View Full Version : ctsc prob

20-10-2007, 05:59 AM
looks like the ctsc is going the same way as the bbsc was across the pond lean probs

thx amo

20-10-2007, 06:31 AM
Time to get a retune on the ECU ASAP then ??

I can find out when Mase is back over in the UK if you like, he has been known to do pretty good things with most Honda's and now owns an NSX himself.


I can recommend him as he has worked on both my S2000 and ITR.

20-10-2007, 08:03 AM
Do you have a stock ecu then? What about the fuel pump?

20-10-2007, 11:44 AM
Is that poorly supercharger(s)? (ctsc- Computech)? Whats bbsc?

20-10-2007, 11:55 AM
sorry ppl iv got a bbsc and its tuned good from tdi just thinkin from prime site that when i was buying the bbsc was told a lot to go for the ctsc but your right spend a few quid and a good tune goes a long way

thx amo

20-10-2007, 12:06 PM
bbsc - Basch Boost Super Charger, or more popularly known as botched boost on Prime.

Poorly supercharger, maybe. If the fuel mixture is running lean with FI, it can cause detonation and melt the pistons. More than likely the setup, fuel pump, injector, ecu, timing.

20-10-2007, 09:00 PM
but i thought the ctsc was a really good 1 was looking at that first before i went for the bbsc only reason was every1 wanted £10k + fitting here so found the bbsc in usa and went over and got everything to go with it
im running mine with a etg just to keep an eye on things but have never been over 820 deg c and on the other hand my r34 gtt was running 400 and always went about 1100 deg c.

both cars with a good tune as well

thx amo

20-10-2007, 09:51 PM
I guess you're saying this becuase of the recent failure of one engine on Prime. The cause of which is now known to be a defective crankshaft. As opposed to the 30 odd failures of engines caused by the BBSC.

Some engines will fail, whether anything is done to them or not. Darren has had one grenade itself without a supercharger.

20-10-2007, 10:56 PM
That one looks like is oil related, like I believe Darren's was.



20-10-2007, 11:12 PM
Luke just told me that lubrication is the key to life so I'm with you homey...:laugh:

20-10-2007, 11:57 PM
I'm assuming you all know I like to blow goats and small ferrets...


t00 MUCH b33r luke???

21-10-2007, 07:46 AM
Not me mate... not that I can remember anyway!

Some other mofo got hold of my account and posted ... then edited his spelling mistake in your post :LOL:

21-10-2007, 06:03 PM
Not me mate... not that I can remember anyway!

Some other mofo got hold of my account and posted ... then edited his spelling mistake in your post :LOL:

Just after you ****-kickers called me I imagine!

Anyway, just to show that I don't hold any grudge, here are some pictures........

21-10-2007, 06:23 PM
It worries me that you keep pictures of us Jimmy...

Plus it was a text message not a phone call - some poor sods got phone calls from Luke at 4:24am...stupid, stupid boys! :rolleyes: