View Full Version : Warranty cover.

Ferris Bueller
20-02-2007, 10:52 PM
My NSX has over 18 months worth of warranty left on it. Can the warranty be extended beyond that period?

20-02-2007, 11:07 PM
How old is your car??

Y1 has a Honda extended warranty until March 2008 when it will be 7 years old - the maximum age you can extend an official Honda warranty to.

I am sure there are independent offerings, but whether or not they are worth the paper they are written on is a matter of some conjecture.

20-02-2007, 11:10 PM
It's an '04 isn't it in which case yes! I believe Simon has a good Honda contact for extending the warranty unless I'm very much mistaken! They do need to check the car over I think if the warranty has lapsed, but in theory I can't see why they would need to if it hasn't, just a case of getting a good deal on it!

Hope you're enjoying the X so far..?;)

20-02-2007, 11:35 PM
The 'full' Honda warranty can be extended up to the 8th birthday, then you can have a 'limited' warranty added. But yes, if you want to purchase a warranty then I have a contact that can do them at a good price.

20-02-2007, 11:48 PM
Most extended dealer warranties aren't even worth the paper they're printed on.

Try somewhere like Warranty Direct, you can get comprehensive cover and all work can be done by Honda if you're paranoid about such things. It just depends if they cover 'exotics' like the NSX.

21-02-2007, 12:18 AM
The 'full' Honda warranty can be extended up to the 8th birthday, then you can have a 'limited' warranty added. But yes, if you want to purchase a warranty then I have a contact that can do them at a good price.


Can you share any details on the limited warranty please. Its something I have been thinking about and I have a sevvice due in late spring so this could serve as the pre-warranty check maybe?

regards, Paul

21-02-2007, 10:30 AM
I found the Honda extended warranty more than paid for itself, I had the wear and tear option also though.

Replaced over a short period I had

Boot lid struts
Rear wheel bearing
Rear light cluster
Fuel pressure relay
Aircon compressor

There were a few other things as well but the details escape me and the service history is packed somewhere ??

But there were no problems with any of that list, all were not broken but not 100% either but were replaced quickly and efficiently.

21-02-2007, 10:47 AM
Hi Simon,

As will be apparent from my post above, I was under the impression Honda would only offer a 'full' warranty on cars up to 7 years old........this not being the case, I would like to extend the warranty on Y1 for another year up to the max. 8 years (March '09 sounds very reassuring!), and would be most grateful for the contact details of your purveyor of cheap warranties!

How much can I expect 12 months to cost ? (I am thinking ~£300????)

23-02-2007, 10:51 AM
Hi Simon,

As will be apparent from my post above, I was under the impression Honda would only offer a 'full' warranty on cars up to 7 years old........this not being the case, I would like to extend the warranty on Y1 for another year up to the max. 8 years (March '09 sounds very reassuring!), and would be most grateful for the contact details of your purveyor of cheap warranties!

How much can I expect 12 months to cost ? (I am thinking ~£300????)

Does anyone know the cost for a year's extension, for standard warranty and/or wear and tear option?