View Full Version : Polish products ratings

01-05-2007, 05:00 AM
I hope this might be of some use to anyone here, not just because of Japfest! Wax on, wax off !! ;)


01-05-2007, 11:03 AM
Well according to that list, I shouldn't have just spent £66 on a range of the finest from Menzerna (who were't in the test) and gone down to my local motor parts supplier and got the Comma stuff.

No explanation or differentiation between a polish, glaze or wax.

Typical lazy press effort.

02-05-2007, 05:08 AM
The finest at £66 ! Is this a tried & tested product? Or if not, where can I get some testamonials from? Have you had any joy/fun with with your new toys whilst on the subject of polishing? :rolleyes:

02-05-2007, 10:56 AM
I chose Menzerna based on this;


I'll still be using my Zymol wax on top, but the stuff I got was shampoo, and polish for swirl mark removal with the machine.

I also got some 303 Aerospace protectant, which the US guys swear by, for cleaning and protecting rubber.

05-05-2007, 12:59 AM
I hope this might be of some use to anyone here, not just because of Japfest! Wax on, wax off !! ;)


1. Turtle Wax Platinum Extra Gloss


They have to be joking!?

There is no shortcut to polish and do yoursleves a favour and either go for Zymol Japon and/or P21 for a show shine.

Turtlewax :lol: :lol:

05-05-2007, 03:05 AM
Reg, LMFOA? Can you explain to those mere mortals who are not car polishing experts! This Japon Zymol, is it especially for Japanese cars or is that a stupid question? Where can I get some & price? The offer P21 stuff is for show? Maybe at Japfest I can look at myself in your mirror finished bodywork! Only joking as i'm not vain! ;)

NSX 2000
05-05-2007, 03:11 AM
You mean LMFAO
L = laugh
M = my
F = fcuking
A = arse
O = off

HTH (Hope that helps)


05-05-2007, 12:20 PM
i have P21! hurrah!

05-05-2007, 10:15 PM
So thats the extreme version of LMHO then?! ;)

05-05-2007, 10:17 PM
All this talking about waxing, polishing etc........ and here I was thinking I'd get away with a quite wipe over with a damp cloth on the number plate to remove flies!!


05-05-2007, 10:26 PM
Well these international jet setters have no time, with all the rushing around & constant relocating!! Its a very hard life for some eh! ;)

05-05-2007, 10:34 PM
Well without spiraling off topic, for the 'fest I'm traveling down the day before, and managed to get a room at the Travel inn, Chippenham, a mere 4 miles from the circuit. I am hoping that there will be a good jet wash near by, and I'll now have to unpack all my polishing stuff (Autoglym) and time and weather permitting, get the car washed, and polished that night!.


P.S please not the autoglym mention , hence still on topic!

05-05-2007, 11:22 PM
Having spent today doing the first day of trying out my new polishes, here are some photos.

The first is a close up of the spoiler, after washing and claying, but before polishing.
Second is the wing and spoiler, the wing has been polished.
Last one is obvious.

Tomorrow, is second stage of going over the car again with glaze.

06-05-2007, 12:35 AM
Reg, LMFOA? Can you explain to those mere mortals who are not car polishing experts! This Japon Zymol, is it especially for Japanese cars or is that a stupid question? Where can I get some & price? The offer P21 stuff is for show? Maybe at Japfest I can look at myself in your mirror finished bodywork! Only joking as i'm not vain! ;)


Zymol Japon is developed specifically for Japenese cars oh yes. Check out http://www.detailingworld.co.uk/ for some stockists and prices. Also the Audi tuning place in Bicestor (cant remember the name!). The only way to get a bomb proof fininsh is to clay then PC to remove swirls before applying a decent sealer to protect the paint then a wax. P21 is commonly known as a kamikazee wax as it gives a good wet shine and can be layered.

P21 isn't the very durable, Japon is way better from what I have found, beads for months.

PS The car looks ace Kev.

06-05-2007, 10:59 PM
I have just had Y1 properly prep'd (as described by reg, plus an extra stage or 2 for luck!) and waxed with Zymol Japon - full story & piccies here:


09-05-2007, 12:59 AM
Kevin, how many hours of grafting, before you re do it again with another layer of wax? :rolleyes:

09-05-2007, 01:04 AM
WhyOne, I would be interested in the future so heres some Qs if you don't mind? wheres Tangoman from as you said he travelled south to get to you? Does he charge for making the journey to you? Are going to use him once a year or the fact you will be adding layers of Zymol Japon yourself be sufficient? Thanks alot & what a fabulous paint finish! :D

09-05-2007, 07:53 PM
Hi guys, Tango Here :)

Kevin you are going the right direction, removing the swirls is the best thing you can do but by hand it is a very long process. Ian's car took me two hours to prep, four hours to polish and an hour to seal. The four hours of polishing using a rotary buffer.

It is a long process but you are actually repairing damaged paintwork.

Sebring I am based in North London, Ian was 90 miles from me so I made a special journey for him. I would say once to get your car looking new and then as long as you maintain your paint porperly just a top up once a year.

Silver Surfer
09-05-2007, 07:57 PM

How much for just the Y1 job equivalent minus travelling expences if you don't mind me asking?


09-05-2007, 08:00 PM
Hi guys, Tango Here :)

Kevin you are going the right direction, removing the swirls is the best thing you can do but by hand it is a very long process. Ian's car took me two hours to prep, four hours to polish and an hour to seal. The four hours of polishing using a rotary buffer.

It is a long process but you are actually repairing damaged paintwork.

I didn't do it by hand. I have a PC7424 and Sonus SFX pads. I just take my time!
I also have a rotary buffer too, I tried using it once before, and it worked well after I wet sanded some repair respray work. However I was really gentle with it as I know damage can be done with a rotary. The PC as you know is a much safer although slower machine.

09-05-2007, 08:14 PM
Kevin, how many hours of grafting, before you re do it again with another layer of wax? :rolleyes:

Sorry, am I missing your point?

09-05-2007, 08:55 PM
I was talking about Kevin in relation to his post. I am sure there are many members who are experienced with detailing their cars and I appologies if I have trodden on anyones toes. That was not my intention it was to add some support/help as I have done on the S2k forum;


I do take my interest very seriously though and I have built up many hours of experience working on paint restoration on many different cars including the NSX. Yes I have been asked several times about doing this full time but TBH its too much like hard work both mentaly and physically. Besides its more fun if its a hobby and you are not relying on it as an income.

I didn't do it by hand. I have a PC7424 and Sonus SFX pads. I just take my time!
I also have a rotary buffer too, I tried using it once before, and it worked well after I wet sanded some repair respray work. However I was really gentle with it as I know damage can be done with a rotary. The PC as you know is a much safer although slower machine.

09-05-2007, 09:09 PM
Sorry Kevin, it was nearly 2am!! You said the second stage was to put on the glaze, but how long did the first stage take in total? Long since it was a learning process too? :rolleyes:

09-05-2007, 09:09 PM
Sorry. I should explain.

I am 'Kevin'. I use two accounts and forget which one is which sometimes. No harm done.

09-05-2007, 09:14 PM
Sorry Kevin, it was nearly 2am!! You said the second stage was to put on the glaze, but how long did the first stage take in total? Long since it was a learning process too? :rolleyes:

I'm in no rush. It's a bank holiday weekend after all. First day's effort was in washing and claying, and polishing. First I had to go out and find a 110v transformer for the machine. Then rewire it.

I also used a final stage polish. A more aggresive compound would of been faster, but without experience I used a finer grade, even though it takes longer.

I got tired by then, so the 2nd day was to glaze, and wax with Zymol of course, and do the interior.

09-05-2007, 09:40 PM
Kevin aka Forumadmin, Doh I now get it, you are one of the same! Sorry I've just realised especially when you replied to my Q of how to change my ID when I joined this club, very embarrest now !! :oops: By the way you do a cracking & brilliant job here and it is very much appreciated by us all here. :D

09-05-2007, 10:05 PM
By the way you do a cracking & brilliant job here and it is very appreciated by us all here. :D

oooooooo you apple polisher..........crawling to admin LOL ;)

10-05-2007, 05:24 AM
Kevin, you can get away with one compound that will do all i.e. cut and polish. The NSX paint is pretty hard compared to the other honda's and is pretty thick, i.e. an S2000 averages 100 microns, the NSX 150 microns and the compounds I have found to get any result on the NSX have to be more agressive. For a NSX that has never had the paintwork restored, you should need to take off no more than 10 microns of clear coat, in fact expect to average 5.

Menzerna as yet I have not managed to get on with, I am with Dave KG and like the Meguiars compounds. The best for the NSX I have found is the Meguiars DACP with a mild cutting pad on the rotary. Allow it to break down completely so you see it dusting then carry on for a little more to allow it to glaze. I can get around the car with the machine within four hours. The rest is down to prepping and sealing.

10-05-2007, 08:14 AM

Firstly, welcome to the forum. Secondly, the photo evidence of your efforts on Ian's NSX suggest to me that you may find your hobbie taking more of your free time.

I have looked into this a few times as my hand cleaner/clay bar/polish regime can only restore so much of the original lustre. However, to date I've not been comfortable with letting someone do the work.

I dont have time (and maybe you dont either) to let you loose on my NSX this side of the Jamesfest event but rest assured, at some point in the future I will be in touch to request your services.

All the best and BTW, lovely looking S2k you have!

regards, Paul

10-05-2007, 10:24 AM
Thanks for your kind words Paul, it is a hobby that takes up way too much time, just ask the missus. Although She is very understanding, appreciates what is involved and the advantages; she has seen very little of me for the past few month due to me subsidising my new toy. We are off on Holiday for a couple of weeks now driving the S through Spain so a bit of quality time :) When we get back though it is back to the same routine, I am taking bookings now for July!!!

I am impressed with the NSX paintwork; there is little orange peel effect, the paint is a level thickness across the car and has been layered very well. It goes to show what Honda can do when they put their minds to it.

Somewhere around here Neil mentions a washmitt, that and some proper drying towels with a quality wax is all you really need to maintain your car once the paint is sorted.

Any of you guys going this year to the JAE?