View Full Version : A certain Orange NSX for sale on Autotrader

14-06-2007, 05:23 PM
No not mine, but one of the other ones that was at Japfest, sorry can't remember your name :(

Sorry to see it for sale.

P/X for a 1997 P reg maybe ??

Orange_Clicky (http://atsearch.autotrader.co.uk/www/CARS_popup.jsp?searchform=&modelexact=1&lid=search_used_cars_full&photo=1&state=none&sort=3&hassearched=Y&make=HONDA&min_pr=75&source=0&model=NSX&max_pr=&miles=1500&agerange=&mileage=&postcode=sw1a+1aa&variant=&bodyid=0&trim=&fuelid=0&colour=&transmissionid=0&keywords=&ukcarsearch_full.x=80&ukcarsearch_full.y=9&ukcarsearch_full=SEARCH&start=7&distance=61&adcategory=CARS&channel=CARS&id=200724289121728)

14-06-2007, 07:10 PM
it was the kind donor of the bottled water - the only liquid suitable for washing an NSX !

14-06-2007, 08:28 PM
Chen I think - what a car...

14-06-2007, 08:59 PM
You tempted ??

Chen I think - what a car...

14-06-2007, 09:14 PM
You tempted ??

Sadly back to wondering if I might have to give mine back again at the moment. If I had another £9K spare I would definately think about chopping mine in sharpish though...

Why you?;)

14-06-2007, 09:30 PM
This one would rate above the 05, but I still don't think I'd chop mine in for it.
For the money I think it's a bargain, but there's also a lot of other cars out there for nearly £40k that I would like.

14-06-2007, 10:00 PM
Thats the guy Chen, maybe hes selling it since I fixed his CD problem!? which was the same problem I had & TQO advised me on. Its a bit strange he join us at Fest at the very last moment without registering on this forum, maybe he was sweetening us up & getting us to think what if I could own that great looking X, which was one of the nicest looking at Fest I admit. Wonder what he would get to replace it with? So you think its nicer than the 05, you mean the bergundy/pinkish one that Honda was selling?

15-06-2007, 08:22 AM
No, I looked at the Imola Orange Pearl 05 at Coventry last year and was thinking about P/X mine for it. I think I would prefer this Targa but still nothing more than slightly tempted. After all the gains for me are not worth the additional money.

If I didn't already have mine then maybe, but as an upgrade it just doesn't seem to make sense for me.

So you think its nicer than the 05, you mean the bergundy/pinkish one that Honda was selling?

15-06-2007, 08:48 AM
I wouldn't let Luke see this thread, poor lad could be speeding off to the Bank manager PDQ!

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
15-06-2007, 08:30 PM
simonpreludeNo, I looked at the Imola Orange Pearl 05 at Coventry last year

Do you mean 'Varo's ' or Monaco92's one?

SS ;)

15-06-2007, 08:36 PM
Definitely the latter, apparently not the former ;)

Do you mean 'Varo's ' or Monaco92's one?

SS ;)

17-06-2007, 10:04 AM
Hi, I'm another ex S2000 owner looking on here.

does anyone know about this car or owner?

I know I can ask the owner etc but I wondered

if someone had more info on condition/history.

I like the fact that its a targa & this has promted my interest.



17-06-2007, 08:19 PM
We all met the owner & saw the car in the flesh at Japanese Fest on the 19 May at Castle Coome, its gorgeous & one of the best looking Xs. If you like the colour like most of us do, then maybe you should consider it. I don't know the owner personally, but I had a close look at her as I helped the owner removed the targa/put it away and also help him sort out a little CD problem which I easily fix for him, so my impressions is that its in a lovely condition and the owner seems to be a careful owner! HTH :)