View Full Version : Possible 02+ for sale spotted

23-04-2007, 01:32 PM
Hi all,

As I was driving along the A23 between Purley and Croydon on Saturday I glanced in the window of a Honda dealership and spotted a LBBP 02+ NSX illuminated in the showroom. It was side on so I couldn't see exactly what year it was unfortunately.

I don't know if it's being advertised anywhere else, but I wasn't aware of one being for sale in that area. Might be worth checking out for anyone who's currently in the market :p

Cheers, Rich.

23-04-2007, 07:57 PM
That is Newton Honda.

The car belongs to the MD and is a common sight around Croydon.

I popped in for a mosey a few weeks ago. Whilst the car is parked in the window of the showroom, the staff were unsure whether or not it was for sale!!!!

Overall, the car looks ok, no more. Cosmetically the paint is badly swirlled, and at leas 2 of the wheels have been curbed and bodge-repaired.