View Full Version : CG-Lock Group Buy for NSX CB

11-12-2007, 09:20 PM
Hi All,

The CG-Lock is the first consumer automotive product that dramatically improves driver control conveniently and inexpensively. The ingeniously engineered device easily attaches to the tongue of an existing automotive-type seat belt to provide improved driver control and greater comfort. Buckling up will never be the same!
Typical automotive-type seat belts do not tighten. They are designed to stay loose. The CG-Lock lets your existing seat belt work like an aircraft seat belt: when you pull the lap belt tight, it stays as tight as you want. With a CG-Lock installed, you can easily tighten the lap belt portion of your existing seat belt by pulling up on the shoulder harness. The CG-Lock lets you remove as much slack from the lap belt as you want. A little tightness adds comfort on long trips or during "turbulent" off road driving. A lot of tightness provides a driver with better control during spirited or aggressive driving on ‘track days’ or off road. The shoulder harness stays loose (just like normal) so you can still easily reach controls on the dashboard.

I've had this little device in the past and have just ordered for my NSX.

Evo Magazine says - "This clever little device is the CG-Lock. It fits to your normal three-point seatbelt and locks the lap part tight so that you don’t slide around. "
"It’s makers claim it provides 80 per cent of the stability of a full harness, so it should be ideal for trackdays. It certainly proved effective when we tried it, holding the hips securely and negating the need to brace yourself through corners."

Usually retailing for £44.99, the nice people at CG Lock are offering NSX CB a delivered price of £36.99

I shall be reporting back once I've installed and covered some miles, but in the meantime, if you have any questions, please contact Graham Cox at cglock@btinternet.com (cglock@btinternet.com)

To order your CG-Lock you can follow this link but please wait for the discount code which is being generated this week. http://store.cglockonline.co.uk/order/

This Group Buy has been approved for listing by Kevin.

Enjoy improved car control without fitting full harness belts.

regards, Paul

Big G Fish
11-12-2007, 10:36 PM
Hi Guys & Gals!

Great to add you to the growing list of car owner clubs that have taken advantage of the economies of scale the web can get us! We have run GBs for Porsche, MINI, BMWM5, Clio, Scoobies, Lotus, etc etc all with fantastic feedback (see testimonials on our website!!). We offer a full money back guarantee... and in 3 yrs of trading we have not had ONE back yet from a customer being disappointed at the amazing effect it has on their driving. So nothing to loose really... and more controlled driving to gain! As Track & Race Car mag said last month "the advantages of this product seem endless... truly astonishing"...

Just go to http://store.cglockonline.co.uk/order/ and type in


for your £36.99 CG-Lock (£8 off)... and more controlled, enjoyable driving!

Many people come back to buy another for the passenger side, or a gift for a colleage/family (know anyone with car induced back ache?).
email us with any questions but loads of info on our website... and yes the CG-Lock has been fully crash tested with pre-tensioners and it is safe!!

All the best!! Please tell all on the forum about this limited time offer

Speak soon
CG-Lock Team

Big G Fish
11-12-2007, 10:42 PM
Oh yes...Hope to see you at the Show in January... stand 7065 and Pistonheads stand 12572...
Big G

dan the man
13-12-2007, 09:02 PM
Yes as said before ive had mine ages now. Even got asked to do a write up from GC lock on teg forum but never got round to it - oops!

Really is a benefit for fast driving, nothing worse than squirming back into your seat after a hard braking session where your legs hold u back where they should be dancing on the pedals ready!

Great price too i paid more than this- darn it!

14-12-2007, 05:12 PM
Good afternoon Paul and lads. Just saw this post and your recomendation and I think this item might be the business. If it's not to late to get in on the GB i'd like to be in on it if they or someone wouldn't mind sending mine to me here in the states. I'll keep watching, as always, for updates. Feel free to P/M me if necessary.


Silver Surfer
14-12-2007, 08:34 PM
Count me in for GB on this CG lock then....may have 2?!


14-12-2007, 10:15 PM
Nigel, SS,

Use the link in post #2 and the discount code to obtain the GB pricing.

Nigel, IIRC the weblink will calculate US shipping. Alternatively, pm Big G Fish (Graham) and he will calculate price for you. Dont forget to post this thread link on Prime so more NSX owners can enjoy their cars!

My mate has just ordered two for his TVR ... he says he needs all the help he can get as that thing is never pointing forwards :laugh:

regards, Paul

14-12-2007, 11:29 PM
I'm Interested in purchasing one can someone please give a short
succinct explanation on how it works.

14-12-2007, 11:44 PM
Thanks Paul, good idea as you said to post at NSXPrime. Maybe Barry would want to buy the lot and market to the yanks over here. Do count me in on your group buy thought if that's alright.
I've seen some postings here lately from cross over Prime members and I don't really want to be grouped with them. Seem like a load of pillicks. I will say 99.9% of the lads on Prime are the dogs bollicks. Some of the smartest, nicest, most helpfull people i've ever had the pleasure to know, just like here. Oh well, one tosser in every barrel.
All the best.


dan the man
15-12-2007, 08:38 AM
I'm Interested in purchasing one can someone please give a short
succinct explanation on how it works.

The CG lock attaches to the buckle on your belt, the lap part has to thread through it if u will. When u put on your seat belt the CG lock can keep the lap part LOCKED but the chest part of your belt free. It keeps your arse and back tightly into the seat while leaving your upper chest and arms the same as a normal. your legs dont have to support you basically.

In the event of a roll over you can still lean to the side for recovery space and thre belt unclips as normal. In fact in a roll over it would keep u in your seat more instead of on the roof. With my old tegs with the recaros i liked to think that if i rolled id have put my head against the back and took the roll as seat and belt would have held me easy.--i think.ha ha

Anyway u only feel the difference when u try one and for the money why not. the tension is as tight as u want it too on the lock so can always be comfortable or just take the top clip off so it acts a s normal belt.

15-12-2007, 04:09 PM
Thanks, great synopsis!! Will Order Next week


NSX 2000
15-12-2007, 10:47 PM
Thanks Paul, good idea as you said to post at NSXPrime. Maybe Barry would want to buy the lot and market to the yanks over here. Do count me in on your group buy thought if that's alright.
I've seen some postings here lately from cross over Prime members and I don't really want to be grouped with them. Seem like a load of pillicks. I will say 99.9% of the lads on Prime are the dogs bollicks. Some of the smartest, nicest, most helpfull people i've ever had the pleasure to know, just like here. Oh well, one tosser in every barrel.
All the best.


Hi Nigel, My cousin lives in Tampa, so I could buy it for you and then get her to send it on.
She is the girlfriend of a baseball player called BJ Upton do you know if he is anygood?

16-12-2007, 05:28 PM
Paul, thanks for the help and I would love to take you up on it if it's simpler than just putting it in the post. Barry and I have done some business and your sis may be easier if U.S.customs don't bollicks it up for her. Barry is the best, the post is a problem if you don't use the right shipper we found. I live 2.5 hrs. south from her in Ft. Myers. My mate may want one as well. I'll check and see.
Sorry I don't follow Baseball or American football. I have a cousin that's suposed to be some big ball player for the Dodgers or Yankees or someboby, Scott Brosius, never met him. If it it's not going at least 160mph in the corners, I don't watch it as a rule.
I'll keep watching for updates on the GB.


Big G Fish
17-12-2007, 01:00 AM
Hi Folks!
Lots of interest... and some great testimonials (thanks lads!)... but no orders through yet!!!??? Please go ahead to order today... no need to wait until a set level reached... go to www.cg-lock.co.uk (http://www.cg-lock.co.uk) and click 'buy now' and enter code... simple as that!!

Hope to get your orders through soon!!

Big G Fish
17-01-2008, 06:03 PM
Hi NSX'ers!
Still NO ORDERS yet????????????????

discount code NSXCG1S2T at http://store.cglockonline.co.uk/order/

We sold over 300 at the recent autosport show at more than the great price you have... so go for it before the offer runs out... and tell all on the forum PLEASE!!

Thanks Lads/Lasses!
Graham (Big G Fish):eek:

17-01-2008, 09:11 PM
Hi NSX'ers!
Still NO ORDERS yet????????????????

discount code NSXCG1S2T at http://store.cglockonline.co.uk/order/

We sold over 300 at the recent autosport show at more than the great price you have... so go for it before the offer runs out... and tell all on the forum PLEASE!!

Thanks Lads/Lasses!
Graham (Big G Fish):eek:

Bi G Fish aka Graham

Ordered at the Car show Last weekend but was not given the NSX discount even though I mentioned it (didnt know discount code)


17-01-2008, 10:56 PM
Ordered, received and installed but not been able to test as car in the air having some winter fetling!

As soon as she's back on the ground I'll be out and reporting back

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
18-01-2008, 01:13 AM
Ordered 2!! :)


19-02-2008, 08:20 PM
Its funny how being a parent changes your view of life and the important jobs to do.

Having watched this video, I have now bought an additional CG-Lock as that important job to do was the removal of the passenger CG from the NSX, to install it to the rear of the family car, to ensure our oldest's seat is as secure as possible.


(I am not associated with CG-Lock but just feel strongly about mine and my families safety)

regards, Paul

dan the man
23-02-2008, 11:08 AM
ive bloomin left my CG attached to me seatbelt in the NSX! doh!

23-02-2008, 04:45 PM
After seeing the info/reviews, I decided to order 2 to try out on the racetrack.
When putting the order through, I got the special price even with shipping adress in The Netherlands:)
Thanks for your trouble arranging this special club buy;)

05-04-2008, 08:15 AM
Finally got to take the NSX for a decent run yesterday. Covered around 200 miles on mixed routes.

The CG-Lock is such a simple device (took about 10 mins to fit both) but what a difference. Easy to use, comfortable to wear and I no longer feel like I'm trying to brace myself into the seat but that the belt is doing that job for me, allowing me to focus on the fun stuff.

If you haven't tried on of these it really is worth the small investment IMO.

regards, Paul

05-04-2008, 08:54 AM
Is the site down, can seem to load the page....

17-04-2008, 11:23 PM
Any discount still going?

18-04-2008, 03:59 AM
Just to say I have one of these fitted to my Mitsi GTO and another to the Audi Quattro, very simple but effective bit of kit. The guys I dealt with were very helpful and efficient....definately recommend them.


18-04-2008, 08:25 AM
Any discount still going?


If you scroll back to the early part of the thread you will find all the discount detials. Follow the link and enter the code as I think it will still be applicable

regards, Paul

18-04-2008, 05:58 PM

If you scroll back to the early part of the thread you will find all the discount detials. Follow the link and enter the code as I think it will still be applicable

regards, Paul

Cheers Paul, I'll give it a try.