View Full Version : Back on the NSX V other car cr*p

NSX 2000
27-05-2007, 09:54 AM
Copied this from another thread.

interesting provocative thread




As James would say, discuss.


27-05-2007, 10:10 AM
Link doesn't seem to work for me mate. :(

Have you another ?

NSX 2000
27-05-2007, 10:17 AM
Link doesn't seem to work for me mate. :(

Have you another ?

Should work now.

Silver Surfer
27-05-2007, 10:46 AM
I would object to such comments which are posted on other marques forum purposely to cause a adverse reaction. This would give 'X' owners a bad name.

I don't however object to posting comments to correct misinterpretation regarding our P&J.

I wonder if Varo will post on this site?


27-05-2007, 10:55 AM
I imagine (if he / she has bought one) it's the one I looked at in Coventry last year.

27-05-2007, 12:23 PM
I wonder if Varo will post on this site?


Well with posting like that I guess I hope he doesn't.

Funny thing is, one of the posts there is nbetts, and the friend he is talking about is me. I'm not replying to him, but Goodwood was my first track day in a car that I had owned for like two weeks. Another guy had already crashed his F348 on the day. The NSX was the fastest thing I had ever driven, and it scared the life out of me.

To sum up, after 9 years of ownership, and 9 years of track days, I don't think he will find his M3 Cab, faster than my NSX anymore.

Silver Surfer
27-05-2007, 12:43 PM
simonprelude :I imagine (if he / she has bought one) it's the one I looked at in Coventry last year

Is that the priccie one that's been in the advert for ages and ages for around 50K??


27-05-2007, 02:22 PM
I've just withdrawn my 'for sale' advert from pistonheads. I think it's unlikely I'm going to find a buyer from the shallowest end of the gene pool.

That's the problem with forum sites per say; everyone's a ******* expert, their cat is always blacker and they manage to talk and talk and never really say anything. excuse my language, but w******.



27-05-2007, 03:23 PM
I would agree.

27-05-2007, 06:21 PM

Well who really cares? If you have someone who is Porsche nut then you arent going to convince them that anything is even as good as let alone better than their pride and joy. Someone says my NSX is this or that pfft good luck with it. I used to look at the figures and thought they were a bit average but now I have owned one I am qualified to comment! I might own a Porsche/Aston/Ferrari/Lotus/Noble one day, thats what life is about FUN.

The NSX is an amazing car to dismiss Honda as something less than worthy is as short sighted as it is dumb. I dont need to explain.

I just can't see why people aren't more into embracing the fact that there are a few people left on this planet that enjoy using cars for no other reason than to enjoy themselves. Without us the market dies and everyone will be in electric shopping trolleys.

Take as you find, preconceptions are mostly wrong ;)

dan the man
27-05-2007, 06:25 PM
The most people who havev said bring your nsx round have been true enthuisiats and car nuts. they appreciate what it is and how good it is. If anyone says its crap then they obviously are bedroom car fanatics and are blinkered.

but thats forums, so many forum warriors about5 who learn from reading and making their decisions from their own pc screen... like me. :D

27-05-2007, 06:37 PM
i saw the thread before, and it shows the usual narrow-minded arrogant views that taint most forums.. unfortunately there are those that don't have a 'live and let live' attitude, more the 'I'm right, so you must be wrong'. if someone chooses to own a car for their own reasons then good luck to them, but so many a time, they are shown the 'error of their ways!

usually the ones shouting people down the loudest are the most ill-informed morons!

just my opinion of course, and in tribute to the pistonheads thread... Thank you.

27-05-2007, 08:40 PM
Well, I would compare the NSX to Rachel Hunter :).

27-05-2007, 09:09 PM
People are getting wound up and making some short sighted / foolish / just plain incorrect statements on the Pistonheads thread.

However, putting that aside, what sort of a reaction would a (for example) 911 owner get here if he just pitched up one day, unannounced, and for his 1st post proceeded to tell us how much better his car is than ours????

Trolling at its most blatent IMHO.

Just a shame he is tainting the good name of NSX owners in the process.

27-05-2007, 10:55 PM
Quite. Its just a shame Mr moron has decided to associate the NSX with his stupid ranting; however I'm a little surprised and disappointed at the amount of people giving it: "blah blah I got a passenger ride in one 12 years ago blah blah NSX is dull blah blah slow blah looks crap blah interior blah blah". Misinformed twaddle, obviously.
I'm very lucky in that I've been able to drive some amazing cars through my work and I can honestly state that the NSX still shines bright as a wonderful road car; driving something like an '04 Gallardo demonstrates how fundamentally right Honda got the NSX as a road car (the '06 is miles better!! :)). How much power do you need on a B road anyway?

Silver Surfer
28-05-2007, 01:03 AM
'Nuff said..........Thank you!


28-05-2007, 08:31 AM
I find most of the normals are in the Ferrari/Lamborghini forum there, alot of their owners have had nsx's in the past and no how good they are from first hand experience.

Ferris Bueller
28-05-2007, 10:10 AM
Quite. Its just a shame Mr moron has decided to associate the NSX with his stupid ranting; however I'm a little surprised and disappointed at the amount of people giving it: "blah blah I got a passenger ride in one 12 years ago blah blah NSX is dull blah blah slow blah looks crap blah interior blah blah". Misinformed twaddle, obviously.
I'm very lucky in that I've been able to drive some amazing cars through my work and I can honestly state that the NSX still shines bright as a wonderful road car; driving something like an '04 Gallardo demonstrates how fundamentally right Honda got the NSX as a road car (the '06 is miles better!! :)). How much power do you need on a B road anyway?


I wonder how many of those panning the Honda on that forum have actually driven the NSX?

I haven't offered opinions on there. However, I notice no-one has mentioned residual values yet......

28-05-2007, 11:32 AM
I had a quick look through, and to be honest, there is no point in any of us replying, it's just one big bun fight. I'm guessing some of these guys haven't even seen an NSX up close, and to be fair I couldn't give a toss what anyone else thinks, it's horses for courses, and a lot is down to badge snobbery.

Lets face it, the less these numpties want an NSX the better.......... the car and how good it actually is is our little secret so F*** them all!.


28-05-2007, 11:38 AM
I can't really comment as I haven't driven a 911 for a long time.

'If' the NSX had continued to evolve the way the 911 has over the last 15 years then I think we would have a leg to stand on. However, personally I think a new 911 will be better than a 16 year old NSX.

But at nearly £100k against £20k I think it should be :)

dan the man
28-05-2007, 01:56 PM
My friends boss who has bundles of cash and loads of new cars has said the nSX was the best car he ever had. ;0

29-05-2007, 09:48 AM
To be honest the guy shouldn't have started in in the Porsche forum, he is either trolling or clearly has issues with owning a lesser brand and needs to justify it to himself.

Nick Graves
29-05-2007, 11:27 AM
Don't worry, the S2000 suffers the same slings & arrows from the Krautophiles on PH.

Fortunately, most will never understand.

Personally, I dislike most modern cars with their whore's boudoir interiors & find the NSX functional.