving to another thread.

29-08-2024, 10:47 AM
For the clarification, we must decide on the future of the forum software in reasonable time.

And even after that, it doesn’t mean we must stick with the decision forever.

I think many platforms offer the trial period.

We can always review the new platform after some time and at some point, change again if the new one is not fit for purpose.

29-08-2024, 10:53 AM
[Update: 29/AUG/24 11:57]
Apology for the multiple posts as I couldn't find better way to link specific contents into post #1.

Discussion on other subjects can go on in parallel.

For example,
upgrade the software,
see how many people wishing to contribute,
add safety margin for future cost,
divide total yearly amount by the head counts
and propose the Platinum contribution amount per member.

Regardless of the possible on-going discussion on the subject of nsxcb and THNOC, everyone can make one’s own decision on joining each party, make Platinum contribution and/or pay for THNOC membership fee.

THNOC is required for PLI, etc but members must follow the constitution.

NSXCB is not recognised as public organisation so without PLI but can freely express one's opinion including negative view on Honda or even NSX as there is no constitution.

If THNOC regards the contents of the Forum in a good way described within this thread, more than welcome for making Platinum contribution if want to.

I'll stop here as currently, having higher priority matter back in Japan and other countries.


29-08-2024, 04:40 PM
Example of Forum software options and cost comparison.

Please note that I have never involved in the financial side of the forum that followings are just my estimate.

Also, the price tag below are reference only as I looked at them several months ago.

Haven’t even spoken with vBulletin or other vendors about the additional software modules cost, etc.

It is just to provide some idea on what’s available out there.

For the clarification, these are just my personal understanding and no way recommending any selection at this stage.

Current: £600+ /year (price went up after Kevin’s info.)
Virtual server with vBulletin v4
Does not meet the level of income.
Difficult to upload media, outdated, etc.
Had to be re-booted many times even within the last few weeks.

vBulletin 6 Self-hosting: £110 (one off new license) + server running cost
Latest platform, lots of control.
Won’t save anything if we keep using the same server service as above (£600+ /year).
Addons at extra and possibly some of the update modules as well.
Group of people must spare their time for house-keeping (upgrade, patch, etc) of the site.
Can export to other platform in the future.

vBulletin Cloud: starts from around £150/year
Haven't investigated on what we can keep and what will be lost.
Limited control and customisation but possibly enough.
25GB bandwidth for the above starting price.
Should be enough for small community.
I ‘think’ 100GB storage space.
Addons at extra.
Hosting and upgrade done by the staff at vBulletin.
Can export to other platform in the future.

Seek different platform: like XenForo, Discourse, etc.
Prime went down this route.
All sorts of price tag and hosting options.

As a side note, NSX Prime decided NOT TO self-host their website.
Instead, they went the direction of Cloud hosting asking the staff at Xenforo to run and maintain their site.
They are on XenForo Standard plan that is $100/month.
This makes over £900/year.

And because they are already exceeding the traffic cap, they are likely to move up to the next tier level that would be much more expensive.
But they can afford it at this stage.

Any changes will never make everyone happy.
At this stage, don't know what will be kept and what will be lost.
Hence, my statement related to the possible loss of all of my blog posts.

I think photo album feature was lost at Prime when they changed the platform.
Will always be some complaints after the changes.

Still, best start discussion now while we have well over 12 months of time (possibly 24 months???) even without further Platinum contribution.

One option for the immediate saving would be;

Find something at the price tag of £300 – 400,

get 20 people with something like £20/year contribution,

then we can survive for quite some time based on the available funds currently in the pocket while reviewing further options in the longer term if required.

Again, just an example and not a recommendation.


Nick Graves
30-08-2024, 10:47 AM
Blimey, I'd not realised the relationship with The Splitters was so acrimonious...

From what I recall of other migrations, it's a FPITA and a lot of stuff gets lost.

I'd therefore get the experts to do it, as I am conscious that it's someone's time and swearing to do it.

Perhaps start from the other end - what would members be prepared to pay per annum and how many of us could commit?

Does £25 seem acceptable? I am conscious of gov't money-printing/inflation - and our cars aren't £20K old bangers any more...

But send me a renewal reminder as I'm very easily side-tracked!