View Full Version : Crashed Silver NSX at Japfest?

19-05-2007, 05:04 PM
I haven't been to Japfest, but a neighbour of mine has just come back and said a silver NSX crashed on track?
I am really sorry to hear about this and hope that at least the driver/passenger are ok.

Kind regards

19-05-2007, 05:09 PM
Oh dear, hope it wasn't Reg.

19-05-2007, 05:15 PM
Just spoke to Matt (TheQuietOne) myself and can confirm a silver NSX came off the track and hit a wall. Driver is apparently ok. No further details at this point but according to Matt the crash was pretty hefty. Here's hoping that appropriate track insurance was taken out ...

19-05-2007, 05:58 PM
SORRY mate seen it bad luck glad u ok though you can get another car but lives cant

thx amo

19-05-2007, 06:07 PM
Do you know who crashed Amo?

19-05-2007, 07:11 PM
Hello everyone.

First of all can I say how relieved we all were we found out there were no personal injuries involved. A car is a chunk of metal thats all. It was Siofkent who crashed and it was a big one, but like I said the important thing is that he is ok.

Put a bit of a damper on track proceedings and reminded everyone that there are always risks.

Si, hope things work out mate, if you need anything let us know.

19-05-2007, 07:46 PM
Yes agree, we were all very concerned when we heard the accident which was quite a way from where we were standing. Proceedings of course stopped on track to attend to car and driver. A few of quickly went to the paddock to see if driver was ok, and understand he was ok but shook up.

As for the car:( ......RIP

Si, glad you are in one piece, the car is replaceable.

Silver Surfer
19-05-2007, 10:08 PM



20-05-2007, 08:51 AM
A rather sickening incident to see ... even standing all the way over at the Quarry corner.

Glad that passenger and driver both seem to be ok ... bar a little shock and getting rather shock up by the whole incident.

:( :( :(

21-05-2007, 12:16 AM
Glad they are both OK, and I will echo the above comments; car can be replaced unlike lives...

Unless you are a cat :)

In which case I already used up a couple in crashes. ( One of them an NSX )



21-05-2007, 06:49 AM

You must have all been more shocked than me. I didn't have a passenger LOL !!!

Quite glad too

My body is still in a state of shock but thanks for all your concerns. Much appreciated and I am truly sorry if I ruined the track session for the remainder of you. Its been a long wait for Japfest with much organisation from James and his crew and you must be a tad pi$$ed off (and rightly so) that some over exuberant driving led to an early chequered/red flag. Happy to refund you all your £20

Now, where are the T & C's of that insurance company I am with....................

Promise to upload photos and the video my scared witless lady took on the corner where the tank slapper started. Bless her. She was more shook up than me

Must say guys, solid cars these Hondas !!!


PS. Any donations to the Uninsured NSX Benevolent fund wil be gratefully received (engine and gearbox certainly intact and I can tell you the car was flying !!)

21-05-2007, 07:07 AM
no need to apologise, i'm sure no-one else would have gone to such lengths to demonstrate the rigidity of the NSX frame!

unfortunately with the advent of the inter-web-net, and more so chat forums, we couldn't just push it down the road a bit and use the 'swerved to miss a cat' line. :(

if it helps, Greybloke wants a o/s foglight, and that definately still works.;)

21-05-2007, 07:36 AM
Here are the pictures taken by an attendee and posted on SELOC the lotus owners web site.


I am glad your ok, as i looked at the pictures i thought youd over cooked it but as the pictures unfurled i couldnt believe what i was seeing!!!!

I dont know whether to comiserate or say bl**** well done sir. at least you werent pussy footing about on the track

Expect the following: at a sales meeting a few years ago and a collegue walked in with our manager who announced said collegue was leaving.

What followed was a heated arguement as to who got his laptop and company car!!!

Expect lots of calls re parts!!!!!!

ps get well soon.

21-05-2007, 08:14 AM
Glad the driver walked away - a member on our forum (type-r-owners) posted this sequence of pictures.

If they are taken down upon request of the owner then fair enough.

NSX accident in pictures....


21-05-2007, 08:15 AM

NSX accident in pictures....


21-05-2007, 08:27 AM
OMG!!! Simon - I am so glad to read you walked away from that crash fairly much in one piece. I have seen this type of high speed crash a few times before with far less favourable outcomes. It's amazing to see that the NSX frame stood up to the impact and subsequent roll - a testament to what was frequently referred to as the "over engineered" chassis of the NSX. Good luck with sorting out the aftermath of this event ... let us know if there is anything we can help with.

All the best,


21-05-2007, 08:53 AM
Thank you all for your concerns

Blue 5. As you rightly so I dont do "pussy footing" but my sense to know one lap at 75% speed to warm up tyres and brakes should have prevailed

I have driven the Combe on several occasions in FWD and 4WD cars and so I know the circuit. And the NSX at Donington for at least 40 laps. I was unprepared for the rear to step round so easily. I honestly didnt feel turning into the final bend that I had too much speed. But there you go. Probably my usual over confidence.

As to offers for help (DTA thanks) I can confirm my insurance company has told me to F O and not even recover the car from the circuit.

So once I sort that out, and get it back into my dads garage, I would appreciate sensible offers for mainly the whole. Engine and gearbox felt good and strong on the way down and on track. Shame I just paid £1100 to sort that the day before>


21-05-2007, 09:06 AM
You must have all been more shocked than me. I didn't have a passenger LOL !!!

Quite glad too

Hey mate, I was late and by the time I parked up and got settled I heard that the NSX's were making their way to the pits, so I didn't make it on time for the session.
I was watching you flying past from the side (the HOT stand was just after Folly facing Avon Rise) with envy, until I saw you flyin off!

I'm glad you're OK, and shame about the NSX.

21-05-2007, 10:23 AM
Sorry to hear about your accident Si - the pics looks *very* scary!!!

Hope your bruised body, wallet and pride all recover quickly and you can remain philasophical about the whole thing!!!


21-05-2007, 10:49 AM
Si, as has been posted elsware, glad you are in one piece. Very sorry to see the state of your lovely car, I just dont think it'll polish out.

Good luck in getting things sorted soon.

21-05-2007, 11:23 AM
HI Si, everything has been said above, and I can almost share your pain as I had a "little moment" on the same corner, I was just lucky enough to end up off the other way, no harm done (Although hair is a little greyer now).

I guess you are royaly humped insurance-wise, but I think that some of the Vultures here (Me included) could help you out cash-wise in the parts department.

Glad you are ok and it will be interesting viewing to see the video (I was getting the inside videod too, so lets compare corner notes!! :) )

All the Best

21-05-2007, 02:39 PM
Just heard about this on another forum, really sorry to heard the news :(

I hope you are able to get another NSX, and obviously re-iterate it is relief that you are ok. Chin up.

21-05-2007, 04:12 PM
Glad to hear your ok!!

21-05-2007, 06:38 PM
mate give me a ring will try and get it recovered for u i can only try
thx amo

21-05-2007, 07:01 PM
I was the Monza Red NSX you passed like I was looking for parking space @ Tesco's.
Like everyone else I'm happy you are OK & that you didn't have a passenger to play 'helmet bash' with.
If you give name & address will send £100 to get ball rolling.

21-05-2007, 07:14 PM
Very much at ease that the driver, Si, is a-ok! Motors are replaceable, lives are not. . .

21-05-2007, 08:33 PM
If you give name & address will send £100 to get ball rolling.

Now that isn't an offer you'd get on any other forum! I would too If I hadn't just passed it over for rear tyres before the track session!

As said by everyone else glad you are OK and that is the main thing...

Cheers, Matt.

22-05-2007, 06:02 PM

That is a ridiculous offer !!
I can't say I wouldnt accept it as I have an uninsured loss to pay off

I attempted to find you after the session as I realise in between the two chicanes on my first (and only) lap of the Combe I cut you up slightly

So apologies for that

Simon Dawes
2 Chestnut Cottages High Street Staplehurest Kent TN120AB for all generous donations

You will all go to heaven !!!

22-05-2007, 06:11 PM
Can I just say my car was recovered to my dads garage this afternoon and it was noted you can see the indentation of my head on the drivers side of the roof


Praise be the power of the helmet

Didn't quite save Senna mind


22-05-2007, 06:21 PM
Maybe worth starting a thread for the vultures.

Well, if it is getting broken anyway, there are a few pieces of interior trim I could be interested in and maybe the seats ??

Can I just say my car was recovered to my dads garage this afternoon and it was noted you can see the indentation of my head on the drivers side of the roof


Praise be the power of the helmet

Didn't quite save Senna mind


22-05-2007, 07:39 PM

Glad to hear you are OK. Been in a similar incident but with a ZX6-R on the road! I know how scary it is, more so after the event. Worse thing was that it wasn't even my bike, it was a mates!

If you do decide that the best thing is to brake the car down I will take the ABS modulator off your hands for £200.

Seriously though, I would like to echo what many people have said here and that is that you are physically alright. It could have been much worse . . .


PS . . . PM me if you decide to brake the car.

22-05-2007, 07:43 PM
PS . . . PM me if you decide to brake the car.


22-05-2007, 08:04 PM
please form an orderly queue!

i'll get my list!

22-05-2007, 10:03 PM
Have finally uploaded some pics of the car in the garage at the Combe and my lady's videoing

How do I upload? Its quite large

My video is better then the one already published on some geezers Myspace !!!

22-05-2007, 10:37 PM
If you email me your pics I'll post them up for you!

23-05-2007, 06:44 AM
How big is the video?

You can email it to me, and I'll put it on this site.


Have finally uploaded some pics of the car in the garage at the Combe and my lady's videoing

How do I upload? Its quite large

My video is better then the one already published on some geezers Myspace !!!

25-05-2007, 09:42 AM
Heres another one....actually, there are 2 on this thread, the secod one's a bit closer.




25-05-2007, 01:31 PM
The world is becoming a brighter place

I have sold the entirety of the NSX wreck to AMO to produce a fire breathing engine/car from

And my GTfour is sold as well

My physio says my neckpain is just whiplash which may be around for a while, but pain is good as it reminds you that you are alive

I want to thank you all for the kind words, and apologise for making the NSX famous amongst *** car clubs for all the wrong reasons

But as someone said "there is no such thing as bad press"

Cheers all


25-05-2007, 03:37 PM
Amo bought the whole thing???

OK so are there going to be parts up for sale???


25-05-2007, 08:59 PM
lol yes we will mate

take dilivery on tues so will start to strip it

will make a new post up when things are ready

thx amo