View Full Version : Carbon Fibre Console and Nav pod

26-07-2007, 07:51 PM
HI All,

Yesterday I took delivery of my new CF console and CF wrapped Nav Pod from Daliracing (took 4 days from dispatch at dali).

Looks pretty good but will have to do a little modifying to move the lighter socket (I like the power output for my mobile charger) and I'll have to do a bit of jiggery pokery to get the nav pod fitted in.

I'll probably not fit the nav pod until I get the system that I want for it first, but I'll get the console in this weekend.

Will try and get some pics up ASAP.


26-07-2007, 10:49 PM
Jim, would be nice to see some pics IDC! Enjoy your 6 weeks off tinkering & re freshing your X! :) Have you been bitten by this CF business like Paul? I noted you asked Detlef about the CF mirrors!

27-07-2007, 08:53 AM
I've always like some of the CF parts that are available, and it was my plan from the start to refresh the interior to the way I would ike it. I quite like the mirrors too, but not sure if I will go for it yet, have other little priorities waiting.


dan the man
27-07-2007, 02:22 PM
pics! and total prices please ;)

05-08-2007, 11:40 PM
Here you go a few pics, and I relocated the lighter socket ( need somewhere to charge my phone).

Silver Surfer
05-08-2007, 11:52 PM
Just about see your white dials.

You should try to take the pictures when you are stationary at the lights rather than on the move. :laugh: ;)


05-08-2007, 11:57 PM
HAHA I was stationary, I used my phone to take the pics, looks clear on my phone screen but when they were re-sized they went a bit blurry. I'll try and get hold of a camera and get better ones taken.


06-08-2007, 01:07 PM
Hi Jim,

Which console is this? IIRC Dali offers several options of full CF or CF overlay and maybe a few more.

Whilst the fit looks to be ok (probably thanx to your refinement), I would be less pleased with the lay of the CF as in the photo's the weave does not appear to be very uniform, a key sign of the actual manufacturing quality and process.

I think this is the same console that Greybloke has and the same weave appears in his install.

That said, if your happy with it then that is all that matters. Keep up the interior upgrades, your NSX is looking better with every mod!

regards, Paul

06-08-2007, 02:35 PM
looks good mate mmmmmmm
just need to start mine now just a little peaved as i have to send the b pillers back as they are too short lol

thx amo

06-08-2007, 03:42 PM
HI Paul,

I know what you mean. After having to wait what seemed like an age for the CF parts to come from Dali (MJ puts the blame on his supplier saying that he is the one that takes ages) And when it finally arrived, I have to say I was slightly dissapointed in quality, I'm sure the procar specials one if far superior, but hey you only get what you pay for right?

But on a plus side I was happy once I finally got it fitted in (Although more pleased with myself about re-locating the lighter socket) and hopefully you can all have a propper look at the next meet (Japfest 2008 perhaps...........looking at you Papalaz :D)

And someone mentioned about the CF gear surroung and NSX-R knob/gaitor, an idea that is growing on me more and more.



06-08-2007, 03:48 PM
And someone mentioned about the CF gear surroung and NSX-R knob/gaitor, an idea that is growing on me more and more.

Cheers JimNice job on the power socket move BTW.

As for the gaitor and CF surround, I would say that as you now have the CF console it would not look right as you would have a clash of CF weave (the OEM is smaller than Dali).

Prob better off leaving the plate standard and just using your skills for a red or black alcantara look to replace the OEM leatherette item.

regards, Paul

06-08-2007, 03:59 PM
Yeah you're probably right, that's another job added to the list. I don't pay myself enough money for all this work, I think I'll ask myself for a bonus.

PS if anyone wants anything doing, you have until the end of August!.
