View Full Version : Did Honda dropped one???

15-06-2007, 12:37 AM
So I was washing "the underdog" when I noticed that water was getting into the engine bay thru the RWG ( rear window garnish ), I assumed that it was due to me removing the engine cover in anticipation of getting my NA2-R cover :).

So I decided to make an "Ersatz" engine cover a la Gruppe M by removing a similar area to the one that is covered in mesh on the NSX-R one. Out came the pliers, angle grinder, jigsaw and the all important goggles and dust mask. I cut out the oulined, removed all the ribs and post and smoothed the inside. Also rounded the edge. I should have wore more suitable clothes than shorts and a vest as by the time I finished I was itching like a possesed man. Once finished wash, blow dry and detailed, I installed it. I decided to wash the car again as some dust had flown out of the garage/workshop and black is a tell tale color for dirt.

Can you believe that the water keeps on coming in! The posts were the RWG attaches to the engine bay are not covered by the engine cover!

Everytime one watches the car, the rear bank valve cover gets wet! WTF Honda? Was this designed for ventilation, or as an engineered fault?

Sorry about the rant.

Needless to say the cover is off again! So if anyone wants it to play with is your for £ 60.00 plus shipping.



dan the man
15-06-2007, 06:38 AM
Washes Or Watches?

15-06-2007, 07:55 AM
Thanks dan, it proves that you are better than Word at spellchecking :D

15-06-2007, 07:58 PM
Once finished wash, blow dry

You or the car???

15-06-2007, 10:21 PM
I got a bald head mate. :rolleyes:

16-06-2007, 02:38 PM
Ary I'm slightly confused! So the RWG is letting in water, is this garnish perished or worn, you are not using a high pressured jet wash? Why if you are waiting for a Type R meshed cover, would you cut up the engine cover? Does the meshed R cover fit onto the existing cover as I thought it comes as a whole thing? Mind you good job with the axel grinder !
Dan, good job you can spell especially with that Lancastrian accent!! ;)

16-06-2007, 02:43 PM
Ary I'm slightly confused! So the RWG is letting in water, is this garnish perished or worn, you are not uusing a high pressured jet wash? Why if you are waiting for a Type R meshed cover, would you cut up the engine cover? Does the meshed R cover fit onto the existing cover as I thought it comes as a whole thing? Mind you good job with the axel grinder.
Dan, good job you can spell especially with that Lancastrian accent!! ;)

It seems that the design of the RWG is flaw, as the posts to screw it onto the engine bay have a hole near the back/front where water can ingress.

I tought that the engine cover gasket will stop the water coming in, hence the cutting of the OEM cover. I was only using a regular hose pipe on shower setting.

The NSX-R cover does not need any other parts of the cover.

So it seems that there is a design flaw.



16-06-2007, 02:56 PM
Strange that a company like Honda, which you associate with reliability, great practical design & innovations, can have a design flaw especially in their flagship car! Having said that, looks what happened to their F1 first team! :(

16-06-2007, 09:11 PM
Hi Ary

I suspect your RWG was unscrewed from the engine bay at some point, and when it was re-attached it then started letting water in through the screw-holes.

Are all the screws tight?
Do the screws have rubber washers to stop water ingress?


26-06-2007, 01:15 AM

If you open the engine hatch and look at the piece you will see that the back of the post is open, thus it lets water in.

Unless I have a special one :)



29-06-2007, 05:55 PM
So have you people checked your RWG yet?
