View Full Version : Hello to Nsx members. I'm new!

ben foakes
26-12-2007, 04:27 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone. I am delighted to have bought myself the greatest present of all time in the shape of an 05 plate, immaculate blue Nsx. It's only done 7000 miles, has not a single blemish and I adore it already. Having owned 2 x Type Rs and an s2000 in the last 3-years, I can safely say I am a big Vtech fan but nothing had prepared me for the brilliance of this car. Absolutely stunning!! Here's to a very enjoyable and noisy 2008! Ben

26-12-2007, 04:30 PM
Hi, welcome and congrats!! Sounds like a very nice car! Get some pics up!! Happy Christmas and have a great New Year.

26-12-2007, 05:15 PM
Congrats Ben!:)

26-12-2007, 05:44 PM
Sounds like a nice Xmas present! Have fun with it, then speak to the man above me about a nice exhaust :)

26-12-2007, 08:07 PM
Sounds like a nice Xmas present! Have fun with it, then speak to the man above me about a nice exhaust :)

Cheers Rob.. How you finding the GT-011's with the GT-001? :D

26-12-2007, 09:25 PM
Hi, welcome and congrats!! Sounds like a very nice car! Get some pics up!! Happy Christmas and have a great New Year.
This will be the one, congrats and welcome. From the photo it looks like Chiswick? If so you may be local(ish) for a meet on Thursday lunchtime of J4 of the M25?

Look under 2007 events for SE meet

Enjoy the noise ;)

Regards, Paul

dan the man
27-12-2007, 08:56 AM
Well done pal.

and great last name, OH FOAkE SAKE!
be using that one :)

indi pearl
27-12-2007, 09:49 AM
Oh dear,no longer "The only NSX'er in the village"

I shall look out for you.

27-12-2007, 11:02 AM
Congratulations!, a very popular color for a late shape car, and for good reason :bigsmile:

27-12-2007, 11:18 AM
Welcome and remember that the first R was the NSX-R :)!

Nice colour BTW.



27-12-2007, 11:35 AM
Very nice Ben, hope it brings many miles of smiles.

You're quite right tho' Gumball, it does seem quite difficult to buy a post 2002 in any colour other than blue.
Bet Honda wish they'ed thought of it years ago, they might have sold a few more :-)


ben foakes
27-12-2007, 03:51 PM
Thanks to everyone for such a warm welcome. Working today so can't make the meet but will hopefully come along soon. All the best. Ben

27-12-2007, 05:26 PM
Congrats and welcome! Pics?

27-12-2007, 05:27 PM
Congrats Ben on your fine taste in cars :-)

Will have to sort a mini-meet with you and indi pearl the next time I'm visiting the outlaws in Bournemouth if you and indi are interested?

Happy New Year!


27-12-2007, 10:05 PM
Merry Christmas to everyone. I am delighted to have bought myself the greatest present of all time in the shape of an 05 plate, immaculate blue Nsx. It's only done 7000 miles, has not a single blemish and I adore it already. Having owned 2 x Type Rs and an s2000 in the last 3-years, I can safely say I am a big Vtech fan but nothing had prepared me for the brilliance of this car. Absolutely stunning!! Here's to a very enjoyable and noisy 2008! Ben

Hiya Ben, congrat's on the lovely looking car, and in the best colour too ;)

Would it perhaps have been you I spotted on Christmas eve coming up the M3 to the junction of the M25? If so, I was the other long beach blue you passed.

Cheers, Rich.

27-12-2007, 11:19 PM
congrats and welcome mate

thx amo

28-12-2007, 12:12 AM
Pic in (Pauls) Senninha's link above or NSX garage. :)

indi pearl
28-12-2007, 11:38 AM
Yes,up for a mini meet to suit you both.That's if I still have a licence,I really must stop being "baited" by those retched Teutonic "M" cars!!!!!!!!!!

ben foakes
30-12-2007, 05:16 PM
Hi Rich,

Yes it was me on the M3 and I thought it was an amazing coincidence as I hadn't seen an Nsx on the road for over a year and the day after I picked mine up we were tandem on the motorway. Hilarious. I bet the other Christmas drivers thought it was some sort of Honda supercar convoy!! Enjoy. Can't wait until the roads are dry!

ben foakes
30-12-2007, 05:17 PM
Def up for a beach meet. My girlfriend's place is by the beach at Boscombe pier, so a beach front meet would be good. I'm back in UK from Jan 18th so let me know! Ben