View Full Version : The ultimate anti-theft device

31-12-2006, 07:49 PM
Off on holidays tomorrow,i think my car will be safe :D
By the way,Happy new year to you all.Will be busy later on packing to go so may not get a chance to wish you all later.


31-12-2006, 10:03 PM
Happy New Year. Looks pretty good to me!

When I had my Renault Alpine GTA turbo but no garage I used to swap all the plug leads around when I went on holiday. It wasn't obvious looking at them how they were supposed to go and you could turn it over all day and not have it start. Had to remember to write down the correct order on a bit of paper so's I could put it back together on my return mind you!

(This only works with French or Italian cars where the electrics resemble a small birds nest however, on a Honda the leads I'm sure all lie in nice neat lines!)

01-01-2007, 05:01 AM
I did the same thing only I used 6 x 6 wooden blocks, while i'm in Nassau. I have used them before and they seem to work very well.

