View Full Version : Possible GB for iPod/MP3 integration bits from US?

03-05-2008, 08:09 AM
hi all
I'm thinking of ordering a USA*SPEC aux input device from the states, to allow line in from my MP3 player to take the place of the CD changer. There are various articles on Prime about installing the device, including one behind the panel at the back of the seats, and it seems like a pretty straightforward install. (http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=102592)

Cost of the PA11-HON device (which allows iPod control/charging) is about $130 + shipping (then customs will doubtless take a bite), the DF-HON which is pure Aux-in (ie no device control, no power) is only about $30. I'm going to replace the antenna with a Shark-II anyway, so am not bothered about the aerial control, but if you have a Smartenna then there are other slightly more complex approaches to wiring it up (or just leave the iPod in the boot with the device connected in place of the CD changer).

If I went ahead, would anyone else want one too?


03-05-2008, 08:25 PM
Are you using an iPod? If so you can do this with a Dension kit. I have this on my car and it works brilliantly. The total cost is around £110 (maybe £150 if you want a smartenna as well as I do). Don't know about the USA spec, but I can vouch for the Dension kit.

Details on the wiring to allow you to use a smartenna while still keeping the iPod in the cabin here..


regards Robin

03-05-2008, 11:01 PM
Are you using an iPod? If so you can do this with a Dension kit. I have this on my car and it works brilliantly. The total cost is around £110 (maybe £150 if you want a smartenna as well as I do). Don't know about the USA spec, but I can vouch for the Dension kit.

Details on the wiring to allow you to use a smartenna while still keeping the iPod in the cabin here..


regards Robin

Robin - I'm not actually using an iPod (I have a Zune), hence the desire to get something with Aux in instead of/as well as an iPod connector... though if I got the PA11-HON USA*Spec device, that would always leave the option open to pick up an iPod at some point in the future.

All my music is in WMA format and I can't be ar$ed re-ripping it all into MP3, and the sound quality from the Zune is very good. Being able to charge & control an iPod from the factory head unit may swing the difference though...


21-06-2008, 08:48 AM
The day before I set off for Le Mans, a friend coming back from the US brought me a USA*Spec PA11-HON device (http://www.handa-accessories.com/pa11hon.pdf) which I've temporarily installed in the boot. I took out the CD changer (freeing up a bit of much-needed space too) and tucked the PA11-HON under the carpet, with both iPod connector and a plain 3.5mm jack trailing into the boot.

My passenger for Le Mans brought an iPod Nano, and I must say the whole thing worked well - we just left the iPod in the boot and used the head unit to switch between playlists and back/forward through them. The unit emulates a CD changer, so you have 5 playlists which appear as CD1-5 and then however many tracks you want in each - don't think there's a limit.

Total cost for the PA11-HON was £61 ($120 from Amazon, delivered to a US Hotel) + a bottle of wine for the guy who carried it home.

I might even buy a cheap iPod from Ebay and just leave it in the boot of the car, or I may look to move the unit to the panel behind the passenger seat (see http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showpost.php?p=969419&postcount=5) and run wiring for both iPod and my Zune into the centre console. There's a more involved mounting method for putting the unit behind the dash - http://www.nsxprime.com/forums/showthread.php?t=62935&page=2&highlight=pa11-hon - but I think I'll try to avoid that.


25-06-2008, 11:27 PM
I've had the PA11-HON USA Spec for a while now, and it just works. Saves a useful amount of space, access as many tunes as you like and stable. Worked as an iPod charger too until I got an old mini with a knackered battery which I now leave in the boot. Weight saving is just a bonus ;-)

Amazon.com have them $125 delivered to UK. You'd be mad not to!
