View Full Version : Coil pack covers

09-06-2008, 09:58 PM
Hey.I still got 6 brand new oem coil packs to sell because they dont fit my nsx and they are for 1995 and over.Maybe somebody got ignition coil pack covers to sell because today i been told by honda dealers that honda stoped making them and i got big problem with them.In last two months i took apart my sparks and coils about four times to clean because after rain or car wash water started get through rear vent and then under coil covers and than started damaging my coils and brand new denso sparks.So last time i had to use a special silicon because the gaskets on these covers and covers itself i think must be probably the biggest mistake in design of nsx.And from my knowledge i think this is one of the common problems with these cars.Any comments?Then my nsx starts misfiring because of that its drives me crazy:angry::angry::angry:!

09-06-2008, 10:13 PM
A few comments:

Yes Honda dropped one big time with the RWG design.

Get some new coil pack cover gaskets, install them and you should be OK.

Tell the person at the dealer who spun you that tale, to go make love to themselves as Honda still makes this part.



10-06-2008, 01:40 AM
Tell the person at the dealer who spun you that tale, to go make love to themselves

Can you more specific about this comment Ary,i don't know what it means :D

10-06-2008, 05:00 PM

How is that??? :)

10-06-2008, 05:26 PM
Are you sure about that? Honda cancelled at least some TypeR/S parts, so it would not be a surprise if the cancel other 'unnecessary' parts right now.

10-06-2008, 05:46 PM
What parts did they cancel as i still can get anyparts I want if I have the £££.

10-06-2008, 07:47 PM
Type R swaybar for example.

11-06-2008, 05:48 AM
[QUOTE=paulius;44828]Hey.I still got 6 brand new oem coil packs to sell because they dont fit my nsx and they are for 1995 and over.QUOTE]

Haven't seen them up in the for sale section yet??
I may have a problem coilpack on my recently bought US CTSC '98 and am at the point of ordering a set in the US just in case it turns out I need one and have spares. They are on sale on Ebay for just 200 U$ for 6 coilpacks + 6 platinum plugs.
Only problem beeing they won't sell outside the US, but found a remidy for that so was just planning on ordering today or tomorrow.

How much do you want for yours??
Please give part# to make sure they are the right ones for me, should be the 3-wire type.
You can PM me.

11-06-2008, 06:28 AM
Hey.They costed me 270 pounds with 6 spark plugs.Thats the price i would sell.Part number is 06300-pr7-305.I just ordered them by mistake and my nsx is 1994 .Thanks

11-06-2008, 07:08 AM
Hey.They costed me 270 pounds with 6 spark plugs.Thats the price i would sell.Part number is 06300-pr7-305.I just ordered them by mistake and my nsx is 1994 .Thanks

Cannot find the partnumber that you give, had the dealer check and it comes up as unknown.
Partnumbers for coils on front cilinderrow and rear cilinderrow are not the same, so you should have 2 different partnumbers!
The numbers that apply to 3 wire coils is:
Part# 30520-PR7-A33 coil FR ign (TC-2 2A)
Part# 30521-PR7-A33 coil RR ign (TC-2 2A)

11-06-2008, 07:17 AM
I will have a look at home tonight.Yes they are marked fr and rr.

11-06-2008, 09:45 AM
They are on sale on Ebay for just 200 U$ for 6 coilpacks + 6 platinum plugs.
Only problem beeing they won't sell outside the US, ...

The second problem might be the origin of them. Are they really Honda parts or copies from the south-east. At the US dealer I can get 2.5 coils for $200. Be careful with the eBay stuff.

11-06-2008, 09:45 AM
Those part numbers are for 2000 onwards, the ones for 1996 - 1999 are


Also for non UK 2000 onwards cars.

Cannot find the partnumber that you give, had the dealer check and it comes up as unknown.
Partnumbers for coils on front cilinderrow and rear cilinderrow are not the same, so you should have 2 different partnumbers!
The numbers that apply to 3 wire coils is:
Part# 30520-PR7-A33 coil FR ign (TC-2 2A)
Part# 30521-PR7-A33 coil RR ign (TC-2 2A)

11-06-2008, 10:29 AM
Those part numbers are for 2000 onwards, the ones for 1996 - 1999 are


Also for non UK 2000 onwards cars.

I think you are in error here.

I use the US partsnumbers catalog and the numbers that you give are in the US stated as coils for up to 1994 (the old 2 wire version)!!
According to this catalog:
Up to 1994 (2 wire version)
Part# 30520-PR7-A03
Part# 30521-PR7-A03

From 1995-2005 (3 wire version)
Part# 30520-PR7-A33 coil FR
Part# 30521-PR7-A33 coil RR

Just to be sure, I also asked the Honda dealer here in The Netherlands to check and confirm for a 1998 3.2L 6-speed and he came up with the same numbers as the US catalog!!:
Part# 30520-PR7-A33 coil FR
Part# 30521-PR7-A33 coil RR

11-06-2008, 10:34 AM
The second problem might be the origin of them. Are they really Honda parts or copies from the south-east. At the US dealer I can get 2.5 coils for $200. Be careful with the eBay stuff.

Thanks for the warning, but they are clearly advertised as beeing OE Acura parts and are for sale by official Acura (=Honda)dealer (so shouldn'd be cheap copies, if those even exist?)

11-06-2008, 11:00 AM
The ones i got are 3 wire ones,because my nsx got 2 wire ones version.I will check the numbers later today.These ones came from lynwood honda in usa.By the way about part numbers fr and rr got different part numbers but you can fit them any way you want because basicly its the same part.My ones was fitted fr on back and rr on front for 6 months{because some stupid b....rd fitted them that way before i bough my car}and was drivin without problems until i spotted myself so now i swaped them and no probs again.:){except the rear ones keep getting wet because of coil covers}

11-06-2008, 12:06 PM
Paulius, sent you email

11-06-2008, 01:09 PM
Well I have just put my VIN in on the Honda EPG and that part number comes back.

Also run the part number and it shows which years it is valid for.

So either the EPG is wrong, or the part might have been changed (my EPG is not the latest version)

11-06-2008, 05:47 PM
Thanks for the warning, but they are clearly advertised as beeing OE Acura parts and are for sale by official Acura (=Honda)dealer (so shouldn'd be cheap copies, if those even exist?)

I just saw on prime that the supplier is an OEM Acura dealer. Much less risk in this case.

In general: I guess that there are a lot of copies of Honda parts around, I guess even coil packs.

12-06-2008, 02:15 PM
I sent you mail yesterday offering to take the complete kit off your hands at same price what it would cost me to order from the US, have shipped here and taxed, provided the parts are new/unused and correct part#
I asked you to respond asap as I may need a replacement coil soon.

As I haven't heared from you yet, am I to conclude that you are either not interested in my offer or the parts are not the correct ones?
If the parts are the correct ones, I think it would be in both our interest if we could agree on a sale.
If I don't hear from you shortly, I will be ordering the parts in the US.

12-06-2008, 02:44 PM
I am very sorry but something happened to my mail box.Some of the emails i cannot open. so i will reply here.The part number on the box is written 06300-pr7-305 and now i am confused myself because it dosent mach any of the numbers the guys wrote here.I tryed to contact lynwood honda in usa but they havent gave me an answer yet.These coil packs i got is 3 wire ones.so realy dont know what to say at the moment about these numbers.On coil packs itself again there is no matching numbers.Again realy sorry for delay on answer.Paul

12-06-2008, 03:00 PM
I just phoned to lynwood honda and they sad that these coil packs definetly will fit 1997 1998 1999 and over nsx cars.I asked them why numbers are different from europe ones they sad it could be because they got acura catalogs there.I dont know if thats true?

12-06-2008, 03:31 PM
I sent you mail yesterday offering to take the complete kit off your hands at same price what it would cost me to order from the US, have shipped here and taxed, provided the parts are new/unused and correct part#
I asked you to respond asap as I may need a replacement coil soon.

As I haven't heared from you yet, am I to conclude that you are either not interested in my offer or the parts are not the correct ones?
If the parts are the correct ones, I think it would be in both our interest if we could agree on a sale.
If I don't hear from you shortly, I will be ordering the parts in the US.
Just a little tip for you for futher internet purchasing.Have patience.Not everybody logs on to the internet everyday ;)

12-06-2008, 04:26 PM
I just phoned to lynwood honda and they sad that these coil packs definetly will fit 1997 1998 1999 and over nsx cars.I asked them why numbers are different from europe ones they sad it could be because they got acura catalogs there.I dont know if thats true?

Their explanation is incorrect, as the part# I have are from the US Acura parts catalog!
Only other explanation is either that the full kit has a separate part # that doesn't show up when looking for the individual parts, or that the parts are NOT OE Acura, which would seem strange, coming from a official Acura dealer.
Am trying to get info from the US myself too.

@ Jaytip:
I know mate, and you are partially correct:rolleyes:, but I had made it clear to Paulius that I needed the info asap and he was goiing to let me know today.

12-06-2008, 05:01 PM
That is their phone number 8007749893.I used the code on front +1 from mobile.The part number i gave them is 06300-pr7-305 and they confirmed me info about these coils.This number is on the package with honda original stiker on it.

Silver Surfer
13-06-2008, 12:02 AM
post some pictures up with the serial/parts numbers....maybe then be more convincing.:dunno:


13-06-2008, 12:00 PM
post some pictures up with the serial/parts numbers....maybe then be more convincing.:dunno:


It is not that I don't believe Paulinus I am sure he is genuine, so don't need convincing:rolleyes:.
It is just that I don't want to end up with possibly wrong or non-OE parts.;)

Did you read my proposal that I sent you by email on wednesday???
Please contact me asap to let me know if this will work for you as I otherwise will be ordering from the US soon.
please email me on: rsnk@hccnet.nl