View Full Version : 355 Coachworks

19-04-2007, 10:31 PM
Big thanks to Andy and Dave at 355 Coachworks (on the Dunsfold site, used by Plans for their body work). My 91 NSX had at some point in the past some damage to the drivers wing. After a front end respray it still wasn't quite properly aligned so they took it back in and Dave very expertly heated and reshaped the wing and it is now like new again! Seriously impressive stuff and for a very reasonable price. Oh and when picking the car up I had to be careful not to trip over a GTO (Ferrari not Mitsubishi!) casually parked outside so you can see that people trust them with top notch cars (like the NSX heh heh)!

I can recommend these guys 100% for the quality of the work done. Not many bodyshops can do a good job on the aluminium alloys used in an NSX. 355 Coachworks can. When I get my Dino (I wish) I know where I will send it to be sorted!


19-04-2007, 10:40 PM
Hi Robin,

A timely recommendation as I was talking to Plans yesterday about paintwork. With all the tlc you have given, your NSX must be like new, congrats to you. IIRC you have also treated the interior leather to some tlc. Could you remind me what/who you used and where to get the treatments please as I would like to give my leather a feed etc.

regards, Paul

19-04-2007, 11:06 PM
Hi Robin & Paul, where is this Aluminium repair specialists based? I don't need it, but just in case in the future. Just being picky, I assume its a 288 GTO, rather than a 250 GTO !! ;) Also whats the best treatment for the leathers as I used Auto Glym leather treatment/restorer, but on another thread, some said the leather are pre-treated, so will not absorb the treatment, so maybe I'm throwing money away? :D

19-04-2007, 11:09 PM
They are based at Dunsfold, a literal stones throw from Plans.

They managed to flare the arches on our NSX, no mean feat as the aluminum is very brittle.

The amazing amount of machinery they have sitting outside is proof of their reputation!

19-04-2007, 11:46 PM
Sorry, before you call me a women! I assume Dunfolds & Plans are in Greater London or somewhere in the outer counties? I'm from North of the Gap! So geography is limited on whats below the gap ! Cheers :D

20-04-2007, 09:12 AM
They (Plans and 355) are based on the Dunsfold Aerodrome site which is about 10 miles from Guildford in Surrey. Speak to John or Andy at Plans, and Andy Coxon at 355.

Re the Leather: I used the stuff from Gliptone. It's a 3 stage process, cleaner, a dye (which you water down according to how bad the scuff marks are) and then some conditioner. Previously I have used Autoglym conditioner which works pretty well. The Gliptone dye however seems to go on very easily and to be honest black leather is pretty easy to repair so I imagine unnless you actually have tears in the leather you should be able to get a good finish. It also gives the car a nice 'new car' smell (the expensive leathery smell not the horrid plasticky aroma you get with repmobile mind!). I actually skipped the cleaner stage and went straight to the dye.

The other way to refresh the interior is to use some airconditioning cleaner spray from Comma Oils (£10 from Halfords). This is a spray that you set off in the car with the A/C running and it claims to clean the A/C of mould etc. Now I know that the only real way to clean A/C is to do it properly, but the Comma stuff also seems to make old musty cars (nto the NSX I hasten to add!) smell fresh and new again for almost no effort!

and yep NSX 5 now feels 100% like new. When I think that for the same money (cost plus all the work I have had done) I could have bought a very tired and leggy Porsche 996 I cannot believe how much car you can get for the money with an NSX.

20-04-2007, 09:14 AM
From memory it's roughly between Horsham and Guildford on the A24....

20-04-2007, 12:02 PM
I could do with the whole front end of mine realigned. Have tried to play with teh bonnet, but the front bumper is still way off ( as you will all no doubt point out to me at japfest!!)

But I am getting there with it!!


23-04-2007, 10:06 PM
What happened to the front of your car then?

23-04-2007, 10:11 PM
It was involved in a front end collision before I bought it, but whoever done the repair work basicly just threw it back together.

Having now got the mechanical side of the car more or lass as it should be, I'm not working on the cosmetics.


23-04-2007, 10:13 PM
I could do with the whole front end of mine realigned. Have tried to play with teh bonnet, but the front bumper is still way off ( as you will all no doubt point out to me at japfest!!)

But I am getting there with it!!


Please stop beating yourself up about the NSX. Look on the positive side, if it wasn't for the few niggles that you have been puting right, you may not have an NSX which would be far worse.

I would be gobsmaked if anyone 'points' out anything. For sure not everyones car / condition /mods will be to everyones liking (be pretty dull if we all liked the same stuff). For me it will be great to meet so many new faces behind the avatars.

In the meantime, take a few hours out of your busy routine, give the ol' girl a wash'n'polish and come and have a great time with 39 other enthusiasts!!

See you and your much loved NSX at Jamesfest!

Regards, Paul

23-04-2007, 10:21 PM
Yes true Paul, nery true. It's probably because I work in an environment that is based to taking the piss out of each other, and if I dont get some sarcy comments I'll think I'm being left out HAHAHA.

Na on a serious note, I'm with you, it will be great to get us all together and have a bit of a laugh and a bit of banter. That many NSX in one place HAS to be a sight to be seen.



23-04-2007, 10:39 PM
I would be gobsmaked if anyone 'points' out anything. For sure not everyones car / condition /mods will be to everyones liking (be pretty dull if we all liked the same stuff). For me it will be great to meet so many new faces behind the avatars.

Regards, Paul

You say that but, some people are grateful to have things pointed out. Sometimes their NSX is the only one they have seen. There can be things which aren't correct with their car but they don't know it until mentioned. I have had a 'customer' come in, without a front spolier, not knowing there should be one. Another's had a piece of trim installed upside down.

I agree though, I wouldn't just take the piss, because I don't agree with any mods.

So Paul, would you like me to mention anything when we have your car up in the air next weekend?

23-04-2007, 10:50 PM
Kevin, I agree with whay you say there too. I've seen a few NSX around, but not as up-close-and-personal as my own, and athough I am getting mine all sorted out one way or another, going by the manual downloaded, there maybe things really obvious that I have missed and can't work out. So that's also why I'm looking forward to the 19th, so we can all get together and share our worldly knowledge.........( OH and get drunk!!)


23-04-2007, 11:10 PM
I agree though, I wouldn't just take the piss, because I don't agree with any mods.
That'll be 2 of us then ;)

So Paul, would you like me to mention anything when we have your car up in the air next weekend?
Feel free, I'd rather know if something is in the wrong place

regards, Paul

24-04-2007, 12:32 AM
Kevin, I agree with whay you say there too. I've seen a few NSX around, but not as up-close-and-personal as my own, and athough I am getting mine all sorted out one way or another, going by the manual downloaded, there maybe things really obvious that I have missed and can't work out. So that's also why I'm looking forward to the 19th, so we can all get together and share our worldly knowledge.........( OH and get drunk!!)



End of the day they are just cars, things that are made of metal and driven sometimes by retards who abuse them. The current owners don't need to be experts (thats what dealers are for /sarcasm) but maybe sometimes just some reassurance that the £££ they have invested in this huge chnk of metal is somewhat worthwhile? No matter what you have (anything) there is something in better condition/faster/lower mileage/blah/blah/blah. IMO the mere fact you have been working on your car to the extent you have gives you an edge over many owners who's only effort has been to wash and clean:D


24-04-2007, 12:40 AM
You say that but, some people are grateful to have things pointed out.

I find it really satisifying when I put something that is not right back to stock, even better to improve it.

24-04-2007, 02:00 PM
agree 100% Reg. It's just a car at the end of the day. Sure a very nice car with some interesting history to it, but still just a car. Do what you need to do to make it what you want and then enjoy it!

25-04-2007, 12:16 AM
Just my thoughts, we all to different degrees love & cherish our Xs, just because of Japfest is around the corner, its not a concourse judging competition and no car is perfect. Its not a priceless 250GTO or a F1 that sits in a rich persons private collection! All of us in the club have a common interest and the NSX brings us together to share the good or bad experiences, help each other and banter for some fun. Some people have busy jobs/lives, families or other interest, so if your X is prefect, so be it and if it needs some TLC, so what, so long its road worthy with an MOT and is not dangerous to drive, Japfest is a celebration of ownership and gathering of mutual friends ! I can't wait ! James :D ;)

NSX 2000
25-04-2007, 04:44 PM
Just my thoughts, we all to different degrees love & cherish our Xs, just because of Japfest is around the corner, its not a concourse judging competition and no car is perfect. Its not a priceless 250GTO or a F1 that sits in a rich persons private collection! All of us in the club have a common interest and the NSX brings us together to share the good or bad experiences, help each other and banter for some fun. Some people have busy jobs/lives, families or other interest, so if your X is prefect, so be it and if it needs some TLC, so what, so long its road worthy with an MOT and is not dangerous to drive, Japfest is a celebration of ownership and gathering of mutual friends ! I can't wait ! James :D ;)

I think it might be time for a group hug :-)
Or may be a BBQ around simons house ;-)

25-04-2007, 04:53 PM
if I dont get some sarcy comments I'll think I'm being left out HAHAHA.

Don't worry Jim - if you ask me nicely I can make sure you don't feel left out :lol:
I also know some people taht didn't know about the existance/ non-existance of their front spoiler... they were more than happy to have it pointed out.

Some things are best left not pointed out though and I think most people have the sense to know what!

NSX 2000
25-04-2007, 05:16 PM
Don't worry Jim - if you ask me nicely I can make sure you don't feel left out :lol:
I also know some people taht didn't know about the existance/ non-existance of their front spoiler... they were more than happy to have it pointed out.

Some things are best left not pointed out though and I think most people have the sense to know what!

You don't mean things like a sense of humor :lol:

25-04-2007, 05:22 PM
Aswell as a club group members hug, may be we could say a prayer before we tuck in at Simon's BBQ! ;)

Clause- I hope I did'nt offend anyone with the prayer bit? Sorry If I did.

NSX 2000
25-04-2007, 05:47 PM
Aswell as a club group members hug, may be we could say a prayer before we tuck in at Simon's BBQ! ;)

Clause- I hope I did'nt offend anyone with the prayer bit? Sorry If I did.

Oh for christ sake (no pun intended) we are not going all "PC" as well ;-)

25-04-2007, 05:58 PM
Jesus,wheres that Police Constable when you need one?! Is that ok? ;)

25-04-2007, 06:08 PM
Jesus,wheres that Police Constable when you need one?! Is that ok? ;)

Oh dear oh dear, I don'y do PC, think it has all gone out of preportion, but come to think of it, it's gonna be a prepper British meet, I think all 4 countries will be represented. Who's Welsh that's going?

(PS, i'm not a Police Constable, I'm the Military Version, so can only nick Jesus if he's wearing combats!!)

25-04-2007, 06:18 PM
Jim from Jim, I know we are both Jocks, but when we meet, you will be a little surprised as I have a kinda of Dual Nationality with another former UK colony that 6000-7000 miles away! All will be revealed at the wee meet on the 19th !?! ;) James, on rare occasions k/a Jim too!

25-04-2007, 06:32 PM
Hmmm am I sensing a military/brit embassy family perhaps, from far east?

25-04-2007, 06:51 PM
Wish I was, what a lavish life style those Ex Pats lead! So you are indeed a policey kind of person, with good geography! You're warm on the S.E.Asia bit. As Mutley would snigger, heeee, heeee, heeee & all will be revealed IDC ! :D

25-04-2007, 06:58 PM
It's the mileage thing that has got me thinking, at one point I thought Falklands, but that's 8K+. S.E Asia, hmmmmm

I'm sure we'll all find out next month then!


26-04-2007, 12:52 AM
Imagine a NSX in the falklands! would have to fit bull bars for the wild life, a couple of browning machine guns under the head lamps as DB5 and radar to warn against invadars! ;) Well Jim if your X can be recognised with a fluffy Mutley, my entrance to Castle Coome will be joined by some bag pipes ! See you on the 19th ! :D

26-04-2007, 10:23 PM
here he is,

29-04-2007, 12:54 AM
Are you buttoning him up with the seat belt!? Well at least he will keep you company on your long drive down! :D

18-05-2007, 08:55 AM
Guys, further to my previous posts about Plans Motorsport and 355 Coachworks in Dunsfold park, I wanted to clarify that although I had my paintwork done by 355, it was arranged for me by Plans Motorsport (who did all the mechanical work on my car). Plans as most of you know are seriously experienced in all aspects of NSX work, and they subcontract their bodywork to 355. You pay the same going through Plans as you would if you went directly to 355 and you get the advantage of only working via one party and having Plans on site to manage and oversee the work.

Just wanted to point this out as I would not want to give the impression that I had gone separately to 355 or that there was any particular advantage in doing so (quite the reverse in fact). I would certainly recommend going via Plans as I have done. Sorry if this has created any confusion!

