View Full Version : Catastrophy!!

08-08-2007, 04:39 PM
just when you think it's safe to finish working on your car!!! I have just finished replaceing the drivers side speaker, got the door car back on, and then PING the door handle thingy broke!. I've seent the repair part on SoS for $45 so I've asked how to order fropm the UK.

Anyone know how much HUK would want for this part?



08-08-2007, 06:04 PM
The don't! they only do the complete door handle assembly. I think they said £350 plus VAT but I lost interest then. I got a second hand one from Dirk less than half that!

08-08-2007, 06:07 PM
honda want to sell the whole handle, don't list the aluminium casting seperately.

you can repair them with lumiweld, but be careful as the whole thing is likely to melt into a blob. sos and dali do the door fix thingies just remember when ordering it, the drivers side in america is the other side!

and when you put it back together, move the cable location up a slot so the cable isn't at the end of it's travel.

08-08-2007, 11:27 PM
Yeah I kind of thought that honda would want to do something mad like that. I've emailed SoS for a price plus postage, the part is $45 (about £21)so it doesn't break the bank, it's just a pain in the proverbial having to open my door with a pair of pliers!


09-08-2007, 10:49 AM
:D I spent a week ahving to roll my window down to use the outside door handle :D

I looked at the replacement casting but it looked tricky to replace them - they are flush riveted and looked beyond my very limited technical capability.

09-08-2007, 10:54 AM
Yeah I wondered about that, got no idea how to actually replace the broken part, but I'll have a damn good try at it befor paying honda prices.


09-08-2007, 03:26 PM
the replacement is held on by a couple of small screws, not a big job at all.

09-08-2007, 05:12 PM
SoS never got back to me, so I asked Mark at Dali, and there is one in the post now.

If it's easy enough I'll get some pics as I do it, maybe helpful if this is a "common" fault

Britlude, I guess you've done this job before? PS hope the new head unit works ok.


09-08-2007, 06:04 PM
when I bought mine, the door handle was already broken. so when I got it home, I removed the handle from the door, stripped it down, repaired the broken aluminium casting with lumiweld, and put it all back together. saving the £340 quoted to the vendor by honda! this was before I knew of the fix-it thingies. just make sure the cable is clipped in as to allow the door to open before the handle runs out of travel. after all, that's why they break in the first place!

head unit going in tomorrow!

09-08-2007, 06:07 PM
OH right, just when I saw that you said the replacement is held on by screws I thought that's what you had done. I guess the lumiweld is still working for you?


13-08-2007, 11:47 AM
Well I ordered the part from Dali last week and it arrived this morning. Sorry guys I tried to take pics but for close up stuff my phone just doesn't cut it, so I'll describe in as much detail as I can.

Having removed the door handle assemby, I had a wee chin rub to work out what to do next. It looks like the OEM part is rivited in BUT IT ISN'T, a little scrape reveaved that they are infact 2 small screws that have been covered up.

So once removed 2 small screws, broken part removed, leaving the other half still attached by a brass pin held on with a small circlip. this pulls out prety easy and off with the second half of broken part, replace with new shiny bit and there you have it, I no longer need to open my door with a pair of pliers.

Another seemingly painfull job done in minutes.


13-08-2007, 03:10 PM
said it was a simple job, just make sure you refit the cable so that it opens the door well before the handle reaches the end of it's travel! there's 3 notches on the cable shroud to allow adjustment for the cable stretching.

13-08-2007, 03:37 PM
Yeah I remember you saying that before, so I tried it before putting the cover on and all is back to normal now.
