View Full Version : Windscreen chip

05-10-2007, 09:14 AM
The PLEASURE : drove it on maiden voyage to a wedding weekend in Coulsdon on Saturday (got a lot of jealous stares, a couple gratuitous compliments, and too many glances from a underage gal ;) think she thought I was a rock star )

THE PAIN : ...and on the way back a wayward pebblle fromt he M25 hit the windsreen on the passengers side (down low) at great pace.

the resulting 'chip' is half the size of a match head. Called autoglass today and said it's too small to do anything with. Going into the Winter season does make me wonder...

Got me thinking... I know a guy who had to replace the screen on his F360 and it was over £2600... Anyone know the cost for a Brand New factory screen?

If you get a replacement is it Factory coded, top quality, 1st run stuff?

Any rock chip stories to share?

Should I drive on? or panic, fear, lament... sink into a downward spiral of depression?

05-10-2007, 09:32 AM
Luke (Lankstarr) had his done when he got it first. I think the only problem was Honda getting hold of one but it was fitted OK.Seem to remember £1700 being the cost, makes the £75 glass excess seem reasonable :D.

05-10-2007, 09:36 AM
There was a windscreen post on here a while back. New screen is circa £1k and I believe they have to get them from Honda.

They will replace it for you and all you have to pay is your windscreen excess though, they won't turn down work, however dishonest it may seem...

05-10-2007, 10:32 AM
There was a windscreen post on here a while back. New screen is circa £1k and I believe they have to get them from Honda.

They will replace it for you and all you have to pay is your windscreen excess though, they won't turn down work, however dishonest it may seem...

Naw.. it isn't bad, no cracks, just a chip. I'm just surprised that they can't inject a little epoxy to make sure it doesn't ever spread.
Driving to AutoGlass for lunch to see what they say when they see it.

Not keen on insurance claims as it's a mates business who does all my insurance, home, business... and cut me better deal than anyone else on this car.

05-10-2007, 10:47 AM
Hi Rob,

I picked up a slightly larger chip couple of weeks back. Whilst in for service at Nortons last week they did a simple liquid repair so you can hardly see where it was.

My guess is that if its as small as you suggest, and the screen people have said its too small to treat, then it probably isn't going to be a problem. I would just keep an eye on it over next few weeks to see if it grows.

HTH, Paul

05-10-2007, 01:01 PM
it's not so much the size, but the depth that matters.. i'm guessing its a shallow mark, so not alot for the repair to key into.

i'd check your glass insurance anyway, as most companies only insure glass up to £500....