View Full Version : Valve clearance, drive belts & coolant

13-06-2007, 12:03 PM
Please I need advise since as part of every 24,000 miles or 24 months service are the following jobs:

Inspecting valve clearance, is the the same as the tappets? is this normally checked for wear & need adjusting if outside the tolerences?

Inspecting/adjust the drive belts, what are they? Are they the cambelts or alternator or water pump belt?

Changing the coolant, Is this a simple job I can do myself rather than get HUK to do it? Regardless of low usage, I assume you should change to due heat & degrades with use?

I'm worried that HUK will rip me off & do unecessary work since my Service history is out of sink since I do under 2000 miles pa.

Thanks alot. :dunno::think:

13-06-2007, 12:43 PM
Please I need advise since as part of every 24,000 miles or 24 months service are the following jobs:

Inspecting valve clearance, is the the same as the tappets? is this normally checked for wear & need adjusting if outside the tolerences?

Tappets is a term that is used but in your engine you have OHC's and the clearances are adjusted by a screw/locknut on the rocker arm. With low mileage I doubt if they are out and slightly loose clearances are not the biggest issue. However re-sale is going to hang on your service book.


Inspecting/adjust the drive belts, what are they? Are they the cambelts or alternator or water pump belt?

All of the above.

Changing the coolant, Is this a simple job I can do myself rather than get HUk to do it? Regardless of low usage, I assume you should change to due heat & degrades with use?

Yes you could do it yourself but it is not worth it IMO if you are going to get a service as its dirt cheap. By the time you have drained 'x' litres of coolant and re-filled it properly without getting any airlocks in the system your time will have been better spent!

I'm worried that HUK will rip me off & do unecessary work since my Service history is out of sink since I do under 2000 miles pa.

Thanks alot. :dunno::think:

Your service book caters for low mileage as lots of stuff is age related, i.e belt changes/adjustment as rubber perishes and tensions are lost. Find a better dealer and talk to them would be my advice.


13-06-2007, 01:55 PM
Has Chewy departed then reg?

13-06-2007, 02:31 PM
Has Chewy departed then reg?

Looks like he is off Monday. I cant even have a final weekend as I am off to Mondello Park tomorrrow :rolleyes:

Will post a goodbye when he goes.:beer:

13-06-2007, 02:36 PM
Looks like he is off Monday. I cant even have a final weekend as I am off to Mondello Park tomorrrow :rolleyes:

Will post a goodbye when he goes.:beer:

Shame - it was nice having you as an owner bringing different kinds of technical knowledge to the pot! Probably best you go cold turkey it will just make you realise what a bad decision you have made now it is too late :D.

13-06-2007, 06:10 PM
Sad is gone mate, but wait and see, you just might come back to the fold.



dan the man
13-06-2007, 10:27 PM
all the best Reg pal

13-06-2007, 11:50 PM
Cherioh Chewy!

Reg, always sorry to hear people parting with the NSX. I'm sure you enjoyed it (even more with working brakes ;)).

Hope you keep in touch on the forum and maybe see you at an event or 2? Your informative posts will be missed if you dont visit from T2T.

Is Chewy off to a forum member or haveyou at least given the new keeper the details?

All the best my friend

regards, Paul

14-06-2007, 09:28 AM
Cheers for the comments guys, he hasn't gone yet! Although its just a matter of money changing hands.

When he goes on Monday I will post up with some thoughts and the next project ;)

14-06-2007, 11:35 PM
Thanks alot Reg & much appreciated. I am very sorry Chewy has been sold, which I now worked out is your X and it will be sorely missed. I hope to keep mine for a very long time to come, which is incidentally the same year & colour as yours, sorry this is no consolation! I hope you stay in the forum as your techincal knowledge would be sorely missed. Regards & good luck in the future. James :)