View Full Version : EPS control module

11-09-2007, 10:39 AM
Is there anybody near London who might be able to let me test my EPS control module by switching it with theirs for a couple of minutes? Evenings OK if north or west London, weekends better if elsewhere.

Removal and replacement are fairly straightforward as detailed on page 238 of the service manual here:


I will double check the code but think I can remember investigating a couple of years ago when it stopped working and coming to the conclusion that the ECU might be bad. I didn't have it fixed because I preferred the way the car drove non-assisted. My garage advised at the last MOT that the PAS was not working and said I should get it fixed. Now they've failed it so I have to sort it. Not the end of the world because I'll fit a bypass.

I didn't know though that non-functioning PAS was an MOT failure item, particularly because on the NSX the steering is relatively light without PAS and is easily driveable without assistance (unlike most front engined cars).

11-09-2007, 11:38 AM
hi mate i dont think pas is a failure

any pic of this item u need tried to look on the manual and cant seam to find it

thx amo

11-09-2007, 12:15 PM
I've got a spare one:-)



11-09-2007, 05:22 PM
Is there a warning light on the dash, showing it's failed?

You fail the MOT for having lights on the dash, not becuase the PAS itself has failed.

11-09-2007, 05:34 PM
There's a simple solution there ;)

Remove the bulb, or even electrical tape.

Is there a warning light on the dash, showing it's failed?

You fail the MOT for having lights on the dash, not becuase the PAS itself has failed.

19-09-2007, 08:24 AM
Mine stopped working stripped it down and replaced the 2 relays only cost a couple of quid took the board to my local tv repair shop and he replace them for me.

19-09-2007, 09:27 AM
Thanks for the info. Mine is a 1997 that was subject to a recall in the US but not here. Thanks for the tip about the TV shop! Could you send me your mobile number by PM so I can ask you a couple of questions about this? Thanks.

25-09-2007, 02:07 PM
What does PM mean as I would like to give you my number re EPS Relay

25-09-2007, 03:11 PM
What does PM mean as I would like to give you my number re EPS Relay

Private Message. Click on the user's name from the relevant post, you should get a wee drop-down menu.


dan the man
25-09-2007, 06:54 PM
nah no power steering is defo not a failure..
na1 typeRs would be never on the road :D

25-09-2007, 07:21 PM
Mine stopped working .....
Hi a3cop,

hope you find time to make an intro and post some photo's. Yours is a good vintage, please tell us more.

Not sure where you are but if Basingstoke is local to you theres mini meet 2mrow @ 6pm if we can tempt you? http://nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=3613&page=5

Welcome to the club

regards, Paul

25-09-2007, 09:47 PM
Welcome to NSXCB +1 :)