View Full Version : rear lower suspension arm

Silver Surfer
21-11-2007, 10:27 PM
The rubber cover of the outer joint of my passenger rear suspension arm is split..I managed to get a replacement arm from Amo. :)

I left the car for Norton Way to replace it. They replaced the driver side good suspension arm instead!! :(

Just a question....are both rear lower suspension arm the same...i.e. can be interchanged? If yes, I will speak to Norton Way to re-do it!! :angry:

The damn thing is clearly split and buggered compare to the other side!!


30-11-2007, 06:18 PM
sorry mate i cant help you there
just in case u need the other side now sorry thats gone

sorry mate
thx amo

Silver Surfer
30-11-2007, 10:50 PM
It's OK,
NW has agreed to put the good beam back onto the other side tomorrow.
