View Full Version : 1000 and counting

13-03-2007, 12:42 AM
Wow! How time has flown past since I first found the UK home of the NSX. I guess I probably visited the site for around 3 months prior to actually registering just before my birthday in September 2005. It must have been a sign that I was on my way to NSX ownership when on my birthday I rolled and wrote of the S2000 :(

I drove my first NSX in 1991 at the Honda facility in Swindon. I promised myself that I would one day own an NSX. On the 15th of April 2006 this promise came true! It had taken me 7 months and I had viewed as many cars to finally find the one for me, a Magnum Grey Pearl 3.2 Targa :D

S2 NSX had 2 previous keepers who were members of the forum. Its history was well known and remarkably it ticked all the boxes for specification, model, colour and documented history. It also had a couple of subtle upgrades that I liked.

As with many of us, I am a huge Ayrton Senna fan. I am fortunate enough to own some unique items in his memory. My girlfriend believes this was maybe a step to far … :lol:

S2 is the designation given to Senninha, the Ayrton Senna cartoon character who is a symbol of Ayrton's charities to support and deliver education to the under privileged children of Brazil.

Owning the NSX has given much pleasure and introduced me to some great people both here and abroad. At last years Le Mans it kicked off many a conversation with other enthusiasts of what Honda had delivered.

With only a few weeks to go before I celebrate my first year of ownership, I thought it only right to recognise my 1000th post with a Thank you to all my fellow NSXer’s and in particular, Steven, for taking the hard decision to let the NSX find a new home.

I have made many new friends who have helped the enjoyment of my NSX, offering tips and advice as well as offering for sale some of the new bits that S2 has received during my ownership.

I look forward to seeing many of you again over the coming year as well as some new faces that hopefully are enjoying their NSX as much as I do.

Happy Motoring

Regards, Paul

13-03-2007, 01:22 AM
What more appropriate way to celebrate than an NSX meet later today!
Congrats...and look forward to meeting you again.

Martin :-)

13-03-2007, 08:44 AM
Congratulations Paul!

13-03-2007, 08:49 AM
Nicely put Paul, well done!

13-03-2007, 09:04 AM
What a lovely tribute... brings a tear to the eye ;)

Here's to the next 1000 - see you l8r!

13-03-2007, 09:39 AM
Nice post Paul. Your car looks great and I look forward to meeting you both tonight!


13-03-2007, 09:59 AM
Paul, congrats, I think I have the Carbrella in the boot for you.

I should be able to make it and I am in the NSX :)

13-03-2007, 05:09 PM
something for the fellow Ayrton fan,

13-03-2007, 05:25 PM
Looks like it should be a good turn out tonight :D

Whilst we're on the posts subject... happy 1400 Simon!

And happy 600 me! Between us we're twice the poster that Paul is!

13-03-2007, 08:35 PM
congrats mate

thx amo

13-03-2007, 11:57 PM
something for the fellow Ayrton fan,
Thanx Gumball, what a great find. You should post in the video section for all to see.

regards, Paul

14-03-2007, 12:34 AM
Was good to meet you the other month and you did me a huge favour with the brakes. This site is a great place to be, full of pretty cool people.