View Full Version : Creaking windscreen

12-01-2008, 06:16 PM
After buying the car from Chiswick I noticed a creaking noise coming from just in front of the sun visor where the windscreen meets the roof. It was diagosed that the windscreen bonding had come loose and Chiswick rebonded the windscreen under warranty. However, the problem has started happening again - can the bonding go again in less than a year? Am I unique in having this problem?

12-01-2008, 06:30 PM
Are they sure is the bonding, not the liner???



12-01-2008, 06:38 PM
Are you sure that's where it's coming from?. When it's very cold my dash sometimes creaks at the base of the windscreen and i can hear it moving along the dash from passenger side to driver side and vice versa.
Just a guess but i think it may be because the car is aluminium which i think constricts in the cold.

12-01-2008, 07:02 PM
I think you guys need louder exhausts!

12-01-2008, 10:08 PM
Are they sure is the bonding, not the liner???



I will ask when I get them to do it again. I think it is temperature dependent as it was fine through winter

12-01-2008, 10:09 PM
Are you sure that's where it's coming from?. When it's very cold my dash sometimes creaks at the base of the windscreen and i can hear it moving along the dash from passenger side to driver side and vice versa.
Just a guess but i think it may be because the car is aluminium which i think constricts in the cold.

Definitely from top - my Mrs tells me off for trying to track it down when driving!

13-01-2008, 06:33 PM
....the usual creak to come from that area is the interior light, mine does it occaisionally.

13-01-2008, 06:43 PM
Hence why I said the liner.

14-01-2008, 07:37 AM
....the usual creak to come from that area is the interior light, mine does it occaisionally.

It's too far forward for that. I may take it in before the annual service as it is really starting to grate!

14-01-2008, 12:17 PM
I think you guys need louder exhausts!

Not neccessarily a good idea, I was stopped today by the boys in blue who apparently heard me before they saw me:eek:.

14-01-2008, 01:45 PM
....and congratulated by them I guess?

14-01-2008, 02:07 PM
Not neccessarily a good idea, I was stopped today by the boys in blue who apparently heard me before they saw me:eek:.

What are you running?

14-01-2008, 03:48 PM
Not neccessarily a good idea, I was stopped today by the boys in blue who apparently heard me before they saw me:eek:.

Had a similar experience leaving Nortons a while back heading to the A414. :rolleyes:

14-01-2008, 08:06 PM
....and congratulated by them I guess?

Yes a prize of £60 and 3 points:angry:

14-01-2008, 08:08 PM
What are you running?

I think its a "rice rocket" stainless back box system, brought from a member here some time back.

Nice fruity sound though:)

14-01-2008, 08:37 PM
Didn't know there was an endorseable offence for a loud exhaust ??
I thought they could only get you to do a retest ??

Yes a prize of £60 and 3 points:angry:

14-01-2008, 10:47 PM
Didn't know there was an endorseable offence for a loud exhaust ??
I thought they could only get you to do a retest ??
I'm guessing the speed he was doing was responsible for the noise,correct?

15-01-2008, 08:10 AM
Hi Nick

Is that right - was the fine for a combination of speed and noise or did they just think the noise was excessive once you were stopped?

Also have you had any problem with the MOT? ( I ask as I have fitted a Dali Rice Rocket to mine)


15-01-2008, 11:34 AM
Appologies for taking this off topic, but answers:

Yes it was my speed, the comments about the sound (noise;)) were incidental to the event.
94mph in a 70 (clear road good conditions etc) = fixed penalty
I believe anything in excesss of 30mph over prescribed limit = day in court.

The exhauust has now been through 2 MOT's without issue, I expect it depends where you take it and the personality of the tester!

15-01-2008, 12:56 PM
Or lack of........

The exhauust has now been through 2 MOT's without issue, I expect it depends where you take it and the personality of the tester!

25-01-2008, 05:03 PM
I have had this problem & has been repaired by local NSX dealer.
This involved removing the windscreen & adding some foam padding which had been deficient on original build. Following this repair, no noise.
For info noise was coming from above sunvisor on the drivers side & was more apparent on first start on a cold day. Noise was getting worse from day to day to such an extent it was really annoying. It reduced once the car was warmed up. Thermal prob between alloy & glass. Now resolved as above. :pleased:

25-01-2008, 06:44 PM

This is the link tomy thread when it happened to me, i'm sorry to say I still believe it was first symptom of my impending windscreen failure

25-01-2008, 07:27 PM
I have had this problem & has been repaired by local NSX dealer.
This involved removing the windscreen & adding some foam padding which had been deficient on original build. Following this repair, no noise.
For info noise was coming from above sunvisor on the drivers side & was more apparent on first start on a cold day. Noise was getting worse from day to day to such an extent it was really annoying. It reduced once the car was warmed up. Thermal prob between alloy & glass. Now resolved as above. :pleased:

Exactly the same problem as I have - I'm glad I'm not alone! As I mentioned earlier, it had been fixed last year but has started again. I was going to say it is either temperature or humidity related, as when I was driving back down the M3 the other day it started raining and the creaking stopped.

Can I ask what year your car is?

26-01-2008, 04:38 PM
The creaking may have stopped in the rain because the water got into the poor joint and acted as a lubricant between windscreen and surround, just a thought?? Mine was an 01 car, I don't think it's age related, numerous cars have this.

26-01-2008, 05:30 PM
The creaking may have stopped in the rain because the water got into the poor joint and acted as a lubricant between windscreen and surround, just a thought?? Mine was an 01 car, I don't think it's age related, numerous cars have this.

The reason I asked about the age is because the dealer said that it happens more often on the newer cars - I think the front spring rates were beefed up in the 02 facelift. You could well be right about the rain getting in the joint - I will leave it in my garage for a few days and see if it returns - knowing my luck I won't be able to replicate when I'm at the dealer!