View Full Version : Best Car In the World? I thank you...

05-07-2007, 01:32 PM
This is a 2005 Top Gear article but today was the first time I'd seen it. Anyway this is the interesting (and very enlightened!:)) quote from Jeremy Clarkson:

JC: If you want to argue that The Best Car in the World is a supercar, go ahead. But there is only one that makes the grade. Only one that's built properly. Gordon Murray knows. Rowan Atkinson knows. It's the Honda NSX.

You can't argue with the Jezza! http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/inc/images/bow.gif (http://www.pistonheads.co.uk/gassing/smilies.htm#)

The full story is here (http://www.topgear.com/content/features/stories/2005/10/stories/17/2.html)!

05-07-2007, 01:38 PM
Brilliant, mega, fantastic, so the secrets out finally and the motoring car world has come to its senses aswell as Jezza ! :quote: :yes: :proud: :beer: In there you could include George Lucas, Tom Cruise?, Elton John, TPT, Ian Botham & the main man himself SENNA, enuth said !!

05-07-2007, 03:41 PM
Nice quote!

05-07-2007, 05:14 PM
Brilliant, mega, fantastic, so the secrets out finally and the motoring car world has come to its senses aswell as Jezza ! In there you could include George Lucas, Tom Cruise?, Elton John, TPT, Ian Botham & the main man himself SENNA, enuth said !!

knobhead, knobhead, knobhead, nobody, knobhead, employee, not the best owners list:),

Gordon Murray, Rowan Atkinson and Flemke of PH all with something in common,

05-07-2007, 06:43 PM
knobhead, knobhead, knobhead, nobody, knobhead, employee, not the best owners list:),

Gordon Murray, Rowan Atkinson and Flemke of PH all with something in common,

Classic...well put! Not sure this counts as the secret only just being out as it was from back in 2005! I have this article saved in my NSX folder along with that great one by Andrew Frankle(sic) (the first article not the farewell in an auto one).

05-07-2007, 08:21 PM
Gumball, so your'e not into Sci Fi, Iconic ground breaking films, so called It girl, English sporting hero, world famous song writers/singers and F1 legend etc? Is there anything you actully like? ;) TQO,you just reminded me, I too have the very TG mag and have read the quote before, but senile dementia is catching up :( :laugh:

05-07-2007, 08:56 PM
Of course my avitar shows i'm amasive Ayrton fan but you must admit he was "employed" to help Honda and given his NSX/s.

edit: oh the three, Flemke, Atkinson, and Murray own/ed NSXs and Mclarens, another car with a good rep:)

05-07-2007, 09:48 PM
I must be blind, so it is your avatar !! :doh: Correct he was one hell of a employee, suppose without Honda's engine, then he might not won the F1 crowns!

Sorry just worked it out!! F & RA owned both the X & Mac and GM owned an X & designed the Mac! :doh: Read somewhere that since the X was GM's daily drive, it influenced him when designing the Mac! I think a side view of the front wing of an X has a hint of the F1 ! :)

06-07-2007, 06:23 AM
I must be blind, so it is your avatar !! :doh: Correct he was one hell of a employee, suppose without Honda's engine, then he might not won the F1 crowns!

Sorry just worked it out!! F & RA owned both the X & Mac and GM owned an X & designed the Mac! :doh: Read somewhere that since the X was GM's daily drive, it influenced him when designing the Mac! I think a side view of the front wing of an X has a hint of the F1 ! :)

Not 100% but I have a feeling the greybloke's (Nick) NSX might be the very car....

I think it is pretty common knowledge and safe to say the NSX was used as one of the bench marks when the MCL F1 was being developed!

06-07-2007, 07:48 AM
Yes Nicks car is the ex Gordon Murray McF1 benchmark car.

06-07-2007, 07:56 AM
Yes Nicks car is the ex Gordon Murray McF1 benchmark car.

I thought you were supposed to be in the car on your way to Glasgow?

Oh and sorry I didn't get back to you yesterday, I'm having one of those weeks....:(

06-07-2007, 10:36 PM
Bloody hell, GM's old car is now owned by one of our members!! :eek: :proud:

Say hello to my place of birth Glasgow Simon wee man !;)

17-07-2007, 11:22 PM
And I'm pretty sure that SilverSurfers car has links to Maclaren too...

Silver Surfer
17-07-2007, 11:26 PM
Indirectly...... but you're right! :D


18-07-2007, 10:19 PM
So are you gonna keep us in the dark then? :dunno: Did he point at it once & said I used to own of of those! ;)

Silver Surfer
19-07-2007, 12:31 AM
My 'X's previous owner was the quality controller for Maclaren and regularly took the car there for Maclaren to use as a bench mark (So he says).