View Full Version : Nearly back on the road- new clutch

13-10-2006, 11:42 AM
HI All,

Yep the saga is nearly over, for those of you that remember back earlier this year my clutch gave out.
What I found out when I took it appart really P****d me off!. THe last person to work on this clutch put the plates in THE WRONG PLACE!! the one that should have been againt the flywheel was between the preasure plate and the mid plate and vice versa!

This caused damage to the mid plate and preasure plate and I found the release bearing in bits!!

SO to cut a long story short, I'm picking up the new parts today, and given a little time to myself, all going well I'll be back on the road mid next week.

13-10-2006, 01:11 PM
Good to hear, seems like an age since you posted! Glad to have you back and glad you sorted out the clutch in the end!

15-10-2006, 03:36 PM

It has been a while, and as I dig deeper with my car I keep finding "little" problems to sort out. It seems my poor NSX has been seriously neglected in the past, but I'm slowly getting there. I did say I wanted a project car!!!

All going well the parts should be here on Wednesday, which means back on the road wednesday night.

15-10-2006, 07:33 PM
Good to hear from you again Jim,

Just take your time and make sure you do the jobs right this time around (unlike the previous owners appear to have done) so you can start to enjoy it again


16-10-2006, 11:38 AM
Oh don't worry I'll be making sure everything is done by the book. Although it was relatively easy getting the gearbox off it's not the kind of thing I plan on doing a lot! As I said in in my last post, it seems this car was seriously neglected, so with a bit of TLC I should have it back to beng as good as new. I'm just frustrated sitting here waiting on parts when all I want to do is get out there on the road again.

I'll keep you all posted how it goes.


28-10-2006, 08:52 AM
HI all,

For anyone that is interested, I'm making progress The parts FINALY arrived from Honda ( well 2 out of 3), and so far I have managed to get the new clutch and gearbox back in place. All I am waiting for now it 1 driveshaft seal. With any luck that will be here in a day or two and I can get back out on the road.............oh it's been a long wait but now it's so close!!!! I feel like a kid waiting to open his christmas presents!!

29-10-2006, 10:05 AM
Well done, now tell us that you took pictures please. It will be great to document a DIY clutch change.



29-10-2006, 11:13 AM

Now as much as I would like to say "yeah got lots of pics" er um I didn't! I did intend to take pics while it was all in bits but the wait for the parts and having to "make" an alignment tool, once we got the gearbox back in FIRST TIME ! I was jumping through hoops with excitement. What I can do is write in detail how it was done if anyone is interested. If there is ever a next time I will definately document it with pics.

29-10-2006, 08:53 PM

There are plenty of pics on the "Clutch DIY" by VBNSX over on Prime. Also the thread Mutley started when his clutch first went wrong might be useful. Here are the links...




29-10-2006, 09:01 PM
Cheers Mark,

I will check them out, I am just curious as to how it all goes together.



04-11-2006, 08:45 PM
NEARLY THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Only waiting on one driveshaft/diff oil seal whith will be here on monday!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

07-11-2006, 05:40 PM
YABBADABBADOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i'M BACK ON THE ROAD!!!!!!

07-11-2006, 11:18 PM
Congrats Jim