View Full Version : Front lower splitter or spoiler !

25-04-2007, 12:39 AM
With the X's low suspension, I think my front splitter has been crushed to death! Is it easy to put back on, how much is it to buy a new one & are they painted black? Just back last night from the Lakes, as I started to edge closer downwards to the ferry ramp to cross Windermere, I heard a big scrapping/crushing sound,got out of car in pouring rain, the splitter compress to 1/5th it's original thickness! As I reverse backwards, the splitter is half hanging off! Thats after the queue of cars behind me all had to reverse, felt like idiot!! I managed to borrow some thick sella tape from a shop nearby to tape it up and gingerly drove home! I haven't checked how really bad it is, but your advise would be most appreciated & thanks. Oh a word of warning, theres a mobile police camera unit just after Junction 36 of M6 thats set up on the first bridge, think I'm gonna get 3 points & fine! What a way to start the trip & end it with knackered splitter, aswell as 3 days of pouring rain too!! :( I hope its sunny at Japfest & theres no speed ramps or ferries ! :D

25-04-2007, 07:49 AM
They are about £130 from Honda. They are all black, or rather they come naturally coloured that way, they're not painted.

They attach by a series of bolts underneath. Really easy to change.

25-04-2007, 08:38 AM
MIne is quite heavily scuffed on the sides from previous ownership and underneath through mine :D (bottoms out on some of my local quick roads)

James, I could probably do with replacing mine at some point, I dont know whether it might be worth thinking about a GB from Honda or overseas with either Dirk or SOS?

regards, Paul

25-04-2007, 04:17 PM
Ian (Y1NSX) kindly gave me his old one when he brought a new one for Y1 from the states. I think it cost him 50 quid and the exchange rate back then isn't as favorable as it is now. I want to get a front splitter/spoiler like the one crazymixedupkid has for sale but after reading about the increased scuffability it has put me off - I scuff the current one enough and if it's any lower I'll be scuffered.

I could do with a new one and some new fixings if there is to be a GB from US, they don't weigh much so I'm sure postage wouldn't increase much for more, they're just an awkward shape.


25-04-2007, 04:55 PM
yup, they are moulded in flexible black plastic, precisely what you need if you're going to scuff it on our bumpy roads! mine could do with replacing!

25-04-2007, 05:44 PM
I could do with one also....can someone organise a group buy?



25-04-2007, 06:08 PM
Hi Guys & Gals, I'm going to have a proper look underneath to see how bad things are at weekend if you can wait & if its had it, will price one up & also I will enquire to a group buy with Honda UK, SOS & Dirk etc. Shame that Honda did'nt have an adjustable suspension system like your modern supa cars, would look cool at a press of a button, but oddly its like a 4 by 4 gadget though, but Honda would have charge an arm & leg for it! ;)

25-04-2007, 06:12 PM
Group buy? yeah go for it, I'm game, I think mine is a "tad" scuffed too.


25-04-2007, 06:24 PM
Are we all feeling that our Xs needs a little TLC for Japfest !? Never thought I say this, but can a car be a bit Vain (a chin job in the nip & tuck world) ?! ;)

25-04-2007, 06:34 PM
Na I just think that we should enjoy the exchange rate while we have it!! If we can source parts from across the pond so much cheaper, why not?


25-04-2007, 06:45 PM
Good thinking Jim, $2 to £1, I thought you are in the military police or something like that?, rather than an accountant?! ;)

25-04-2007, 06:50 PM
Good thinking Jim, $2 to £1, I thought you are in the military police or something like that?, rather than an accountant?! ;)

I am MP(RAF) indeed................................. BUT also a tight arsed jock ( to quote the stereotype before anyone else does!), hence why pay more??? As they say at Tesco, every little helps.

25-04-2007, 08:19 PM
Are we all feeling that our Xs needs a little TLC for Japfest !? Never thought I say this, but can a car be a bit Vain (a chin job in the nip & tuck world) ?! ;)

Damn right. I'm panicing now as my car hasn't got one. I smacked it up on my driveway while the builders were in. It's now in several pieces.

I can't just out and buy a new one though, I have to get some carbon fibre in, and make one. 10 out of 10 for effort.

25-04-2007, 10:48 PM
Na I just think that we should enjoy the exchange rate while we have it!! If we can source parts from across the pond so much cheaper, why not?Jim

Well it would be rude not too IMO!

25-04-2007, 10:59 PM
Well it would be rude not too IMO!

Damn right it would. How much are those superchargers over there??

26-04-2007, 06:55 AM
Damn right.

My recent order from Dali was over £1000 less than it would of been at the usual exchange rate of $1.5 to the £1.

Unfortunately though there are no supercharger kits available at the moment. Comptech, (really the best solution for ease and reliability) have closed down.

26-04-2007, 10:06 PM
Kevin, did your rather big expenditure include some trick gear bits ? Did'nt you sell off a OEM gear box recently? :rolleyes:

No super charger suppliers, where did Mo get his? :rolleyes:

26-04-2007, 10:14 PM
Is that the same front lower spoiler or splitter on your vBGarage? If it is, then thats one mean spoiler. Mind you if it was snowing, it would useful in ploughing away snow as you drive Kevin ! ;)

26-04-2007, 10:31 PM
Damn right.

My recent order from Dali was over £1000 less than it would of been at the usual exchange rate of $1.5 to the £1.

Unfortunately though there are no supercharger kits available at the moment. Comptech, (really the best solution for ease and reliability) have closed down.

Yeah I know what you mean, I have just put in an order for CF console and CF nav pod. got a bit of shock when I say the price coming to over $530 (plus shipping costs), that has a wee giggle when I say the total on my statement of £273.



26-04-2007, 10:47 PM
Sorry CF? I'm seriously thinking of making a lists of a few things I need in the near future to take advantage of the strong Sterling & weak Dollar! When I read on the thread about a bulk or group buy with US retailers, is this cheaper purely since its going to one location that a volunteer offers to receive? Since if shipping is about weight & size, the more you order the more you pay, so is there any real advantage? Sorry if the answer is obvious!:rolleyes:
Cheers :D

26-04-2007, 10:53 PM
Sorry CF? I'm seriously thinking of making a lists of a few things I need in the near future to take advantage of the strong Sterling & weak Dollar! When I read on the thread about a bulk or group buy with US retailers, is this cheaper purely since its going to one location that a volunteer offers to receive? Since if shipping is about weight & size, the more you order the more you pay, so is there any real advantage? Sorry if the answer is obvious!:rolleyes:
Cheers :D

I see where you are coming from, about weight and size etc, but I am sure it will depend on what's being ordered. If is a lot of small things, eg boot/engine bay struts, then the packaging wouldn't be much of an issue as I'm sure they could all be packed into one box.

I also think that there would possibly be further discounts for buying "bulk" of the same product.


26-04-2007, 10:53 PM

CF = Carbon Fibre. Strong, light but not always perfectly formed. The material used by Honda for the NA2 NSX-R hood, bootlid, rear spoiler and gearshift trim plate.

For more info on great products in CF, visit the Procar vendor threads and flick through from the beginning. Just gotta get me those mirrors!

regards, Paul

26-04-2007, 11:21 PM
Paul, thanks for that again! It seems alot of members are going down the CF route, is this the influence of the Type R or maybe F1 racing? I noted that you keep mentioning doors mirrors before, are they actually available? Any road why do you need to go even lighter, when you got 289 BHP at the rolling road! ;) Or do you have the bloke syndrome of obsession to detail & weight !?! :rolleyes:

26-04-2007, 11:29 PM
Well teh reason I'm going for some carbon fibre bits and pieces is the fact that it looks good too, all part of my interior update program I have going on at the mo.

Yes it's strong and lightweight also, but for big savings, you have to start looking at major body parts I would say.


26-04-2007, 11:40 PM
Jim, are you or have you fitted any Type R body bits or body parts? You must be a high ranking MP or have very deep pockets!? I know refreshing parts of the car, can make it more modern & more individualistic, but I wander if I will ever re fresh my X, but I have this thing about keeping my as original or OEM as possible or maybe I'm old in the head!? :D

26-04-2007, 11:52 PM
Paul, thanks for that again! I noted that you keep mentioning doors mirrors before, are they actually available? Any road why do you need to go even lighter, when you got 289 BHP at the rolling road! ;)

Here you go http://nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=1579

Ref the other bits, I simply have an end vision of how my NSX will look. Didn't start out to build anything super light or super fast, I just know how I want it to look. I'm also quite fortunate in that my color suits the CF well and I've been able to leave the rear spoiler unpainted. Would leave other parts initially the same, but a large piece like boot or bonnet would probably get painted.

Almost all of my mods are reversible as I have retained all the OEM parts I've swapped, from tyre valve covers to light units. So in just a few days I could put the NSX back to stock should I ever decide to sell.

If you decide to do any mods (although I think stock look great), try and go OEM parts or high quality after market IMO. Saving a few pounds on 'eastern' built copies really isn't worth the extra cost/time to make good and install.

regards, Paul

26-04-2007, 11:53 PM
Your right, and of course there are many here that are of the same idea of staying OEM. Some ever remove mods and return to OEM.

Me personnaly, well I see it as my car, and like a house, I want it the way I would like it to be, and to be a bit individualistic.

I love the X, just want to make it look a bit more up to date. Na, neither highest rank or deep pokets hehehe, just do a little at a time, keeps me busy and out of the pub. My days of going out nearly every night are well past, and I'd rather save the cash to put into the car than pee it all away against a wall at wekends.


27-04-2007, 12:20 AM
True, if all our Xs were all identical, it would be boring, what else could we rant on about?! So in your younger days I hope you don't pee in the way Mutley has to? (leg up!!) Mind you he seems to be standing up when hes laughing, maybe hes a humanised dog! ;)