View Full Version : Autocar feature

Ferris Bueller
06-06-2007, 06:56 PM
This week's Autocar shows the pic of all the cars at *** Fest on P.26.

Well done chaps!

06-06-2007, 10:05 PM
just a thought, can someone explain why J A P is in the expletive filter?

*** .... Just checking

06-06-2007, 10:41 PM
just a thought, can someone explain why J A P is in the expletive filter?

*** .... Just checking

Because it is the same as W*G for some people or the N****R or S**C.

It could also mean a Jewish America Princess.

07-06-2007, 06:02 AM
But on a site devoted to a Japanese car, I would have thought context was everything and the common use is the abreviation of Japanese..... I sincerely hope no-one would find offence in the term given its common use in our language.

07-06-2007, 08:27 AM
I also feel the term has negative connotations.

07-06-2007, 11:46 AM
When I read this thread I was in the 'what's the problem with this word camp'
However, from trawling the internet, I concede that it's not as simple as it seems.

Anyway, here are some opinions which should add to the debate, which is important, especially as we have excluded a word from the forum that is still in general and very public circulation.

Words are empowered by the people who use them and the context in which they are used.

The word *** was first used in 1860 to describe members of the Japanese embassy in the US. It then became synominous as a description of imperial Japan between 1889 and 1945.
During WW2 it was used in a derogatory way.


Veteran and author Paul Fussell explains the usefulness of the word during the war for creating effective propaganda by saying that "Japs" "was a brisk monosyllable handy for slogans like 'Rap the ***' or 'Let's Blast the *** Clean Off the Map.'"[2]

Also of interest is this link, which basically tells of two brother who set up in the US in the early 1900's and had a road named after them (*** road) as was tradition in that particular region. It shows how the meaning of names change over time.


As Sammy pointed out, context is very important;

"on a site devoted to a Japanese car, I would have thought context was everything and the common use is the abreviation of Japanese..... I sincerely hope no-one would find offence in the term given its common use in our language."

The Japanese performance industry in the UK certainly don't have issues with this word; Japfest, Japarts, Japimports, Japshop, Japshow and so on.........

It could be argued that the Japanese performance phenomenon has to some extent purged the negative conotations by promoting its usage in a mainstream context and encouraging appreciation of Japanese marques.

Perhaps the fact that so many people choose Japanese cars over European alternatives, attend meetings and are enthusiasts for a product made in Japan can also be viewed as a weakening of negative conotations?

If you consider the most common and current usage in the UK, the word *** is used mostly by people who only identify positive associations with Japan.

The way car or bike enthusiast use the word in the UK has become very specific; for instance; if people are talking about the difference between European and Japanese vehicles they will normally say ***. If they are talking about a person they will say 'Japanese.' There is a distinction.

This shows how the word has changed and become attached to either 'Car' or 'Bike' in a non-derogatory way.


Here's another interesting discussion. The last entry in particular is very interesting.




07-06-2007, 12:49 PM
Flipping heck James nice post!

FWIW I listened to a debate on Radio 5 a little earlier about the word n@**@r (due to the dreaded BB) and it's 'common' use in this country and the States in modern society. There were two people arguing the point both ways for and against. The interesting side for me was an
American author who said it isn't about the words or language we use but how we use them and the sentiment that is behind it, and by hiding from these terms all it does is pay homage to the negativity they once represented. I personally think this is a pretty good way of looking at things but not everyone's and hence the *ing on this site!

Despite being 100% british origin and parentage, I happen to be fairly tanned year round, and have hence on many occasions been called a P*@*i. This stuck as my nickname at school, and I can tell you it was a lot nicer being called it by my close friends (you know who you are) than people on the street!

Anyway discuss away I think James should get a NSXCB 2:1 though for his dissertation above ;).

NSX 2000
07-06-2007, 01:08 PM
J A P is used more now to describe material things like cars, cameras, bikes etc, as a European am I offended by a non European saying I drive eurobox?

All the above is food for thought, but for me I do think the world has gone PC mad about ni**r, c**n, w*p, Gy**, etc. Have people forgotten about sticks and stones may brake my bones but names will never hurt me!

07-06-2007, 01:09 PM
Good speeches guys - I agree.

Matt I am sorry to hear about the name calling you were no doubt unfairly subjected to whilst at school, maybe those name callers have gotten their comupance and also have nicknames now that have stuck.

I think that the term J** is synonimous to the terms Aussie, Brit, Yank, Euro (for car terms), Scot etc etc. Maybe Yank is used nowadays in a more derogatory fashion but I think that the others, including J** are used purely as abbreviations by most, especially users on this forum.

I have always found it funny that the term ni99er is fine to use between black people but when a white person says it then it is racist. I have several black friends who are fine with me calling them whatever and they can call me any name under the sun with no problems.

I think that history is the problem and some people hold on to it for a long time so whena word is used they associate it with the old derogitary meaning rather than how it is more commonly used in the present day.

Tone is a very important issue and can obiosly not be expressed on an internet forum. You can make lots of words nasty or offensive if you use the right tones but, unless those tones are used, people do not necessarily interpret them as derogatory. Because of the history attached to J** I can see how people can jump to the wrong conclusions about it's intention.

Running a forum must be hard to try and balance pleasing everyone and what it comes down to is Kevin's view! If a few people are getting offended by the words' use then why not * it out. although it is sparking a lot of conversation as to the reasoning behind it I'm sure that the starring isn't offending... unless people assume that the word must have bad intentions hence why it is starred!

Anyway more 2ps to add to the pot!


07-06-2007, 01:48 PM
Well it's like this.

I HAVE had complaints from international readers where the term *** is used as an insult.

So I stopped it from being used on this site.

Personally I don't think anyone here in the context of talking about cars is trying to cause offence or insult anyone, but I just think using the abbreveation just sounds plain stupid.

To me it is a dumbing down, and generally highlights the degredation of our society, and the lack of decency we see all too often.

Is it so hard to say 'Japanese cars' rather than '*** beasts' ?

If there was a car show for cars from the USA, it would be an 'American Car Show', not a 'yankfest'. The same goes for other nationalities.

As a member of the NSXCB, you should all also subscribe to Chap magazine www.thechap.net (http://www.thechap.net), and help return common decency to our lives.

I thank you.

07-06-2007, 01:54 PM
Anyway more 2ps to add to the pot!

Not on this thread - I just want to read the 'Autocar Feature'!:unsure:

07-06-2007, 01:55 PM
Chapette :D


Whatever next ??

07-06-2007, 01:59 PM
If you want to read the autocar feature then here it is verbatim..........

This year's Japfest motoring event at Castle Combe turned out to be an NSX-fest, when 43 devoted members of Honda's New Sportscar eXperimental Club attended, breaking this car's European group attendance record

That's about it really.

Not on this thread - I just want to read the 'Autocar Feature'!:unsure:

07-06-2007, 10:17 PM
plain simple pc madness!

to illustrate, we were all at japfest, in *** cars! if we're having censorship, at least be consistent!

apologies for taking this topic off topic.

07-06-2007, 10:20 PM
Matt I am sorry to hear about the name calling you were no doubt unfairly subjected to whilst at school, maybe those name callers have gotten their comupance and also have nicknames now that have stuck.

Butter wouldn't melt....;)

dan the man
08-06-2007, 08:19 AM
worlds gone PC mad and it annoys.

From no christmas trees to no carols on tannoys to displaying the english flag. If u dont like you know where the door is.

And big brother race thing has flared again for a petty reason even the supposed victim dosent feel bothered about. I wish the contestants would all call each other racist names in an organised rant and then lets see what the producers do- boot everone off the show and be left with nothing ?

08-06-2007, 12:07 PM
I got a copy of autocar, yes the pic looks good (although all I can see of my car is a wing mirror) but a wee write up wouldn't have killed them would it??


08-06-2007, 12:35 PM
DTM, I have to agree with you to some extent, theres too much PC in this world, so long as theres respect for each other, thats all that matters! Now Bu_ _er off! Only kidding mate my fellow Northerner, whoops can I say that or is regionalising not PC !!! :( :)

dan the man
08-06-2007, 09:32 PM
no problem my good paddy fields friend. :d

08-06-2007, 10:19 PM
Went to the large WHSmiths in Manchester City Centre & not a single copy left, our picture or article must have them mag buyers in their droves! ;) Can anyone scan it please ? Thanks :(

08-06-2007, 11:04 PM
I wish the contestants would all call each other racist names in an organised rant and then lets see what the producers do- boot everone off the show and be left with nothing ?
Best idea yet! Get rid of it all together :thumbsdown::beatdown:

08-06-2007, 11:32 PM
Paul, you must have read my mind !? :eek:

08-06-2007, 11:58 PM
They should reopen Bergen Belsen and send them, the producers and the viewers there for a week's "holiday"!

Is that PC enough???
