View Full Version : oil pressure

28-04-2007, 10:35 PM
what is the normal oil pressure when running (lets say at 3k) and what opil is recommanded to use?


28-04-2007, 11:24 PM
I'm not sure of the correct oil pressure, but if you type oil in the search option above, theres quite alot of information on this subject.

29-04-2007, 12:14 PM
Talking of oil pressure, has anyone done, or thought about, fitting an after market oil pressure gauge? As the one on the dash in mine is right of the top, so never know what the actual pressure is.


29-04-2007, 01:28 PM
Maybe you could sit on a cushion to give you some height like my mum does! ;)

29-04-2007, 01:35 PM
Maybe you could sit on a cushion to give you some height like my mum does! ;)

HAHA not quite what I mean though, I meant the needle dissapears right off the top of the gauge.


29-04-2007, 03:49 PM
Is that normal? I assume a well pressured X is quite high & also due to it's high revving VTEC engine, but never knew it goes off the scale? Mind you if I'm in the VTEC band, I focused on the road ahead , rather than watch the gauge! I'm going out in the said car after washing the Lake's muck off and will check the gauge at 3000 rpm then! :rolleyes:

29-04-2007, 04:42 PM
mine goes to about six and a half thingies at 3krpm, about two at idle.

29-04-2007, 04:47 PM
Hmmmmmmmmmm sounds like I maybe having problems then?? or faulty gauge/sensor?



29-04-2007, 08:19 PM
Honda set the guages so that under normal driving conditions they stay around the centre of the guage and will only go very high or very low if there's a problem (off the top of the guage sounds a bit much!

You should see a large increase when VTEC comes in - mine idles at 2, revs at 3.5 and VTECs at 6. I thought there was something wrong with mine as it was so different to Matt's so had it checked out when I had it serviced. That's how I found out the above and that each car will be different. When set up though the guages are targeted to stay around the midppoints most of the time.


29-04-2007, 08:24 PM
Hmmmmmm OH DEAR, I did think it was a little strange that as soon as the engine is running there needle goes right off the top. I just thought that it must have always been like that as it has always done that from day one of me owning the car.

That's another thing on the TO-DO list now !

Anyone have any ideas what's causing this to happen?


29-04-2007, 08:58 PM
Sounds like your oil pressure switch is faulty and is shorting out (at a guess). Pressure switch should not be much money to replace and is where I'd probably start.

29-04-2007, 09:01 PM
mine goes to about six and a half thingies at 3krpm, about two at idle.

Sounds the same as mine. 2 bar at idle, 6 bar probably above 3k rpm.

29-04-2007, 09:02 PM
Sounds like your oil pressure switch is faulty and is shorting out (at a guess). Pressure switch should not be much money to replace and is where I'd probably start.

Cheers, like the way you said "should" !! Can anyone tell me where this is, so I don't have to start hunting through manuals?


29-04-2007, 09:03 PM
Cheers, like the way you said "should" !! Can anyone tell me where this is, so I don't have to start hunting through manuals?


....I thought you had the manual on cd?!

29-04-2007, 09:59 PM
I do, I'm just being lazy!!!!

Yeah I have the CD and I have also it printed out, but to cut a long story short, I'm guessing that it can wait a little while longer as all my time is being taken up with packing up this house for the move to Bedford.

OK OK I'll get off my arse and have a we look at tha manual!


30-04-2007, 12:23 AM
Jim, It probably won't be serious since if you had it from day one, then if there was a genuine problem with engine oil pressure, rather than the sensor/gauge, you would know about it already. How long have you have your X? Silly question and forgive me asking, but you check your oil levels regulary? James :D I've looked at the needle/bars at Idle, 3000 RPM & when its in the VTEC band & they are the same as the rest of you guys.

Silver Surfer
30-04-2007, 12:51 AM
Jim, Have you checked whether you have one of those supercharger thingies like Amo has 'cos it mean your oil pressure is correct. ;)


30-04-2007, 10:17 AM
Jim, Have you checked whether you have one of those supercharger thingies like Amo has 'cos it mean your oil pressure is correct. ;)


Do I have a supercharger thingy like Amo?, I don't know, I'll have a look!! Couldn't see that in the manual!!!

(yeah I wish!!!!!!!!!)


30-04-2007, 12:36 PM
Whatever the gauge says the cause or culprit is the sensor.
The sensor contains a pressure activated plunger which is connected via a bell crank to a wiper moving over a resistance coil. Just like the innards of a fuel gauge sensor, other than it's bolted to the engine so it gets hot and vibrates like hell.
So like a fuel gauge just regard it as indicative and not absolute.

30-04-2007, 12:42 PM
Thanks Duncan, that's eased my thoughts for a while. I would like to get it changed though, I like to have everything working as it should be, but I've dropped it down my list of priorites.



30-04-2007, 12:47 PM
Hi Jim,

I had mine replaced about 6 months ago to cure an oil light that kept coming on intermittantly. I had a pressure test done at a local racing specialist garage - which cost me about £10. This proved everything was perfect, and spot on Honda's manual figures. I then bought a pressure swith which wa about £7.00 and had them fit if for about £15 so none of it is a big deal. I did quite a lengthy thread on it somewhere if you have a search with some actual figures etc. If you need anything more detailed just shout.

Cheers, Matt.

NSX 2000
01-05-2007, 01:34 AM
Talking of oil pressure, has anyone done, or thought about, fitting an after market oil pressure gauge? As the one on the dash in mine is right of the top, so never know what the actual pressure is.


Jim, at least yours is at the top, mine is stuck on the bottom, when I first noticed it I nearly had brown trouser stains! I quickly checked the oil level to see evreything was OK.

But this oil pressure gauge does seem to be causing a problem for a quite few of us.

01-05-2007, 08:58 PM
Cheers Matt, very usefull. Once I get back to my car I'll see if I can locate it and if so, replace it.

When you say £7 for a new one, was that from Honda or a different supplier?



02-05-2007, 04:48 AM
Jim, where is the reply from Matt aka TSO? as I could'nt find his reply on this thread, unless its via a pm? :rolleyes:

02-05-2007, 02:43 PM
Jim, where is the reply from Matt aka TSO? as I could'nt find his reply on this thread, unless its via a pm?

Here it is here ( 3 posts above where asked )

Hi Jim,

I had mine replaced about 6 months ago to cure an oil light that kept coming on intermittantly. I had a pressure test done at a local racing specialist garage - which cost me about £10. This proved everything was perfect, and spot on Honda's manual figures. I then bought a pressure swith which wa about £7.00 and had them fit if for about £15 so none of it is a big deal. I did quite a lengthy thread on it somewhere if you have a search with some actual figures etc. If you need anything more detailed just shout.

Cheers, Matt.

