View Full Version : Bose sound system-again!

22-01-2008, 10:39 PM
Over the last couple of years I have replaced the head unit with an original type, which improved things. This also came with a CD changer which is great as it wasn't fitted from new. I have changed all the amps which didn't cost too much, and I also added a bandwidth expander from 'japautos' which has also made a great improvement to the radio reception.(Standing still)
Now the only problem is that whilst driving it seems that when I hit a bump in the road it affects the radio reception. I have checked both ends of the co-ax cable and they are both tight.
I suspect the knackered old aeriel, but it's difficult to prove. I am reluctant to change it for a non-standard item as I am trying to keep everything original or OEM

Any suggestions, or has anyone got an OEM aeriel for sale?


23-01-2008, 08:53 AM
If (when) my aerial goes I will be replacing with an S2000 aerial, the whip aerials always make the car look like a toy radio controlled car. Just an idea and sort of staying OEM.

The actual mast part of the original is not too expensive from Honda, but if you need the motor as well budget around £400.

23-01-2008, 09:45 AM
I'll be getting rid of my OEM ariel pretty soon.


23-01-2008, 10:44 AM

If you're quick you could have it here in a week - see the Dali forum for a large order on its way soon!

Or for Simon's suggestion


regards, Paul

23-01-2008, 02:57 PM
There's a company over here in the states called "Crutchfield", Crutchfield.com, ? that has replacement aerials, (complete assemblies, motor and all the bits) for sale for $125 us, they say they don't fit the NSX but they do. It's a black anodized shaft and is about 4 in shorter than OEM. It actually looks the bollicks if your top and or other accessories are balck as well. Just an option, don't forget the pound to dollar.
I have one and it's the business at 1/4 the cost.
As said before, the cost of a replacement shaft alone is only about 12 quid. They do brake.


23-01-2008, 03:11 PM
Strange fault given the NSX uses 2 aerials for it's radio reception. One is the retractable one on the rear quarter and the other surrounds the rear bulkhead window. If the reception breaks up when hitting a bump it suggests a dry joint inside the headunit and not an aerial problem.



23-01-2008, 03:21 PM
Don't forget the head unit has been re-fitted back, the car might only be using the whip aerial :( Did you fit both aerial connectors ??

Strange fault given the NSX uses 2 aerials for it's radio reception. One is the retractable one on the rear quarter and the other surrounds the rear bulkhead window. If the reception breaks up when hitting a bump it suggests a dry joint inside the headunit and not an aerial problem.



23-01-2008, 10:48 PM
.. and if you re-fitted both aerial connectors to the headunit did you fit a band expander on each of them. You need to do this or just plug one of them back in.

Also, band expanders come in various designs and qualities. The basic cheap ones only work acceptably over a small section the frequency band, better ones work over the whole set of frequencies you need.
I can't remember the specific techno-babble that explains the good design type but no doubt a google search will come to the rescue.
