View Full Version : Spotted - Fusilov's NSX R today

18-03-2007, 05:42 PM
Spotted your car today parked whilst I was on a Knowledge run.
Another member here kindly pointed out it was your car.
The Reg looked familiar, but couldn't place it.

Looked stunning if a little dirty...lol.

Very very nice car :cool:

18-03-2007, 06:41 PM
How's the knowledge going ??
These cars are meant to be used, my excuse for when mine's filthy anyway :)

18-03-2007, 10:25 PM
How's the knowledge going ??
These cars are meant to be used, my excuse for when mine's filthy anyway :)

Only the 7 runs done so far Simon, but I have to start somewhere like everyone else.
Thanks for asking ;)

Lol.....His car certainly doesn't look like it sits for too look, tale tale signs with brake dust @ each corner :p

19-03-2007, 12:15 PM
Never sits for too long have put new high octane fuel in at £120 for full tank,amazing as car is more responsive and much more powerfull,reckon at least 20-30 BHP more,you should all try new fuel.

indi pearl
19-03-2007, 12:19 PM
Sorry to show ignorance but what is, and where do you obtain this "liquid gold"?

19-03-2007, 01:13 PM
Is this the BP 102 Ron ??

Sorry my pockets aren't deep enough for a £120 tank of petrol at the moment.
(Well more like my arms are too short)

Never sits for too long have put new high octane fuel in at £120 for full tank,amazing as car is more responsive and much more powerfull,reckon at least 20-30 BHP more,you should all try new fuel.

19-03-2007, 02:22 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but what's a 'knowledge run'?

19-03-2007, 08:36 PM
Excuse my ignorance, but what's a 'knowledge run'?

London cab drivers test maybe :cool:

19-03-2007, 10:34 PM

Is this the stuff?

20-03-2007, 01:36 AM
:shock: This assumes that the ECU is intellligent enough to cater for it I suppose. An extra 20bhp would push me nicely over the 300bhp mark, which would be nice, but not at that price. I have an alternative idea for achieving 300bhp in the future.

Steve, the Knowledge is the training for new cabbies, you'll often see them on mopeds with clipboards as they learn the 'knowledge' of finding their way around London.

Good luck with the training Space monkey


20-03-2007, 08:55 AM
I thought the only cars to really benefit from the 102 fuel were mapped turbocharged cars? I know there have been some published tests that tuned both a Focus ST and a 911 Turbo. The ST put out 17BHP more unmapped and from memory I think the mapped 911 managed nearer 70bhp. Quite impressive!

It would probably be worth a go once but it would have to really impress me to use it regularly!

20-03-2007, 10:21 AM
My worry is the degradation period of such fuels, super unleaded can degrade to the equivalent of 95Ron fuel in a few weeks. So with the demand for the 102 Ron fuel how long will it stay in the tanks and what will the Ron rating of the fuel that goes in your tank ??

20-03-2007, 10:29 AM
Presumably this gain is comparing to 95RON. Seems silly to me that you pay an extra 5p a litre to get to 99 RON (extra 4 RON) and then and extra £1.50 to get 3 more RON from there.... and what about VPOWER - I thought that was 100RON?

There are Octane boosters on the market so why not just chuck a load of that in as well!? or instead; has to be cheaper than the 102 stuff.

Maybe there is more to this fuel than the extra Ronnies but it would have to be twice as economical for me to put it in!


20-03-2007, 11:16 AM
Spoken like a true actuary ;)

Maybe there is more to this fuel than the extra Ronnies but it would have to be twice as economical for me to put it in!


20-03-2007, 01:58 PM
Possibly, but then wouldn't the 95RON also be degrading? Therefore using the higher RON fuels will always be better comparatively?

What you need to be adding to your petrol is toluene.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toluene, the so called rocket fuel of the turbo F1 era.

I thought I read that octane boosters increase rating by a coupld of points, so a 95RON becomes a 95.2RON, not a 97RON. ( I read that on the Internet so don't know if that's true).

Maybe we should start a new acronym?

IRIOTISIMBW - I Read It On The Internet So I Might Be Wrong

My worry is the degradation period of such fuels, super unleaded can degrade to the equivalent of 95Ron fuel in a few weeks. So with the demand for the 102 Ron fuel how long will it stay in the tanks and what will the Ron rating of the fuel that goes in your tank ??

20-03-2007, 02:38 PM
It is all to do with the stability levels, 95 Ron is far more stable than SUL so degrades less.
As for the 102 Ron I would hope it is more stable than others.

20-03-2007, 02:50 PM
IRIOTI and it says up to 6 RON increase from the boosters. Most were around 2 but the key words for this one is UP TO - maybe theye started with 3RON :O)


20-03-2007, 09:16 PM
Never sits for too long have put new high octane fuel in at £120 for full tank,amazing as car is more responsive and much more powerfull,reckon at least 20-30 BHP more,you should all try new fuel.

Good for you for trying it, especially @ the price.

If you ever see a slightly chubby moped rider with ears on his helmet dribbling over your car & your about to pop out, please take me for a drive....lol

20-03-2007, 09:17 PM
Good luck with the training Space monkey


Thank you for the well wishes ;)

20-03-2007, 09:25 PM
Good for you for trying it, especially @ the price.

well said - despite all of my scepticism i'll have a 20 shot for a laugh if i ever find myself on empty and near one of these 5 super fuel garages... it can't do any harm but may become an expensive addiction iif it really is noticeable!


21-03-2007, 11:00 AM
I would imagine it will take more fuel than that for the ECU learning process :(

well said - despite all of my scepticism i'll have a 20 shot for a laugh if i ever find myself on empty and near one of these 5 super fuel garages... it can't do any harm but may become an expensive addiction iif it really is noticeable!
