View Full Version : My NSX has been keyed

12-05-2007, 01:14 PM

Police were f****** useless too.

12-05-2007, 01:40 PM
**** man basterdssssssssssss
put the word out and sort them yourself tie the ****ers up smash there knees and ankles then drop them off 300 miles away

that will help

thx amo

12-05-2007, 02:25 PM
that sucks dude :(

if you want an intro to a good bodyshop near me just let me know - he's worked wonders on mine in the past and is happy to squeeze things like this in around insurance work at mates rates for cash

12-05-2007, 02:26 PM
Not good.

James might be able to get it out with his magic stuff ??

12-05-2007, 02:32 PM
Oohhhhhhhhh NASTY,

God knows what goes these people minds!!! They should be shot on sight.


12-05-2007, 03:04 PM
Ouch! Thats not funny man!

People who do that should have the same done to their cars, although they probably drive beaten up heaps so wouldn't give a toss.

Maybe they should have a sharp object scratched across their foreheads ... carefully so it reads an appropriate word ... starts with a "w" and ends in an "r" or if they've got small heads you could start it with a "c" and and it with a "t".

:( :( :( :(

12-05-2007, 03:19 PM
Sorry to see that, I hope it has'nt gone down to the ally? A common theme with our society at the moment, is some people have absolutely "NO RESPECT FOR OTHERS PEOPLE PROPERTIES !!" That really sucks ! :(

Jim, maybe if the X was parked on your base, the culprits could be shot on site as they are on a sensitve, secure & military installation!? :rolleyes:

Silver Surfer
12-05-2007, 06:42 PM
Look on the bright side! What goes around comes around!

Martin, it looks like you will need a respray job soon if they are stone chips .....or is it just a dirty lens?


12-05-2007, 06:56 PM
It's really no consolation, but it could have been a wing or the whole side of your car.
How severe is the scratch? From the picture it looks reasonably deep.
I'm no expert on getting scratches out, (I try) but I've seen what good paintshops can do and I'm sure somebody clever could have a good shot at losing most of that without the need for a repray.

I've used some scratch remover on a couple of NSX's recently and for a two minute effort was very impressed with the results.
I have some more products now and they've made the process easier.

If you do need the nose sprayed, they may need to blend in the bonnet and wings to get a perfect match. This sounds like a nightmare, but if done properly is no big deal.

I know people go on about how good OEM NSX paint is, but most cars in the UK have had paint somewhere and if done well is no problem.

It's unrealistic for cars not to need some paint in the course of their lives. They're meant to be driven and although I wince at the odd rock hitting the front of the car, I guess it's a fact of life.

It's certainly worth doing what Darren suggested and getting a professional opinion.

Good luck,


12-05-2007, 07:08 PM
I hope it has'nt gone down to the ally?The front bumper, like the rear bumper, is actually plastic ... not any consolation I know ... but if it has gone through the paint to the plastic ... it is possible to repair damaged plastic ... I know as I've had some bits put right on my NSX recently ... check this thread (http://nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=2663).

12-05-2007, 09:20 PM
A big thank you to everyone in the club for their support, advice and help. Just what I needed today.

Darren thanks ever so much for the offer of "mates rates" with your bodyshop people, but it looks like I am sorted. Very helpful as always. :-)
How is your new business going?

Kind Regards

And just for the record SilverSurfer, they are NOT stone chips as you imply. I think you must be confusing with raindrops!!!

Silver Surfer
12-05-2007, 09:30 PM

Sorry! I was confusing the raindrops. No Disresprect for your motor.

As I said what goes around comes around and I am sure the culprit will die a long suffering death! :mad:


12-05-2007, 09:33 PM
Thanks SS :-)


dan the man
13-05-2007, 07:42 AM
wan*ers eh. My vans been done last week. brand new transit. although its a funny one like yours, not full length but a half effot as if a kid on a bike has come past and gone down the side of it then regained composure and got off.

so annoying.

13-05-2007, 09:14 AM
no problem mate, glad to hear you're already on the road to recovery :)

new venture is going well thanks - should start drawing a wage soon which will be nice, as my last one was April 06.

13-05-2007, 10:21 AM

Police were f****** useless too.

No surprises there then:rolleyes:

Give me an axe and their fingers, I think we could have this sorted pretty quickly.

Try and look on the bright side (make one up if need be) and be happy that the scrotums who did this are going to suck at life.:)

13-05-2007, 11:46 AM
Martin I can feel how frustrating this is for you.

Though not as bad as your situation, some w*ankers keep on stealing the cap from my misses Amazon! I did not get a replacement just took two of mine and swaped them!

Shame they have no minerals to do this when one is around!

Good luck mate.


13-05-2007, 09:33 PM
Sorry to here that, :(

Has it breached the paint, i.e. can you see plastic?

13-05-2007, 09:48 PM
Martin I can feel how frustrating this is for you.

Though not as bad as your situation, some w*ankers keep on stealing the cap from my misses Amazon! I did not get a replacement just took two of mine and swaped them!

Shame they have no minerals to do this when one is around!

Are you serious? I have some fantastic acid that is used to disolve aluminium (also works well on skin) that could be soaked into some double sided tape and .......well you fill in the blanks:P

13-05-2007, 11:54 PM
Hi Martin,

Truly sorry to hear about this incident, but pleased to hear that you may have things sorted.

IMO, absolutley no point contacting the Police as the only motoring incidents there are interested in are speed cameras or RTA's ... criminal damage is not serious enough according to Surrey where my Accord was recently damaged. We even know who did ti but still they are not interested. :mad:

Hope it resolved soon for you!

regards, Paul

14-05-2007, 09:56 PM
Thanks to everyone for all the support, and like you say Reg I feel better when I think how the scrotums that did it will suck at life.

It has gone through the paint and its a bodyshop job, on Saturday while you guys are at Japfest. :-(


14-05-2007, 10:03 PM
Martin, good news its going to get sorted out, but shame you can't make Japfest, but hey there are other meets later in the year or Japfest 08! :)

14-05-2007, 10:04 PM
Really soory to see this Martin - I hope it doesn't hurt the wallet too much and maybe the car will lokk a fe stone chips lighter after it's been through the body shop. Is it worth getting the bonnet blown in as well? I duno if you have stone chip issues but I'm trying to see some good coming out of this.

sorry to see you wont make Japfest :O(

15-05-2007, 12:46 AM
Are you serious? I have some fantastic acid that is used to disolve aluminium (also works well on skin) that could be soaked into some double sided tape and .......well you fill in the blanks:P


I wish, actually just slapping them would do, shame about our times when defending what is yours is wrong!

Hope it all works out for you Martin.



15-05-2007, 11:30 AM
Thanks very much chaps.

Apparently they did 12 cars in my road.

Think I have worked out who did it, based on suspicious behaviour in the days after.

Anyone got a baseball bat or a shotgun?


Silver Surfer
15-05-2007, 09:56 PM
In China, the culprit if caught will have one of their finger severed with a rusty blade.

SS ;)