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23-01-2008, 01:50 AM
How many are there?And to be more specific targa owners.
I'm thinking of putting an ad on here and pistonheads,to see if anyone wants to do a swap with me for my 04 coupe.
Seeing as i am going to be a dad anyday now (already two days overdue) i won't be using the NSX much,only for those rare moments when i get time for myself to go for a run in it,and i KNOW (weather permitting) i will get more enjoyment out of a targa model.
I would like to get my hands on a LBB or IOP,preferably the LBB,and i don't mind if the car is a little older than mine or has a little higher milage.
So if there is anyone out there with such a car (a lurker maybe) who's interested,let me know.



P.S i would also like opinions (positive and negative) regarding my idea.

23-01-2008, 08:08 AM
How many are there?And to be more specific targa owners.
I'm thinking of putting an ad on here and pistonheads,to see if anyone wants to do a swap with me for my 04 coupe.
Seeing as i am going to be a dad anyday now (already two days overdue) i won't be using the NSX much,only for those rare moments when i get time for myself to go for a run in it,and i KNOW (weather permitting) i will get more enjoyment out of a targa model.
I would like to get my hands on a LBB or IOP,preferably the LBB,and i don't mind if the car is a little older than mine or has a little higher milage.
So if there is anyone out there with such a car (a lurker maybe) who's interested,let me know.



P.S i would also like opinions (positive and negative) regarding my idea.


Congratulations on the impending arrival. I have 2004 LBB, but unfortunately not targa. I also have a baby on the way (22 week scan this morning), but fortunately persuaded the other half that the NSX can stay. I personally think you should keep the Coupe

23-01-2008, 12:36 PM
Two words; angle grinder.....:D

23-01-2008, 12:49 PM
Only late Targa I know of is the IOP that Rob (Boomin33) owns. Bought last year via Chiswick. Clean car on an 03 IIRC

Good news on the nearly new arrival. Mia is now 7 months old but has already sat in the NSX ... our eldest loves going out with the roof off!

regards, Paul

23-01-2008, 01:03 PM
Congratulations on the impending fatherhood! :)

Coupe or Targa, both are very special and rare cars, so keep the coupe if I was you! Targa in 02+ form must to hard to come by, let alone a swap!? My 2p. :)

23-01-2008, 01:18 PM
How many are there?And to be more specific targa owners.
I'm thinking of putting an ad on here and pistonheads,to see if anyone wants to do a swap with me for my 04 coupe.
Seeing as i am going to be a dad anyday now (already two days overdue) i won't be using the NSX much,only for those rare moments when i get time for myself to go for a run in it,and i KNOW (weather permitting) i will get more enjoyment out of a targa model.
I would like to get my hands on a LBB or IOP,preferably the LBB,and i don't mind if the car is a little older than mine or has a little higher milage.
So if there is anyone out there with such a car (a lurker maybe) who's interested,let me know.



P.S i would also like opinions (positive and negative) regarding my idea.

I think that you like Targas, so you should.

What about selling it and getting a targa?



23-01-2008, 04:09 PM
Thanks for the replies,guys.
Ary i thought about selling and then waiting but it could take a long time for one to come up and i don't really want to be without an NSX. I'm just hoping that maybe someone who owns the spec i'm after thinks that getting a newer lower milage car for no extra outlay sounds good.
Maybe i should start taking some photos and posting them so people can see what it looks like.

