View Full Version : Exhaust rattle

dan the man
03-06-2007, 07:54 PM
Sounds like a heat sheild. Fired her up today and was really loud and tinny AND annoying!!

So anyone else had the problem who got it sorted?

Also the right hand light when at night shows signs of flickering, as if loose- need to investigate but again anyone else had flickery lights, up and down on the car in front by tiny amounts.

otherwise cars great and loving it to bits :)

03-06-2007, 08:06 PM
Probably a heat shield, mine went into Chiswick under warranty and all they did was remove it.

Flickering lights, are they flickering or are they bouncing when you are driving ??
Changing the bulbs is fairly easy though.

03-06-2007, 08:42 PM
Heat shield rattle common enough, easily fixed by yer local garage.

Wobbly lights also common - see previous threads - don't know if anyone actually fixed theirs yet though! Mine still wobbly, not too bothered...


dan the man
03-06-2007, 10:07 PM
thanks guys ill do some searching for the flickery lights and maybe get my hands dirty.

Car is at my local garage tomorrow as the clutch has gone stiff :(

Basically it was like it at japfest so he took it in and they greased the main shaft and it went but now its back with a vengance :( The clutch is not old itself and bites well by the way. anyone have experince with the main shaft on any other cars as its terrible, makes downshifting and blipping so hard work. PLus setting off in 1st is fun too...sigh

will get garage to rip off heat sheilds then..ahh old hondas, this heatshield takes me back to the DC2 days and so does the crap handbrake! :)

05-06-2007, 12:26 AM
Hope the clutch isn't a big problem :) Regarding the crap handbrake, maybe you need to go to the gym more! ;)

dan the man
05-06-2007, 07:14 AM

Sorted the rattle, was a heatshield going to the left pipe..ripped off!

As for the lights not investigated yet, car goes in saturday and were gona mess with the clutch, i want it better before the ring damnit. guy seems to think its the bar going inot the cylinder at the front and not the main shaft thjat honda said so who knows, all i know is to grease the main shaft is nigh on impossible without knowing hwat u have greased as the opening is very small when u take the cover plate off.

05-06-2007, 12:36 PM
Yup these are definately common problems and I have managed to solve both. The heat shield rattle is soon sorted out with a couple of new nuts and bolts (although quite small and fiddly, not to mention that sometimes the old ones are in bits and block the holes up.

Flickering lights, I found that on mine it was because the mounting bolts from
underneath were a little loose, just tightened them up with new nuts and hey presto!! no more flickering lights.

Hope that's of some use


dan the man
05-06-2007, 08:57 PM
thanks ill do the lights then. :0

07-06-2007, 11:15 AM
I'm guessing you've checked the clutch fluid level for traces of fluid inside the car at the top of the pedal arm? (where it goes through the bulkhead).

If the clutch is fairly new and has been bedded in properly it could be the release bearing (it's an option to change on the NSX) or be a defective seal\piston in the slave or master cylinder. Whatever it is I hope it's not too expensive and you get the car beck soon!!!


dan the man
08-06-2007, 09:35 AM
ok been searching prime so heres all the linkjs for anyoner else.

dunno why not a lot of people in the UK have had it but us have. All the symptoms are the same, start the car, pedal dont stick and is easy..then after a few changes starts sticking at the bottom then 'jumps up' as unsticks makinf 1st gear a nightmare.

Im happy ive found threads as ill get to the bottom of it now..





saturdayb we will start to investigate..i just know box is gona come out so we can lube it up..

08-06-2007, 04:06 PM
I had the pedal sticking thing and it was the clutch slave cyclinder leaking.
It was a bit of a pig to bleed.

If you do have to replace the slave cyclinder, make sure you also buy the o-ring that should come with the kit but doesn't.



dan the man
08-06-2007, 09:46 PM
thanks. i have printed off all the threads from prime and releveant pages from the workshop manual on the clutch diagrams and strip down etc etc..

will have a good look tomorrow.

dan the man
09-06-2007, 04:23 PM
well we bled the slave cylinder and got a small amount of air out. Then we also removed the boot off the slave cylinder and greased the linkage that goes into the box..

and its miles better. Really feels light now and i think as it should be, so ill see how long it lasts as only drove home a mile or so, so very short. taking her out tonight so see how it behaves.

but im so happy , even driving home the car is a much better pleasure.


09-06-2007, 08:33 PM
Well done lad & hopefully its been fixed ! Now that you have a lighter clutch, no need to struggle with those chicken legs of yours mate! :thumbsup::bigsmile:

dan the man
09-06-2007, 09:52 PM
ill give u chicken legs damnit!!


10-06-2007, 10:22 PM
KFC, are you a leg or breast man!?! ;)

dan the man
11-06-2007, 08:46 PM
well since Laura has just had 'an op' i guess im a breast man.....

12-06-2007, 12:12 AM
Was talking about food! Shouldn't that be a secret!? I hope the clutch is still ok & smooth ? ;)

dan the man
12-06-2007, 06:12 AM
well its done now so will hardly be a secret when she has noticably 'grown'

Anyway clutch is still lighter, played a bit this weekend and still ok so fingers crossed for the ring etc..

i have decided the X is too fast for the roads, i just cant nail her like i have nailed my cars in the past, just got too much speed and its far too risky. if your in the zone and are on the pace then the speeds your doing for the roads are dodgy, if something decides to pull out or appear.

the ring cant come soon enough. :)

12-06-2007, 10:43 PM
Wells that the beauty of a V6, quad cam, 24V, VTEC, aluminium supacar! You have to treat them with more respect as alot more BHP and RWD, whereas your other Hondas are all FWD, so instead of throwing them around, its break into corners & power out. :yes::thumbsup::bigsmile:

dan the man
13-06-2007, 11:58 AM
BRAKE u mean :D

13-06-2007, 12:19 PM
Yep and let the four channel ABS do its work, thats after the TCS can't cope !! :eek::eek: " Power is nothing without control "

dan the man
13-06-2007, 10:24 PM
how do u even know whjat your car u never get it out!
