View Full Version : Bonnet (front compartment) stuck?

18-04-2007, 11:04 PM
Happened to me the other morning when I went to put the car on charge. Potenitally a pain if the car is dead although as Norton reminded me you can jump the car off of the terminals in the engine bay. When the lever ws pulled it felt like it was free. Getting at it from underneath is not simple as the front tray will not drop without the bumper off (it seems). The fix was to reach up through the spolier and grab the release latch, you have to make sure that the bonnet is actually released and the pawl is not down. If so then have fun trying to manually operate that! Get back inside the car flip the lights with the over ride switch and lift the bonnet either side.

The mechanism on my car was completely full of grit and crud. After degreasing and re-greasing and using a pair of mole grips with a 3" nail to close the catch a few times all is well again. Just thought you might want to check as its not something that you think of and 5 mins work will prevent it from ever causing you problems.


19-04-2007, 12:00 AM
Thanx for the tip. I'll drop a little lube next time the hood is in the air....

regards, Paul

19-04-2007, 07:08 PM
My old Accord would never open the bonnet, and my current CRV doesn't want to sometimes either.

Maybe its a Honda thing. After all, why does a Honda owner need to open the bonnet?

19-04-2007, 07:18 PM
Hmmm fair point, but on the NSX it isn't really the bonnet is it, it's the front bit with the spare in it !!! ( confussed the Port Security the last time I went home, they asked to see in the boot and bonnet... the usual.... and I said, "do you mean the bonnet or in the engine compartment).

Anway back on topic, I hade to adjust my catch and oil it up not long ago.
