View Full Version : q45 tb

31-07-2007, 05:43 PM
ok iv bought a q45 tb will get it on the engine when as the build starts
so looks end of the year might be time to go usa and 3.5l looks good so far
thx amo

31-07-2007, 05:47 PM
You do know that is not a straight fwd swap do you? I can hear your spanners clanking from here! :)

31-07-2007, 05:59 PM
lol yes mr AR will get a sandwich in between maybe cheese might be good

thx amo

31-07-2007, 08:20 PM
lol english lol please lol ... lol for lol the lol novices lol amongst lol us lol please lol tell lol us lol what lol you lol are lol talking lol about! LOL


31-07-2007, 08:29 PM
The new Lankstarr :)



31-07-2007, 08:32 PM
Q45 Big Infinity car TB Trottle Body. A HUGE trottle body! Some of you might enjoy the second picture!

31-07-2007, 10:10 PM
I enjoyed the first pic!

as for fisting metal objects... not my cup of tea really (or anything else for that matter)

Thanks for keeping me upto date with the lingo Ary, it's easy to get confused between the lol's and the tb's nowadays:laugh:lol:laugh:


31-07-2007, 10:36 PM
THe world as gone acronym mad!

31-07-2007, 10:51 PM
THe world as gone acronym mad!
Lets hope SAKE doesn't mean Slow And Knackered Engine ;)

Back on thread ... I've heard talk about larger TB's but what else do you need to do for this to bring true gains and not simply 'dump' fuel into the system and hope for performance?

Not planning on doing this but really would like to understand this if you can explain in simply terms please boys...

regards, Paul

31-07-2007, 11:15 PM
HAHA Good effort Paul,

I hope so too, let's see what the headers and a tune do to it!

For the TB to work the Intake manifold will need to be ported too. You will probably need cams too and a retuned ECU.



01-08-2007, 08:54 AM
Just opening up (widening) the throttle body will not reap any real gains. It's not a matter of the amount of air entering the plenum chamber but the speed (flow) and density of air.

Some manufacturers and tuners have looked at manipulating air flow, without forcing the induction, to better effect. Spoon have been offering a Venturi Plate (http://www.spoonsports.us/catalog/products/venturi.htm) for the B-series Honda engines for a long while now and this does make a improvement to performance albeit negligable. Basically, it twists the air entering the intake ports to speed up flow and effectively creating better combustion.

More reading on WikiPedia :

Plate Effect with Air\Fluid Flow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Orifice_plate)

Venturi Effect with Air Flow (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Venturi_effect)

01-08-2007, 09:31 AM
Hence my response.

For the TB to work the Intake manifold will need to be ported too. You will probably need cams too and a retuned ECU.



01-08-2007, 10:11 PM
I enjoyed the 1st pic actually! I'm a bit lost like Luke as not mechanically minded! Does this large throttle body mean you can get more fuel & air into the engine, the large hole where there is a hand, is where the SC goes on & not air intake? Yoda Master, please explain! :dunno:

02-08-2007, 08:24 PM
ok lookin at that pic yes ur correct thats where the sc goes in
so more air + more fuel = more power as long as its mapped which it will be as im doin a full engine

thx amo

03-08-2007, 12:23 PM
Amo, you are a "POWER FREAK", more power, more, more ,more!! Sounds great tho in the movie bit where you left those gates & powered onto the high street !! ;)