View Full Version : R8 The new NSX .....discuss

03-09-2007, 01:56 PM
NSX looks like Nigels. Very, very nice car.

I love the R8 by the way, I think its the modern NSX. (runs for cover)

03-09-2007, 02:35 PM
oh yes i like the look of the r8 mmmmmmmmm just looks so nice
thx amo

03-09-2007, 02:39 PM
NSX looks like Nigels. Very, very nice car.

I love the R8 by the way, I think its the modern NSX. (runs for cover)

Agree with both of those comments!

03-09-2007, 03:54 PM
I'm with you regarding the R8 Damian. I pinned my colours to that mast a while back...

The "sideblades" just have to be body coloured though.

I can't believe more of the motoring journo's haven't drawn a parallel with the 1991 NSX which did all the same things to the supercar establishment that the R8 has this year.

Just like Honda, Audi are ultimately doomed to fail from a sales standpoint but (just like Honda) they will have made their point.


03-09-2007, 04:18 PM
...and still it can't beat a Zanardi 0-100-0.

Both 15.5 seconds.

Most of you guys love the pop ups, and hate the 02 " bug eyes " yet consider that whale pretty???

There is plenty of ugly cars that drive fast.

03-09-2007, 04:33 PM
Someone spill your pint an lunchtime Ary :)

03-09-2007, 04:51 PM
No, you go for it Ary, embrace the angst!!!

I like certain aspects of the R8, but do not love it! It doesn't get me excited when I look at it. I am not thinking about selling organs to buy it. To me it's just a nice car that that blends in very well with all the other nice cars.
I do however like my 'bug eyed middleweight NSX sportscar.



03-09-2007, 04:57 PM
Someone spill your pint an lunchtime Ary :)???

The R8 is better than the NSX:


03-09-2007, 05:06 PM

The R8 is better than the NSX:


now now mr whats going on here then

thx amo

03-09-2007, 05:42 PM
Just like Honda, Audi are ultimately doomed to fail from a sales standpoint but (just like Honda) they will have made their point.


Agree there. I've seen one on the road so far. If it were a new model Porsche or Aston or anything, the 'must haves' would have got one by now. I guess in 15 years people will be saying how 'rare' they are.

What has it done though, to make it a groundbreaking car like the NSX was?

03-09-2007, 05:52 PM
What has it done though, to make it a groundbreaking car like the NSX was?

That is what I want to know?

03-09-2007, 06:22 PM
Agree there. I've seen one on the road so far. If it were a new model Porsche or Aston or anything, the 'must haves' would have got one by now. I guess in 15 years people will be saying how 'rare' they are.

What has it done though, to make it a groundbreaking car like the NSX was?

Well it supposedly has a 2 year waiting list, or so I heard, so I think they're doing a bit better than Honda.

It obviously isn't revolutionary like the NSX (although it has a few gems, like that V8 engine, and of course an Audi interior, and they're the best in the business in my view), but its a useable supercar with supercar looks, and thats why I made the claim I think its the modern NSX. A proper, useable car that looks great and goes fast as chuff. If I could afford one it would be sat in my garage.

03-09-2007, 06:37 PM
I'm with you regarding the R8 Damian. I pinned my colours to that mast a while back...

The "sideblades" just have to be body coloured though.

I can't believe more of the motoring journo's haven't drawn a parallel with the 1991 NSX which did all the same things to the supercar establishment that the R8 has this year.

Just like Honda, Audi are ultimately doomed to fail from a sales standpoint but (just like Honda) they will have made their point.



Autocar definitely mentioned the NSX in their road test of the R8 - I seem to remember it was in relation to the interior

03-09-2007, 08:04 PM
Spurred on by all this debate I took myself off to the local Audi showroom to have a look at the R8.

Having walked past 9 of them in the yard, (thats more than we get at most meets!), I headed toward the black/black/black blade model sitting in the showroom.

As most of the order takers where busy with their Macdonalds, I had a good play with the interior, even having time to read the PDI sheet that was on the rear 'parcel shelf'.

Although well put together as is usual for an Audi, the interior lacked that sense of occasion you would expect of a modern supercar. Whats disappointing is that Audi group has proved it can deliver when you look inside the Gallardo Superlegarro. The driving position felt good for my 5'7", but, unlike the NSX, visibility was not so strong.

From the outside it looks ok. Seeing it up close I'm still of the opinion that it just isn't balanced. For me it goes wrong around the back of the roof. The showroom model looked more balanced than some of the other colors with the contrasting blade panel.

As I returned to my NSX, someone had kindly parked an R8 next to me. A couple of the mechanics where looking at both as I returned. What we all agreed was that next to the NSX, the R8 looked to be jacked up and extemely in need of the atkins diet.

I drove home thinking the same as some of the above comments ... in 15 yrs time this may well be seen as the modern version of the original NSX. Not because it has done something special in the way the NSX did, but more because it was done by a mainstream manufacturer who upset the establishment.

Would I invest my £80k in one .... No. If I had the money I'd be looking for a GT3 RS; but thats a whole new thread in itself....

regards, Paul

PS, the Pearl NSX is Nigels, you can tell by the double front H badge even if the color is unclear in the photo.

03-09-2007, 11:01 PM
Paul you have a way with words that escapes me. IMHW the R8 is a nice car with a few touches for some posers and some die hard Audi fans. That is it.

FFS is technocrat apparatchiks car designed not to excite because it would compete with their "other" car!

It is not a "Quattro".

Audi manage to castrate Lambos even if doing so made them better. Nobody likes a well behave Tyson or a polite McEnroe.

End of the day the NSX is unique the R8 is the lesser brother to the Lambos.

When the NSX came out it was on level playing field with the Ferraris of the time. The R8 will get murdered by an NSX-R or a lightly lightened NSX.

0-100-0 is where one can see a lot of a car, and the R8 failedto impress.

BTW with £ 80k I'll be looking for an NA2 R.



03-09-2007, 11:22 PM
Yes, that Nigel's beautiful pearly white NSX (final 12), one of my favourite colour X around! I don't want to get into a car looks war as its purely subjective & beauty is in the eye of the beholder, I'm still not a fan of the R8 looks. Awesome track weapon in its standard form with the fancy trick iron filings suspension thingy! Apparently only just over 0.5 sec behind an Enzo at Bedford! :eek:

03-09-2007, 11:44 PM
Sorry having to re post, having just read Pauls & Arys! I agree with the two of you. The R8 uses the same engine from the RS4 in addition to other part bins of Audi that we don't see. Its quite heavy in weight & in certain colours can look a little odd especially with that piece in the middle in a different colour from the main body! Also fully spec up, its not far off a 100K, thats not far away from a Gallardo! In a nutshell, its not as revolutionary as when the NSX first came out and it gave the supercar establishment a boot up the rear in the early 90s!

04-09-2007, 10:29 AM
I think it's a bit unfair to write the R8 off because it isn't as innovative as the NSX was when it came out.

Ignoring the £20k premium to get one at the moment, it costs about £80k and has a 'normal' name which focuses on quality and is competing with established super car competition. It is also both a drivers car and cosseting at the same time. Quite easy to draw parallels in my eye...

AR - Rememeber that the R8 is just pipped by the Koenigsegg CCX at Dunsfold. To put that in comparison, that is faster than a GT3 RS, Zonda and Gallardo (easily). I know the NSX-R didn't have ideal conditions and perhaps a different driver, but it is still a whole 10 seconds slower! Dunsfold is hardly big either.

04-09-2007, 01:49 PM
Ary, was it someone driving an Audi that spilled your pint? ;)

Now I don't want to belittle the NSX in any way as clearly I'm a huge fan but other than the 1st aluminium chassis seen in a production car (itself arguable)it wasn't revolutionary either. What it did was to refine the (then) junior supercar recipe and make this level of performance, more usable, reliable and more accessible than the establishment.

I'm not entirely sold on the looks of the R8, like most new car designs it has too many glitzy bits. I agree it is a little ackward from side on even with same (body) colour "sideblades" but I prefer it to the Gallardo who's base chassis it shares. As Sebring says "beauty is in the eye of the beholder" after all.

Actually the R8 it is a "quattro", just not the "UR quattro". Itself not revolutionary, just a new take on 4wd and refined to be properly usable!

It's engine isn't quite lifted straight from the RS4 either, it gets dry sump lubrication which in my eyes is a near must for a proper performance car and a glaring oversight in the NSX's spec.

As Rob pointed out, the R8's laptime at Dunsfold and Bedford (evo) is amazing for it's power to weight ratio and far more telling of it's overall performance than a straight drag race to the ton and back.

It's not perfect, but I see too many parallels to what the NSX did to the competition at it's launch that I just have to comment (positively) AND, thanks in no small part to the NSX, the competition have got their act together these days, so for it to shine against the latest Porsche, Ferrari and indeed Lambo is really something.



04-09-2007, 02:57 PM
for the sake of 'the fun of arguing' I'm with Ary on this one. However, I like the LED's on the headlights. Obviously not as beautiful as the NSX's bug-lights but nice all the same.



P.s, Maybe we could get the same debate going on Pistonheads? Is there an Audi section?

04-09-2007, 03:22 PM
Nothing against Audis, matter of fact I was talking about this with my wife when I spotted a V10 S8 that is always around Cardiff. IMHO the R8 should have had that engine. I think it did not get it not to piss Lambo owners off and loose £££.

Just my .2 p.


04-09-2007, 03:47 PM
I prefer the headlights on the Aston though ;)

Saw an R8 parked next to a TT a few weeks ago, said it all really.

for the sake of 'the fun of arguing' I'm with Ary on this one. However, I like the LED's on the headlights. Obviously not as beautiful as the NSX's bug-lights but nice all the same.

04-09-2007, 03:54 PM
Nothing against Audis, matter of fact I was talking about this with my wife when I spotted a V10 S8 that is always around Cardiff. IMHO the R8 should have had that engine. I think it did not get it not to piss Lambo owners off and loose £££.

Just my .2 p.


Perhaps it will get the V10. Scarily i was under the impression that the current R8 was the base model?

04-09-2007, 04:07 PM
I'm not bashing the R8, but there are some things I like. Generally I like Audis, in fact my missus had a 225 TT, liked the interior, although not great to drive (tarted up Golf), unlike the new model. Have to say I prefer the compactness of old shape over newer one. Like Simon says parked next to a similar coloured new TT, not much of a change in looks, plus you could get three for price of one R8 !! Those once unique LEDs lights are getting more common as started on the baby AM and now A5s etc!

04-09-2007, 04:52 PM
Saw an R8 parked next to a TT a few weeks ago, said it all really.

I used to park my NSX next to the wife's Civic. What does that say?

Of all the car buyers in the world I think we should be the ones that can look past badge snobbery.

04-09-2007, 05:23 PM
The NSX doesn't look like a beefed up overweight Civic though, that was my point. The styling isn't new, nor is the chassis, engine.........

It's not what I would want in a new generation supercar.
Neither is the ASCC, so if anything like that was released I would be saying similar things to the R8.

I used to park my NSX next to the wife's Civic. What does that say?

Of all the car buyers in the world I think we should be the ones that can look past badge snobbery.

04-09-2007, 05:40 PM
I used to park my NSX next to the wife's Civic. What does that say?

Of all the car buyers in the world I think we should be the ones that can look past badge snobbery.

I'm with the 'X-X' owner on this one (geddit?). I actually think the R8 is a pretty impressive car, and would probably own one were it not 2.5 times the cost of my NSX. I also for that matter like the new TT a lot. I'm not belittling Honda here and have probably had more Honda's to drive than most people on this site, an EG, EK Civic's a CTR, an ITR, a Jazz an S2K and now the X - so it is fair to say I am a huge fan, but what strikes me from time to time is that the NSX has dated in many ways inside, which it cannot fail to do. Whilst this isn't an issue for most of you who have them as weekend cars it is from time to time for me having it as a daily. The new Audi's are great cars from the outside, even the A5 I saw today on the motorway.

Just because we are an NSX forum doesn't mean we should always be so narrow minded about other marques I fear - having said that I'm sure a lot of the opinions are very well founded however, I just don't agree with them! :laugh:

Anyway always nice when there is a thread that divides opinion on here, I think it brings out a little more about us all....:)

dan the man
04-09-2007, 09:20 PM
Id like to drive one- R8 that is.

If it drives as good as everyone says i wouldnt say no, after all its a car and cars get driven. If the NSX was a dog to drive i wouldnt have got one, the way it looks and i like it is a bonus.

04-09-2007, 10:09 PM
Well I have had 3 NSXs, one of those an R, I think that says it all, I am biased.

dan the man
04-09-2007, 10:11 PM
good lad dont stop either. heres to the next 3 :)

04-09-2007, 10:13 PM
Well I have had 3 NSXs, one of those an R, I think that says it all, I am biased.

And I will hopefully always have at least one :D.

Nothing wrong with biased as long as there isn't ignorance behind it - and that is one thing on the NSX you could never be accused of sir!

04-09-2007, 10:36 PM
Pics don't do the R8 justice, imho it's a great looking car in the flesh. Carbon fibre blades make a world of difference to the look although I think (from memory) they are around 3K as an option.

Basic manual model starts at around 78K so it's definitely a lot of money for a car which is basically a sporty RS-4. It's a shame they hit the streets at such an inflated price, making them almost 20K more than the entry level 911 is lunacy.

Would I buy one, you bet. Although certainly not now even if I could beat the waiting list and had the cash. I think after the initial hype has died down these cars will take a bit of a hit making it a great used buy in the next 2 or 3 years. At around 45K I want one :D

04-09-2007, 10:40 PM
And I will hopefully always have at least one :D.


04-09-2007, 10:43 PM
Perhaps it will get the V10. Scarily i was under the impression that the current R8 was the base model?

I believe there is an R10 in the pipeline...has to be really to give the car real credibility.

05-09-2007, 09:48 AM
It will be an utter beast if they do bring out a V10... it will be interesting what Porsche decide as i understand they have a bigger stake in VAG now.

There are quite a few NSX owners on here who have the rose tinted glasses on ;) I'm sure if most of you saw an R8 in the flesh, and even drove one, you'd be far more impressed.

05-09-2007, 10:03 AM
Not really rose tinted but just biased. :)

05-09-2007, 05:12 PM
I'm coming round to the view the above may be true. The first car since the X to run with the porker. Reliability shouldn't be a problem. Performance comparable...at least with the V8 engine and on dry roads:). Affordable...well kind of in a few years.....just the looks then to sort out.

Is there anything else out there that so closely follows the X path....Bet Audi hopes it'll sell better tho'.

Saw 2 black ones in an Audi dealership waiting delivery last Saturday.. very sweet if you don't go for the contasting Halfords thing on the side.

Any views...and apologies if this has already beed discussed elsewhere

05-09-2007, 05:26 PM
Why discuss it here?

05-09-2007, 06:03 PM
Because it's a car that may appeal to many...or none of us in years to come. Honda seem to have moved on from the X ethic and maybe the R8 holds many of the vitues we appreciate in the NSX.

Does it appeal to NSX fans/owners or not.

Same reason there are endless 911, Ferrari vs NSX discussions It's a new player.

Just thought it worth some thought...obviously not in your case:)

05-09-2007, 06:04 PM
I don't think it's personal, but there was (still is a discussion) going on. Albeit in the wrong section, in the photo gallery.

Plenty of opinions there.

05-09-2007, 06:12 PM
Sorry mate actually Kevin just explained what I meant. Nothing personal. Kevin anychance of merging the threads???

05-09-2007, 06:24 PM
I didn't take it personally ...sorry if it looked that way...was explaining why I thought the discussion may be relevant to us Xers...I got the impression you thought diff..... oh hell like texting this!!! but that's another story altogether

05-09-2007, 06:39 PM
OK I've moved the orginal R8-debate from the photo gallery to here. Which is why the thread seems a bit odd in the last few posts, as the other posts are earlier.

05-09-2007, 09:12 PM

You've lost me....:embarassed:

dan the man
05-09-2007, 09:29 PM
;) I'm sure if most of you saw an R8 in the flesh, and even drove one, you'd be far more impressed.

One was at the ring in june, did have some presence about it. I dont mind the looks at all.

06-09-2007, 12:23 AM
Just had a gander at this months TG mag, with IOM special! The stig tested some real driver's car, GT3 RS, Capora T1, Ariel Atom, 599 GTB, LP640, New M3, Lotus track car & the R8, What do you know JC & the Stig states the R8 is the winner! Likewise Evo tested the R8 against the Porker Carrera 4S, M6, V8 vanatge and declared a "New Order" (not the band!). Think the R8 is gaining a reputation for being a true drivers car, well built, pratical and awesome to drive. Sorry after my initial doubts, its growing on me slowly!

06-09-2007, 07:08 AM
This week's Autocar is also worth reading - the R8, 911GT3, Murcie are all tested around track and on road. Cayman won last year.



dan the man
06-09-2007, 07:16 AM
mondeo- interesting.

06-09-2007, 08:59 AM

I'd love to try the R8.

06-09-2007, 12:27 PM
I was an all black R8 on Sunday. very menacing looking.

not exactly pretty but then neither is a Lambo. But very menacing - which is good.

would I buy one? If I had the dosh yes - as a 3rd car simply for playing with.

you really need to see a black one coming at you though. :)

06-09-2007, 12:29 PM
After reading the report and seeing how the judges have scored the various cars is very interesting. Some of them 'appear' to have made their mind up before driving any of the cars lets say.

06-09-2007, 03:36 PM
So every magazine will be going from Porsche to Audi bias then ;)

06-09-2007, 03:52 PM
So every magazine will be going from Porsche to Audi bias then ;)

There is a reason they are called media rags.

NSX 2000
06-09-2007, 04:14 PM
There is a reason they are called media rags.

Souldn't the r in rags be relaced with "sl"

06-09-2007, 04:51 PM
After reading the report and seeing how the judges have scored the various cars is very interesting. Some of them 'appear' to have made their mind up before driving any of the cars lets say.

Have a look at the rest of the mag and see how much advertising has been spent vs the other cars.

It's that way for hi-fi mags.

07-09-2007, 11:53 AM
you really need to see a black one coming at you though. :)

here here - i've seen one - LEDs on and all and it certainly turned my head... in fact I went to the Audi garage and waited for it to return for a closer look!

Pics of NSX and R8 to follow!

I can say that much more headroom was a big plus for me... and chavvy alluminating lights around the engine bay - cool!

Apart from that obviously the RS4 sound is awesome but not got it in looks next to the X IMO. Too much money for something mistakeable as a TT.

Guy wanted 3k deposit before I could arrange a test drive (you've got to try havn't you!) and then a further 10k deposit to secure your place in teh 2 year waiting list.

Waiting list for the V10 Gallardo engined version is also 2 years.


07-09-2007, 04:07 PM
The R8 will get murdered by an NSX-R or a lightly lightened NSX.

0-100-0 is where one can see a lot of a car, and the R8 failedto impress.

Sorry Ary but i totally disagree.The typr-R is a track focussed NSX and the suspension setup gets bad reviews for regular road use where-as the R8 is said to be firm but a comfortable ride,therfor more usable on a daily basis and judging by its track times so far i believe the R8 would beat the type-R on track.A lightened regular NSX wouldn't even be in the same ball park.
Regarding 0-100-0,i think that accounts for nothing in a car.A Caterham R500 evolution is one of the fastest cars in the world at 0-100-0,try living with one as a daily driver though:no:

08-09-2007, 06:25 PM
Saw a Black/Black R8 with the light blazing on my way back from Blenheim IHT's today and all I can say is...WOW! Looked amazing, but I would still rather have an 02+ X in black or a lime green face-lift for that matter....

09-09-2007, 12:44 AM
I agree a black 02+ would look awesome, but I've never seen one in the flesh, bar some pics! Matt, a lime green one, now that would be very rare and love to see one, anyone got pics out there? Its not one of the famous final 12 cars?

09-09-2007, 12:57 AM
Lime Greens !! Found these, but there NA1s only, can't find NA2s :(



09-09-2007, 02:44 PM
Not sure where to start on this, but I love my 95T, have done some mods for track days and love the track days and the car.....

However I bought a Q7 for daily and family use last year, and Mr. Audi likes me, so I was invited two weeks ago to an Audi Sports car experiance.... 32 customers, on the race track (paired up), 5 Audi Driving instructors (all ex rally champions, in either their own country, or European..) wait for it... 8 R8's 4 manual, and 4 triptronic, 4 S8's and 4 S5's, started at 9.30, left the circuit exhausted and emotionally drained at 17.45.

I can circulate my NSX pretty tidily around Mondello, at worst I can keep my lap time (oops thats illegal isn't it...) to within 2 tenths over a 5 lap run... But I have never driven anything to compare to the R8. It was truly an amazing drive,. It is a very quick car and a very easy car to drive very quickly.

It may have the same engine as the RS4, but on the quick back straights I was all over the instructor every time. We did not do complete laps, but the car in significantly faster the the NSX, and much easier driving at the limit. The Triptronic is a bitch to drive around the track, where a gear change is necessary mid corner, or on the exit, one is left fumbelling looking for the correct paddle, so I resorted to the trip on the gear leaver. The manual with the alluminium gate is very nice (what Ferrari...). Surprisingly we did encounter problems with the triptronic selecting 3rd from 8k in second, and I was not alone in finding this, but these cars are being trashed all around Europe currently, so there reliability is being tested..

Conclusion... I will never sell my NSX, but I want an R8, and just like the NSX, they will be good value in two years.... also if you think you like the R8, don't test drive it on the road, its not what it's designed for........

09-09-2007, 11:30 PM
From all that I've read, the R8 is gaining a reputation as an awesome track machine, I'm sure this will ensure residuals remains high at least the next two or three years. Wander what a base model at 77K or the Tiptronic at 82K, would be worth in two or three years? Could end up like at GT3/GT3RS (high 2nd hand values) since they are it's main rivals and apparently now beaten by the R8!?

10-09-2007, 09:16 PM
Nice write up Ciaran. I must try and engratiate myself with the local Audi stealer, we bought a new TT Cab earlier from them this year so no reason why they shouldn't thow a freebie test drive my way :)

Messers, Plato and Needell had fun this evening hooning an R8 and C4S (+Power Pack). Decision narrowly went to the R8.

Now just for the sake of fun and 'cos I loath it when people say "it looks like a... xyz" when reviewing a new car, have a look at these pics and, apart from the family Audi "goatee" face, tell me honestly that they look that similar...

Anything can be made to look similar if you paint 'em the same colour and stick the same badge on them (see next post) ;)


10-09-2007, 09:29 PM
People probably said it about the NSX back in '91....

Hurts don't it :)

10-09-2007, 09:32 PM
I agree Mark, the TT and R8 both have two doors and four wheels, oh yeh and those circlie things at the front, other than that........ er well you need about 400 yards in the R8 to know the difference....

10-09-2007, 10:34 PM
Yep, I can't agree more! TT at 25-31K V R8 at 77-82K, altmost 3 TTs for the price of one R8 :eek: Then again I don't have 80K to play with! :(

11-09-2007, 01:32 PM
For the Audi R8 fans, Tony Stark will be driving on the upcoming Iron Man film.



FWIW I'll rather have a Z06 and the change.

11-09-2007, 02:58 PM
There was a Chevvy dealer near to the hotel we stayed in Dubai earlier this year. I was attacted to a Z06 in the window I can't think why.... :)

I could have driven that very car (brand spanking new) out of the showroom in exchange for £38K!!!

Now that's serious bank per buck! Shame it was such a long way home :(

PS Colour is called "Atomic Orange Metallic Tintcoat" and was used on this years Indy 500 pace car.

11-09-2007, 03:04 PM
There was a Chevvy dealer near to the hotel we stayed in Dubai earlier this year. I was attacted to a Z06 in the window I can't think why.... :)

I could have driven that very car (brand spanking new) out of the showroom in exchange for £38K!!!

Now that's serious bank per buck! Shame it was such a long way home :(Hi Mark, a long way but what a way to travel, and with another good soundtrack too!

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
11-09-2007, 06:10 PM
For the Audi R8 fans, Tony Stark will be driving on the upcoming Iron Man film.



FWIW I'll rather have a Z06 and the change.

Another 'Make mine Marvel' fan?

'nuff said

SS :)