View Full Version : Please Help find my STOLEN NSX!!

25-02-2007, 05:48 PM
Hey all,

I'm hoping that thanks to a relatively small number of these vehicles being in the UK, that there's a chance I might find my car which has been STOLEN.

The REG number is K24 XPL

ALTHOUGH - when I bought the car, it carried the mark K22 00M - and I believe when the car was stolen that these plates may have been still in the 'boot'

It's a 1993 Fixed head coupe, Red with black roof.

Items which would help to identify my car is that it's fitted with the 'later' model wheels all of which are curbed quite badly (including the spokes - not by myself i might add) and the center caps are missing (tea leaves at work)

Also the paint on the front bumper is a little faded compared to the rest of the car which is unmarked.

The car has about 140k miles on the odometer which might also help identify it if shows up as a 'ringer' somewhere - I expect there arent many with this many miles. Although someone unscrupulous could easily wind the miles back, she disguised them well.

I am in a huge amount of grief over the loss! and to make it worse, my insurance had expired (no i don't expect any sympathy about this really - my fault) as I was abroad working for just over a year. So it's just left a huge nsx shaped hole in my life at the moment.

25-02-2007, 05:57 PM
The most recent pictures of the car I have... (yeah I know, not all that helpful, but you know what they look like.... and you can see the wheels) - still wearing it's old numberplates at this stage before I went back to the original mark.

By the way - it's a manual


25-02-2007, 06:27 PM
Really sorry to hear about your loss. Could you give us some idea of geography, i.e. where it was stolen from? Lack of insurance is a really bummer.

I think it would be well worth posting the same link on NSX Prime too - as yous say there are so few out there. Maybe Piston Heads too for good measure there have been a number of high profile cars recovered after being highlighted on there in recent months as there are so many spotters on that site of all things special!

Any other identifiers you can think of apart from the 7 spoke wheels? I don't suppose you have a record of the VIN for example?

Good luck with the search...


25-02-2007, 06:46 PM
VIN: JHMNA11500T001032
ENGINE NO: C30A3-1000832

Identifying features.
Slightly Faded front bumper
One fog light missing (drivers side)
Aerial replaced with short black springy one (nasty - but was temporary after the old one ejected itself)
Clutch was slipping (probably means that it will appear at a specialist sometime soon)
7 spoke late model wheels - curbed badly - center caps missing
Right hand exhaust appears to hang slightly low
Slight misalignment of front bumper (also a little overspray on the rubbers join at top of front bumper)

Stolen from North London (NW3) - and this is the bit that will sound ridiculous. I was taken sometime in the past 12 months.... *** Yes i know how silly this sounds. but I have been abroad working ***

I know it's not a lot to go on... but I would still spot my car instantly in a line up... so please guys, If you spot an early red car with late wheels, let me know!!!

(and of course before someone suggests it, I have checked with the council etc that it was not towed etc - well at least they deny that they towed it)

I will offer a CASH no-questions reward for the return of my car! I really don't give a monkeys if I have to put the cash in the hands of whoever stole it. I just want it back.

25-02-2007, 06:51 PM
Oh dear that must of been a hell of a nasty surprise when you retured!

Was it parked on the street then?! Surely a neighbour would be able to give you an idea roughly when it was no longer improving the look out of their window?

I'm sure everyone who sees this thread will keep their eyes peeled!

25-02-2007, 06:53 PM
I know it's not want you want to hear, but it may be worth looking on E-Bay too. There are often NSX parts for sale and you may spot something you recognise.

All the best,


25-02-2007, 06:56 PM
I think it would be well worth posting the same link on NSX Prime too - as yous say there are so few out there. Maybe Piston Heads too for good measure there have been a number of high profile cars recovered after being highlighted on there in recent months as there are so many spotters on that site of all things special!

and thanks for the suggestion... will do!

NSX 2000
25-02-2007, 06:59 PM
It might not be the council, but if it was parked on the road with out tax then the DVLA might have taken it. Even if you had the car SORN'd it can't be kept on a public highway.

25-02-2007, 06:59 PM
Was it parked on the street then?! Surely a neighbour would be able to give you an idea roughly when it was no longer improving the look out of their window?

Yes it was parked on the street...

Asked around the neighbours... and got.... so many conflicting reports ranging from "I saw it yesterday" through to "It's been gone since you went away, so I assumed you had taken it with you.. etc etc"

25-02-2007, 07:02 PM
It might not be the council, but if it was parked on the road with out tax then the DVLA might have taken it. Even if you had the car SORN'd it can't be kept on a public highway.

DVLA / Council etc all have claimed no record of 'removing' the car... BUT I still count them as very high on my suspect list! Still I don't seem to be making any progress with enquiries on this front... just a simple denial on their part.

25-02-2007, 07:05 PM
Presumably though they would have a record of empounding (dare I say crushing) surely though...

What a nightmare!!!!!!!!

25-02-2007, 07:21 PM
An interior came up for sale the other week, presumably from a crashed car. This car was a K reg. I thought it was Jims car from Bristol, but it may be worth investigating.




25-02-2007, 07:30 PM
Sadly it could well be thinking about it...someone should make an enquirey tomorrow.... :(

25-02-2007, 07:35 PM
Well, wish there was something I could mention that would identify my interior...

but, all there was inside was bog stock black leather... no rips etc, just bearing the scuffs of 140k miles (REASONABLY WELL)

25-02-2007, 07:42 PM
Presumably though they would have a record of empounding (dare I say crushing) surely though...

What a nightmare!!!!!!!!

Apparently they do have a 'record' of any vehicles removed etc... But they are truly a monumentally unhelpful bunch of c**ts. I don't trust/believe them - but what more can I do other than ask, and them say NO?

Police were equally unhelpful and disinterested sadly.

25-02-2007, 07:49 PM
sorry to hear it mate
wot has the cops said
prob dvla not tax no mot no insurance could be crushed by now
unless to order ??
dont think it be ur local chav doin it

thx amo