View Full Version : Buzzing noise

11-10-2007, 01:48 PM
OK, I said it wouldn't be long before I started with the silly questions but this one is driving me to distraction.
I have a buzzing noise coming from somewhere under the ashtray.
What the hell can it be, is there some sort of fan under there.

The noise starts as soon as you switch on the ignition, I thought at first it was the heater/blower but it definately isn't that.

No jokes about trapped insects please.

Any ideas please.

11-10-2007, 02:23 PM
There is a small fan under there. The five slots under the ashtray, in front of the handbrake, has a small fan blowing air over the internal temp sensor for the climate control.

It needs removing and cleaning.

Poor maintenance on the previous owner's part I say, get some money refunded.:)

11-10-2007, 05:04 PM
Nice one!
Thanks Kevin, will give it a good spray with switch cleaner and see what happens.

11-10-2007, 06:34 PM
if u cant get it sorted iv got 1 for sale
just give me a pm
thx amo

11-10-2007, 07:42 PM
Gave it a good clean with the switch cleaner and its quite a bit quieter now although I can still here it.

Is it normal to hear it on the NSX then?

If the answer is yes, then fine, I will ignore it. If not, I will PM amo, I have already asked him about a couple of other bits anyway.

dan the man
11-10-2007, 08:12 PM
well i can hear mine so maybe its normal..

what a good stereo is for ;)

11-10-2007, 11:11 PM
what a good stereo is for ;)
who uses a stereo in an NSX ... thats what the V6 is for ... sweet music guaranteed!

dan the man
12-10-2007, 06:08 AM
knew i had to get bettered!!

12-10-2007, 08:02 AM
Couldn't agree more Senninha, that growl is just addictive.:D

12-10-2007, 05:53 PM
Mart55, is this switch cleaner spray from Halfords, never heard of this product before? I noticed my buzzes but only audioable at stationery traffic, but gets drowned out when heavy on the gas with that infamous HOWL!!

13-10-2007, 08:43 PM
No, bought it from Maplins some time ago. Its for cleaning electrical components and stuff. (like switch contacts)

Still got the noise though so it didn't cure it completely.
I might see how much a brand new one would be from Honda.

13-10-2007, 09:43 PM
Did you take the fan out and clean completely?

The other method to clean it out is with compressed air.

14-10-2007, 12:33 AM
How easy is it to get to the fan and then clean it? Are we talking an hour or so? Would compress air really work and if the jets of air are that powerful, would this not cause damage to the temperature sensor?

14-10-2007, 08:19 AM
Need to remove the centre console to get to the fan.

When I say compressed air I don't mean from a garage comrpessor, I mean from a aerosol can, used for cleaning computers and electronic stuff.

14-10-2007, 04:05 PM
No, I have to admit I didn't remove it completely, Just lifted the centre panel up enough to spray it.
I couldn 't remove completely because of the Alpine head unit. I need to work out how to get that out first. Think I might need a special tool which I didn't have at the time hence the quick spray.
Will have another go when I work out how to pull the head unit.

15-10-2007, 08:05 AM
If you can remove your console I would strongly advocate taking the fan apart to clean it.

It involves 2 screws to remove it and 2 more to open the fan casing. Mine had loads of 'fluff' inside and I can't imagine that blowing air in from outside would have cleaned it all out. After 2 mins cleaning the fluff out with a small paintbrush , a squirt of WD40 on the bearings and putting it back together it is completely silent now. The total time taken was 15 mins including taking the console off and putting it back together!

15-10-2007, 11:06 AM
If you can remove your console I would strongly advocate taking the fan apart to clean it.

It involves 2 screws to remove it and 2 more to open the fan casing. Mine had loads of 'fluff' inside and I can't imagine that blowing air in from outside would have cleaned it all out. After 2 mins cleaning the fluff out with a small paintbrush , a squirt of WD40 on the bearings and putting it back together it is completely silent now. The total time taken was 15 mins including taking the console off and putting it back together!

WD-40 attaracts dust and will dry out due to polymerization, or so I was told. Teflon grease would be my choice.
