View Full Version : Man it's fast!!!

26-03-2008, 12:57 PM
I just got my car back from the Honda dealer after four weeks and I forgot how vivid the acceleration is from stand still. I've been using my mums 328ci (197bhp) for a month so when I drove my car I thought WOW!!!:eek:

The car needed a new clutch fork because the clutch started feeling very heavy. The part was on back order from Japan. Now that it's fixed it is a lot lot lighter and also the bighting point is lower and the gears are engaging a lot quicker. It was a cheap part but expensive labour costs. However I'm happy to say it was fixed under warranty.

26-03-2008, 01:02 PM
I just got my car back from the Honda dealer after four weeks and I forgot how vivid the acceleration is from stand still. I've been using my mums 328ci (197bhp) for a month so when I drove my car I thought WOW!!!:eek:

The car needed a new clutch fork because the clutch started feeling very heavy. The part was on back order from Japan. Now that it's fixed it is a lot lot lighter and also the bighting point is lower and the gears are engaging a lot quicker. It was a cheap part but expensive labour costs. However I'm happy to say it was fixed under warranty.

Ah, that will be this lovely ice cold air we have at the moment, it has some use:)

26-03-2008, 04:28 PM
Hi Craig, just out of interest (or morbid curiosity) how long did they take and what would have been the charge ? (had it not been under warrenty)


27-03-2008, 08:55 AM
Hi Jim how are you mate? The repair on the gearbox would have been about £800 and to fix the bonnet release they wanted a crazy £250!!!

What's the niggles with your car?

27-03-2008, 03:01 PM
HI Craig, well where do I start, the handling is a little off and my clutch pedal is nearly right at the top!! It may have ben re-con plates but i didn't think they would wear out that quick. I am just wondering if my clutch fork would have anything to do with this too? Hmm something to ponder as I can remember having to remove and re fit it when I done my gearbox.
