View Full Version : Radio making beep beep sound

27-01-2008, 01:43 PM
I have disconnected the battery for a day or so because I had to remove the batterytray for re-installing the OE swaybar and removing chassis brace (putting the car back to stock to sell).

After reconnecting battery and resetting clock and stereo presets, now every time I start the car up, the radio starts beeping on about 1-2 sec intervals, same beep sound as when storing stations under the preset buttons, during this time no radio sound. After about 10 sec of beeps, the radio starts receiving again.
What can be the cause of this?? can it have anything to do with the rds or so??

27-01-2008, 03:08 PM
What year is your car? Looks to me like your radio went south.

27-01-2008, 05:11 PM
Car is '98, after the "beep beep" 8-10 sec start-up, the radio works normal

27-01-2008, 05:37 PM
Try turning the TA button off. The radio beeps when it can't receive TA broadcasts.

Unless I'm thinking of another car....

27-01-2008, 07:34 PM
Kevin, you're DAman, turned TA off and no beeps anymore:) thanks

28-01-2008, 01:35 AM
What year is your car? Looks to me like your radio went south.
No offence but i hate post's like this.It's a negative non fact based opinion that could get owners stressed over what has turned out to be a non problem.If you had given a reason for your opinion then fair enough,but to just post what you did with nothing to back up your statement is just wrong in my view.:no:

28-01-2008, 09:51 AM
No offence but i hate post's like this.It's a negative non fact based opinion that could get owners stressed over what has turned out to be a non problem.If you had given a reason for your opinion then fair enough,but to just post what you did with nothing to back up your statement is just wrong in my view.:no:

Sorry, I didn't intend to stress you.

There IS evidence that BOSE radios go south but primarly on older cars. That why I asked about the year of your car. I know of several 91 cars radio which failed due to the same reason as the BOSE speakers and the CCU: leaking caps. I could have mentioned this but what would have it changed? With mentioning this now I may have stressed the owners of the older cars, sorry again. :D