View Full Version : Low Flyer crashes !!!

Low Flyer
28-09-2008, 06:05 PM
Sadly, Low Flyer has been operating too close to the ground, and the big "C" has grabed him, in the shape of a nine-centimetre tumour on his right kidney, which has been removed in toto. The other kidney is down to 11% efficiency, so he is running on empty, but not yet on the dreaded dialysis.
Needless to say, he has lost his flying licence, which is doubly distressing, as upside-down stuff was his forte.
He has resumed driving the NSX and the P-4, but without much verve.
Does anyone know of a spare kidney ?

28-09-2008, 07:05 PM
Sad new Jim - maybe we could have a mini get together down your neck of the woods and cheer you up a bit?! Not sure, but you could post an ad in the 'wanted' section!

28-09-2008, 08:29 PM
Sad new Jim - maybe we could have a mini get together down your neck of the woods and cheer you up a bit?!
Time and place and lets get that smile on your face as we gate crash the neighbourhood :)

Wishing you the Best

regards, Paul

Silver Surfer
28-09-2008, 08:34 PM
Sad to hear but at least the kidney is replacable either with machine or transplant if 11% isn't enough. Hope your meds will maintain your renal function.

Best wishes


28-09-2008, 08:37 PM
Sorry to hear this :(
Well keep smiling by taking the NSX out, best way really :)
But yes as Matt says if you fancy a little get together I'm sure we'll all be willing to try and make a good day of it.

29-09-2008, 06:04 AM
I'm pretty sure this could be tied in with a Basingstoke meet - from memory LF's in the New Forest?!

29-09-2008, 06:15 AM
Really sorry to hear that Jim. Name a time and date and I'm up for a meet to talk cars and take your mind off it.

Thinking of you and hope for good responses to medication.

I know of ebay and epupz but not sure whetehr there's an ekidney?


29-09-2008, 06:55 PM
Sorry to hear your news, Jim :( - we met once, at JapFest this year...
I'd be up for a get-together down your way.

Come on Luke, why don't you arrange something :)

29-09-2008, 10:10 PM
Jim, I'm sorry to hear of your health scare, I wish you the very best for the future. I'm sure the NSX will have you smiling in no time at all. Good luck. :)

29-09-2008, 10:32 PM
Hope the meds work and that you feel better soon.

Low Flyer
09-10-2008, 08:58 AM
Gentlemen, thank you all for your good wishes. For the moment, let's put off the possible get-together until the situation stabilises somewhat, but keep the idea on hold, as I seem to be doing some kind of test or scan every week, not to mention the fistful of drugs that I am expected to consume every day. I often wonder if they are doing me any good!
Who owns the red NSX which was briefly in front of me---in the P4, in Poole two Sundays ago? Nearly caused me to have a heart attack as this is the very first sighting of another one in six years of ownership,---on the public road, of course.
Your messages make me happy to be with a bunch of real blokes. Fly with you anyday. J.C.

09-10-2008, 10:14 AM
Hi Jim,

Well if you do feel up to a visit just let us know via this thread and we'll come an make a nuisance of ourselves...:D

Would be good to see that P4 monster too!

Fingers crossed you get back up to a safe altitude soon.


09-10-2008, 11:24 AM
Jim, whilst you're convalescing how about putting some pictures of your cars up on here :)

09-10-2008, 08:39 PM
I've been around Poole and in particular Kimmeridge for the past week. Unfortunately not in the NSX as we've had great weather and roads to travel dowm. If I see your mad winged up P4 I'll be sure to give you a good flash and a wave from the CTR (sorry, just a headlight flash:eek:)


10-10-2008, 04:04 AM
Sorry to hear about your illness mate,i hope you get the better of it and get back to full health soon.



dan the man
10-10-2008, 06:17 AM
All the best fella, you tried ebay for any kidneys? :D

Always make a joke me..well you got to! Shame about your flying, my mate does helis and says its best thing ever.

Low Flyer
13-10-2008, 07:55 PM
Again,gentlemen, thank you for your good wishes. I am off to Germany on the 3rd Nov., for an MRI scan which the great NHS refuses to give until SIX months after my operation, even though the cancer has been identified as being "aggresive". It will cost a fortune, but so what.The German system ckecks after three months, and has found plenty of signs of emerging hot-spots in similar people to myself. So, I am not waiting for beurocracy to have its day----I'm gong! I'll keep you informed. J.C.

Silver Surfer
13-10-2008, 09:36 PM
You can go private....the cost should be around 500 quid. Plenty of private diagnostic centres around.


14-10-2008, 01:10 PM
Good luck & best wishes Lowflyer. :)

21-06-2011, 01:07 PM
anyone heard from JC recently?

22-06-2011, 11:49 AM
I was in Christchurch at the weekend where I first met Jim and thought about how he might be doing.

If anyone has a contact number it would be nice if they could give him a call and report back.


20-12-2011, 06:56 PM
Pretty sure this is Jim's car - http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&t=1083368&hw=++nsx&nmt=Badge fail NSX with Ferrari badge?! :)

Anyone heard from him lately?

20-12-2011, 07:38 PM
Pretty sure this is Jim's car - http://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?h=0&t=1083368&hw=++nsx&nmt=Badge fail NSX with Ferrari badge?! :)

Anyone heard from him lately?

Yes looks like his car with the rubbing strips he had on the sides. Are the badges an ominous sign the car has been sold on? Jim would never have done that. I used to have Jim's number on my old phone but lost it! No idea if he's still about or not but it did cross my mind last week...

Wrote the above and then noticed there's a comment on the 3rd page from a poster called Herbs
"I saw this car in Christchurch a few months back. The owners a guy in his 60's....."

20-12-2011, 11:58 PM
Anyone have his details?

20-05-2012, 09:46 PM
Has anyone heard from Jim lately? He's not been active on this site for a while... but randomly I came across this from November 2011 - http://www.gt40s.com/forum/gt40-tech-powertrain-transaxles/36277-oil-seals-renault-transaxle-gearbox.html

"I actually have a Noble P-4---the first one to be put on the road, privately built---the one with the 747 wing on the back. Some of you will have seen it at Castle Coombe a few years back before the Big C grabbed a hold of me. Dialysis every second night and the latest Chemotheraphy are doing their stuff to keep me going. It's VERY expensive, so please keep paying your taxes so that the great NHS doesn't collapse ! J.C."


29-09-2012, 03:27 PM
Has anyone heard from Jim lately? He's not been active on this site for a while... but randomly I came across this from November 2011 - http://www.gt40s.com/forum/gt40-tech-powertrain-transaxles/36277-oil-seals-renault-transaxle-gearbox.html

"I actually have a Noble P-4---the first one to be put on the road, privately built---the one with the 747 wing on the back. Some of you will have seen it at Castle Coombe a few years back before the Big C grabbed a hold of me. Dialysis every second night and the latest Chemotheraphy are doing their stuff to keep me going. It's VERY expensive, so please keep paying your taxes so that the great NHS doesn't collapse ! J.C."


Please excuse the somewhat belated 'bump' of this thread by a non-NSX-owning newbie.

Here's a photo of Jim mit 'low-flying' Noble P4 - taken back in 2005, in happier / healthier times:


29-09-2012, 03:50 PM
I am the person responsible for this travesty of a classified advert for Jim's NSX on Pistonheads:


(Apologies for posting a link, if it's against forum rules, but I'm sure you've all been discussing it - I know Ewan has, at least).

Jim is still with us, thankfully - if only hanging in there by his fingernails. His health has deteriorated somewhat since his last post.

In August, Jim asked me to help him sell his P4 replica, as he was no longer in any fit condition to drive it.
I didn't think it would be that easy to sell, with Jim's erm how shall we say 'little modifcations'.
I listed it on eBay for him, with worldwide visibility: http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/251133336023 (http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=251133336023&ssPageName=ADME:X:AAQ:GB:1123#ht_2576wt_934)
Within 36 hours, after 1800 views and 150 plus watchers later, it was gone - and Jim was happy with the price.

At the time, he'd asked me how we might sell his NSX, and suggested the best place would be here.
But he didn't want to place an advert on NSXcb, so I suggested PH would be probably be the next best thing.

Within 24 hours, Jim had a potential buyer, who demanded first refusal.
Yet that person then messed Jim about for a week (bearing in mind Jim's frail condition),
before finally getting off his arse, and coming down to look at the car.
A deal was struck, hands shook, and a 'sizeable' deposit promised.
It was only yesterday, that Jim finally received a minimal deposit of £500 in his account.
I told him that it was an insult, and that he should return it.

But that's not the end of the story.
This potential buyer (and I use that term advisedly) is really messing Jim about.

Today he sent Jim another stalling email, and I quote:

I know that it is a pain but I am away for ten days at my daughter's wedding, from Wednesday.

Can I ask that anybody living close to Jim in the Christchurch area, go and have a look at his car - tomorrow.

I don't think you'll be disappointed.

29-09-2012, 03:55 PM
I was in Christchurch at the weekend where I first met Jim and thought about how he might be doing.

If anyone has a contact number it would be nice if they could give him a call and report back.

01425 - 275039.

Call Jim, and tell him to keep his pecker up - PLEASE !!

Edit: Sorry - better make that tomorrow. Didn't notice the time, but Jim will be in dialysis this evening.

29-09-2012, 03:56 PM
That sucks. There are some substantial idiots around. He either wants it or he doesn't. Personally I'd give the deposit back and tell him to go jump.

All the best to Jim. Thought he was a standup guy when I met him.



29-09-2012, 04:22 PM
That sucks. There are some substantial idiots around. He either wants it or he doesn't. Personally I'd give the deposit back and tell him to go jump.

All the best to Jim. Thought he was a standup guy when I met him.



Jim is more than a stand-up guy.
In better health he would have bent over backwards to help anybody - I know; speaking from personal experience.

This time-wasting 'potential buyer', whom Jim has remained loyal to (though God only knows why) deserves to lose this car.
On face value he has 'loadsamoney', and should have turned up waving wads of £50 notes, as did the buyer of Jim's P4.
Personally, I view his treatment of Jim (regardless of Jim's current health issues) as nothing short of appalling !

29-09-2012, 04:23 PM

What I do in situations like that is very simple, you contact the buyer, tell him/her the car either needs fully paid for within 3 days or it will go back up forsale, the person is not entitled to their deposit back either.

29-09-2012, 04:33 PM
We even used to let him turn up to P4 replica meetings in it, if the weather was bad (as it was in 2004):


29-09-2012, 04:35 PM

What I do in situations like that is very simple, you contact the buyer, tell him/her the car either needs fully paid for within 3 days or it will go back up for sale, the person is not entitled to their deposit back either.

THAT, Sudesh, is exactly what I am about to do, whether Jim approves, or not !

29-09-2012, 04:43 PM
THAT, Sudesh, is exactly what I am about to do, whether Jim approves, or not !

Good man! That's the best way forward, plus if the original buyer shows up to buy the car after the stipulated date, I would be making sure the 500 he already paid, is not deducted the second time round.

I ran into this situation once a long time ago, and learned my lesson from that.

29-09-2012, 04:58 PM
Suitably assertively-worded email sent to the 'potential buyer' (he says grinning). You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

By the way, if yours is the PH advert with the 70 photos embedded in the description - I'm impressed Sir !

A man after my own heart. LOL !!

29-09-2012, 05:26 PM
Suitably assertively-worded email sent to the 'potential buyer' (he says grinning). You wouldn't like me when I'm angry.

By the way, if yours is the PH advert with the 70 photos embedded in the description - I'm impressed Sir !

A man after my own heart. LOL !!

Yeah that's mine, but with the new PH classified site, they removed the embedded protocol, so I cant do the advertising style I like, now I have to add a link to the photos instead.

Bit of a shame really as I get many emails from strangers complimenting my advertising; Ive also been sent cars, motorbikes, boats etc by people who seen my style of advertising and wanted me to do the marketing for their vehicles, which I enjoy doing too.

29-09-2012, 06:07 PM
Sudesh - replied by PM.

I'll forgive you your comments in the other thread. LOL !!

29-09-2012, 07:09 PM
Sorry to hear your news, Jim :( - we met once, at JapFest this year...
I'd be up for a get-together down your way.

Come on Luke, why don't you arrange something :)

Indeed, why not ? - Before it's too late. Jim could use a bit of cheering up.

29-09-2012, 10:41 PM

Tell Jim to bounce this messer, he doesn't need the hassle and with only a handful of pop-up 3.2 Targa's available a real buyer will pop-up soon enough ...

I've met Jim a few times, always a pleasure, last time was at Castle Coombe for a classic event, I was with the S600/800 club (but in the NSX)

Wish him well and the P4 photo is a great photo of Jim, Thanx for posting.

regards, Paul

29-09-2012, 11:12 PM
Tell Jim to bounce this messer, he doesn't need the hassle and with only a handful of pop-up 3.2 Targa's available a real buyer will pop-up soon enough ...

Whether Jim likes it or not, I think I may have already bounced this 'messer'. I just received a reply to my email.

What's more, if he does renege on the deal he'd agreed with Jim, I'm going to name and shame him on here.

You may be in for a shock !

Regards (from another) Paul.

30-09-2012, 10:14 AM
Whether Jim likes it or not, I think I may have already bounced this 'messer'. I just received a reply to my email.

What's more, if he does renege on the deal he'd agreed with Jim, I'm going to name and shame him on here.

You may be in for a shock !

Regards (from another) Paul.

In for a shock!???

Did you notice a name pop up on this site?

30-09-2012, 05:58 PM
Tell Jim to bounce this messer, he doesn't need the hassle

Actually, 'messer' is probably not the best word to describe this person. Shyster is a better fit.

A shyster is a slang word for someone who acts in a disreputable, unethical, or unscrupulous way, especially in the practice of law, politics or business.

Shall I go on ?

30-09-2012, 08:41 PM
Oh dear. That would wind me up in a normal sale, but (as you say) with Jim's health that's really not on.

Probably best not to N&S on here unless they really try and play silly beggars, but I think you're doing the right thing...if I had a little spare cash I'd be sorely tempted to upgrade to a 3.2 targa myself...gotta be a dozen potential buyers who'll pay a fair price for the car.

01-10-2012, 09:20 AM
Probably best not to N&S on here unless they really try and play silly beggars, but I think you're doing the right thing...

O.K.. How about a few choice verbatim quotes from this person’s emails ?

From his rather indignant reply yesterday evening (Sunday 30th September):

I am not going to be treated like some second hand car dealer.

From his opening gambit dated 16th September:

This looks like the car I am looking for so please can you pencil me in for first refusal. I have the cash with no other car to sell.

Now, bearing in mind Jim’s frail condition, and the fact that the PH advert clearly states: Part exchange: No thank you.

I received this the following day (17th September)

It did not occur to me at the time but presumably Jim will need a shopping car! Quite separately I am selling my Honda S2000 (silver/red interior) year 2002 with glass back window and in the same lovely condition as the NSX. As you are talking to Jim perhaps you might mention a possible double deal?? Only a thought............

Getting back to more recent correspondence (and there has been a LOT, mostly stalling / excuses).

On Saturday 29th, Jim emailed me, including this quote from the 'potential buyer':

I know that it is a pain but I am away for ten days at my daughter's wedding, from Wednesday.

At which point I saw (Formula) Red. This person’s reply, late on Saturday 29th included:

This is why everything has taken time to sort out and why there is no chance of me picking up the car before I leave on Wednesday.

I have already discussed transport arrangements for when I get back – Scott Middleton Transport who have collected cars for me in the past. Unfortunately he is away next week.

Now for a quick geography / logistics lesson. This person lives in the Chippenham area.
If you search for Scott Middleton Transport, his Linkedin profile tells you he is based in Stoke-on-Trent.
Stoke-on-Trent is 145 miles North of Chippenham. Jim and his car are some 75 miles South of Chippenham.

Oddly enough, there is a very professional car shipping and storage company (which although they show a Swindon PO Box as their address) are halfway between Swindon and Chippenham: http://www.rudler.co.uk/

They are exactly 17 miles from this person's location. I know them well. So yesterday morning, I phoned Ed Rudler.
He can pick up the car this week, and would be happy to store it for him until this alleged 'potential buyer' returns on 13th October.

...gotta be a dozen potential buyers who'll pay a fair price for the car.
I think we ought to be able to find Jim a genuine honest buyer without too much trouble before then, don’t you ?

01-10-2012, 09:32 AM
O.K.. How about a few choice verbatim quotes from this person’s emails ?

From his rather indignant reply yesterday evening (Sunday 30th September):

From his opening gambit dated 16th September:

Now, bearing in mind Jim’s frail condition, and the fact that the PH advert clearly states: Part exchange: No thank you.

I received this the following day (17th September)

Getting back to more recent correspondence (and there has been a LOT, mostly stalling / excuses).

On Saturday 29th, Jim emailed me, including this quote from the 'potential buyer':

At which point I saw (Formula) Red. This person’s reply, late on Saturday 29th included:

Now for a quick geography / logistics lesson. This person lives in the Chippenham area.
If you search for Scott Middleton Transport, his Linkedin profile tells you he is based in Stoke-on-Trent.
Stoke-on-Trent is 145 miles North of Chippenham. Jim and his car are some 75 miles South of Chippenham.

Oddly enough, there is a very professional car shipping and storage company (which although they show a Swindon PO Box as their address) are halfway between Swindon and Chippenham: http://www.rudler.co.uk/

They are exactly 17 miles from this person's location. I know them well. So yesterday morning, I phoned Ed Rudler.
He can pick up the car this week, and would be happy to store it for him until this alleged 'potential buyer' returns on 13th October.

I think we ought to be able to find Jim a genuine honest buyer without too much trouble before then, don’t you ?

Wow! Would love to read the full emails lol.

You guys are very patient! If it was mine, the buyer would have lost the £500 by now; and to be be honest if I got my hands on Jims car, I would remove all those awful looking extras and get rid of that black stuff, even put the £500 to good use on the car, Then spend a day detailing it and doing loads of photos and marketing it right, then advertise it for £34995.

I see there is a 1992 auto on piston heads today for £32k!

Nick Graves
01-10-2012, 10:04 AM
I'd be very surprised if the car hasn't attracted some serious enquiries, too.

When I was buying, you needed a helicopter full of cash to get there first.

The daughter's wedding is a lousy excuse; statistically, she'll be divorced soon enough. Either show the colour of your money, or the door's over there.

Hope you get sorted soon - it's probably hassle Jim could really do without right about now.

01-10-2012, 10:05 AM
Whether Jim likes it or not, I think I may have already bounced this 'messer'. I just received a reply to my email.

What's more, if he does renege on the deal he'd agreed with Jim, I'm going to name and shame him on here.

You may be in for a shock !

Regards (from another) Paul.

What's more, I'm contemplating linking this thread to the relevant thread on Pistonheads, where it will get even more visibility.

Problem Child
01-10-2012, 08:08 PM
I think what you are doing for a friend is very honourable! Irrespective of Jims condition. Well done, thats what I call true friendship

02-10-2012, 12:11 AM
I have not been fortunate enough to meet with Jim, but I got a pm from
him a while back and all I can say is what a lovely top bloke he is.

Keep fighting Jim, we are all thinking about you.

Hopefully, a geniune person will pay the correct amount for his NSX.

02-10-2012, 08:09 AM
I had a guy do something remarkably similar once when I was selling a Landrover. Paid a deposit, made arrangements to collect which came and went, he then made very excuse under the sun for not collecting: the only thing he didn't come up with was a plague of locusts stopping him leaving his house.

In the end I gave him an ultimatum which passed - but in the end he 'fessed that he needed to sell another car and blah blah blah. I sold the car through eBay the next day, deducted the cost of the new advert from the deposit and gave the rest to charity.

The guy is a dreamer, he doesn't have the money.

Nick Graves
02-10-2012, 08:35 AM
Well, if one were a serious buyer & a deal went to rat's, you'd either pull out or stick it on a credit card or two until the other vehicle got sold.

Dreamer, yup.

02-10-2012, 09:39 AM
The guy is a dreamer, he doesn't have the money.

Dreamer, yup.

Sorry to contradict you both, but the 'potential buyer' is not a dreamer.
He certainly has the financial wherewithal to pay Jim cash for the car, and had it all along.

In fact, the car is now sold to that person. I'm pleased (and relieved) to inform you all that he has finally come good, and having just spoken to Jim, he has confirmed the balance of the funds cleared in his account, as of yesterday evening.
Despite the buyer's earlier statements to the contrary, the car will be collected this afternoon.

I'll write in some more detail this evening, when time allows.
In the meantime I thank you all for your help and advice on mine and Jim's behalf. Now I'm off to mark up the PH advert as sold.

02-10-2012, 09:41 AM
Sorry to contradict you both, but the 'potential buyer' is not a dreamer.
He certainly has the financial wherewithal to pay Jim cash for the car, and had it all along.

In fact, the car is now sold to that person. I'm pleased (and relieved) to inform you all that he has finally come good, and having just spoken to Jim, he has confirmed the balance of the funds cleared in his account, as of yesterday evening.
Despite the buyer's earlier statements to the contrary, the car will be collected this afternoon.

I'll write in some more detail this evening, when time allows.
In the meantime I thank you all for your help and advice on mine and Jim's behalf. Now I'm off to mark up the PH advert as sold.

Hi Paul,

It would seem the owner may have got wind of this thread [wink wink] lol

Good to hear the car has finally sold, it was way to cheap anyway lol

02-10-2012, 11:34 AM
Hi Paul,

Glad the car has finally sold and suspect this thread may have helped in the matter.

Please pass on my best wishes to Jim and hopefully I will catch up with him for another aviation chat sometime.

Looking forward to finding out the new owners identity.

Regards Pete.

p.s In much admiration of your P4 Replica, would love to see some more pics.

Nick Graves
02-10-2012, 12:54 PM
Hi Paul,

It would seem the owner may have got wind of this thread [wink wink] lol

Good to hear the car has finally sold, it was way to cheap anyway lol

Likewise - on all counts.

Well done on your efforts, P4.

02-10-2012, 09:18 PM
I'll write in some more detail this evening, when time allows.

Gentlemen …. and so to my apologies:

For, breezing in, as an ill-informed (about NSX's) non-owning newbie, and having monopolized the main discussion section of your esteemed forum for a few days. Thank you for making me welcome, and teaching me a thing or two.

For having bumped the wrong thread – a very old one, which Jim himself had started, back in September 2008. In hindsight, the more recent thread which Sudesh had started on 16th September about Jim’s car, rather than one which dwelt on his health issues, would probably have been a better starting point. But if you search the forum on Jim's moniker 'Low Flyer', as I did, that was, and still is, the first result returned.

For having advertised the car on PistonHeads in the first place. That was my idea, rather than Jim's. Had I known how supportive you would all turn out to be, with your help, I could have done a half-decent job of an advert on here, and got the pricing right (in some members' eyes, at least). Who knows, instead, Jim's NSX might have sold to an enthusiastic member of this forum, rather than the actual buyer. Still, at least most of you appear to have seen the PH advert, and it provided you with some entertainment.

For having solicited help and advice from certain forum members particularly Ewan and Scott (who were most obliging), and having effectively wasted their valuable time, when I was panicking, over the weekend - thinking I needed to find another buyer for Jim’s car.

For having falsely built up the hopes of any other potential buyer that Jim’s car was still 'up for grabs'.

To Jim.

For, in his own words: 'having gone way over the top, and exceeded my brief' in my efforts to help him sell his NSX.

If you had spoken to Jim on Saturday morning, as I did – you, as a concerned friend would probably have reacted in a similar manner. Jim was at a very low ebb. He told me that his dialysis arm was leaking fluids (again); due to his allergic reaction to his latest medications, his tongue was covered in ulcers, and he could barely speak, let alone eat anything. He had got up in the middle of the night and taken a fall. He also appeared to be confused about what was happening with the sale of his car, and sounded particularly distressed by the lack of progress, as he had done on previous occasions. To make matters worse, of late, he'd given me the distinct impression of a man who wanted to settle his affairs – quickly. What I did, rightly or wrongly, I strongly believe I did with Jim's best interests at heart. Unfortunately, it seems I may have alienated him by my very actions, which were intended to help remove one of his worries.

To the buyer (whom I don’t believe is yet a member of this forum, but will no doubt be reading this).

My apologies for:

Possibly acting in haste, without being in full possession of all the facts.
I spoke to Jim this morning. He confirmed again, that at no point, prior to, nor over the weekend, had you given him any indication that you had, or were about to initiate a bank transfer for the balance. Bearing in mind that your £500 deposit had not arrived in his account until Friday 28th September – whatever the reason for that particular delay, I had not been privy to it.
You stated in your emails that:

I have to say I have no idea what you are talking about as all my conversations and correspondence with Jim have been extremely amicable. (and) All the emails I have received from Jim have been amicable and understanding of the slight delay.

Really. Then perhaps you should read some of the other emails he sent me – the one I received on that Friday evening being a prime example. Whereas Jim may have been trying to accommodate and pander to your every whim, in a vain effort to complete the sale, and that is in part attributable to his generous nature; I was seeing the other side of the story – his obvious frustration at the delays.

For taking recourse to posting segments of your emails on a public internet forum, in my efforts to coerce you into honouring what was already a week-old deal, and completing the transaction in a timely manner, rather than at your selfish convenience / leisure, presumably on your return from holiday on October 13th.

For my strongly worded email urging you to complete the deal, and / or lose the car / forfeit your deposit. That was done, partly at the suggestion of a member of this forum, and although it may well have been contributory to achieving the end result, was possibly ill advised.

For any future difficulties I may have caused you, as a new NSX owner, once you feel the need to join and partake this excellent forum. No doubt you can recount your version of events, and cast your aspersions, once I have departed, and unless someone flags this up to me, I will remain none the wiser.

To all of you, please accept my sincere apologies.

02-10-2012, 10:03 PM
Don't think you we're "ill advised", you were however advised on the information you gave the forum/forum members, to which you then acted upon. If all the facts/info between you/Jim and the seller were all over the place, then I think it's unfair to say you we're ill advised. Too many variables going on in that deal and possibly too many emails and info going a miss lol

But none the less, the deal is done, car is sold and personally, I don't think you needed to apologise, you are a friend trying to help good friend, nobody going to blame you for that especially in Jims health.

So was the guy a dealer or private buyer lol be interested to see if the car shows up later all revamped and £35 to 39k price tag.

03-10-2012, 02:18 PM
I'm glad all's well that ends well, glad Jim has friends like you to help him in his time of need.

I wish Jim all the best and hope he can now have one less thing to worry about.
If only someone had managed to get Jim to also write his memoirs, I fear all his knowledge and experience will be lost all too soon.

20-10-2012, 11:56 AM
.... and having just spoken to Jim, he has confirmed the balance of the funds cleared in his account, as of yesterday evening.
Despite the buyer's earlier statements to the contrary, the car will be collected this afternoon.
It came as no surprise to learn, given his apparent lack of concern for Jim's failing health and general laissez-faire behaviour in the purchase of his NSX, that the buyer's agent failed to collect the car on the 2nd October as had been arranged. His transporter vehicle allegedly broke down. So Jim was left dangling for another week. It was not until Wednesday 10th October that the car was finally collected – in absentia. Jim had gone to lunch at the local nursing home and had left his keys with a neighbour, so fortunately he did not have to witness the eventual going of it.

20-10-2012, 11:57 AM
However, it is with deepest regret that I must share some very sad news with you.

Jim’s health had continued to deteriorate. Last Wednesday, he was unable to eat his meal and the nurses judged him too weak to drive himself, so he was sent home in a taxi. On Friday 12th October, after a visit by the doctor (initiated by a neighbour, not by Jim himself), he was first admitted to Bournemouth Royal Infirmary. On Tuesday this week, he had a CT scan, which indicated that his cancer had progressed. Jim was subsequently transferred to the Macmillan Unit at Christchurch Hospital. All treatment stopped (including his dialysis) and he received palliative care. I was informed that he was on a morphine pump; unconscious most of the time and, as of Friday morning, was said to be very frail. Jim never regained consciousness and, as I learned this morning, peacefully passed away in the night.

Rest in Peace, Jim Court, a.k.a. Low Flyer (and The Emperor) – a dear friend and a true gentleman, very much of the old school,
who will be sorely missed by all who knew him well. I’ll write some more later, when I’ve had a little time to compose.

20-10-2012, 12:07 PM

Really really sorry to hear the very sad news.

Very hard to express words at times like these; I'm sure when all the other guys chime in, it would be very nice to pass on a HUGE condolences from this club.

Even though I never met Jim, I know that feeling of close loss [lost my brother and best friend in one go] so my Thoughts are with Jims family and friends.



However, it is with deepest regret that I must share some very sad news with you.

Jim’s health had continued to deteriorate. Last Wednesday, he was unable to eat his meal and the nurses judged him too weak to drive himself, so he was sent home in a taxi. On Friday 12th October, after a visit by the doctor (initiated by a neighbour, not by Jim himself), he was first admitted to Bournemouth Royal Infirmary. On Tuesday this week, he had a CT scan, which indicated that his cancer had progressed. Jim was subsequently transferred to the Macmillan Unit at Christchurch Hospital. All treatment stopped (including his dialysis) and he received palliative care. I was informed that he was on a morphine pump; unconscious most of the time and, as of Friday morning, was said to be very frail. Jim never regained consciousness and, as I learned this morning, peacefully passed away in the night.

Rest in Peace, Jim Court, a.k.a. Low Flyer (and The Emperor) – a dear friend and a true gentleman, very much of the old school,
who will be sorely missed by all who knew him well. I’ll write some more later, when I’ve had a little time to compose.

20-10-2012, 12:58 PM
I was lucky enough to meet him at one Japfest a few years ago, really nice genuine guy.

Rest in Peace Jim, you must be up in the sky flying once more.

20-10-2012, 01:11 PM
Very sad news.
R.I.P. Jim.

20-10-2012, 01:15 PM
I also first met Jim at Japfest one year and had really enjoyable conversation with him. Very enthusiastic person as well.
My thoughts are with his family.

Rest in Peace, Jim.


20-10-2012, 01:24 PM
Rest in peace :(

Nick Graves
20-10-2012, 01:47 PM
I never knew Jim, but it is clear he was held in very high regard by those that had.

Condolences to all those affected.

20-10-2012, 03:23 PM
Very sad indeed. Jim clearly had a life that touched those around him from the sentiments expressed by those who met him, I wish I had the pleasure myself.

20-10-2012, 03:44 PM
I never knew Jim, but it is clear he was held in very high regard by those that had.

Condolences to all those affected.

The very same from me.

20-10-2012, 06:28 PM
Very sorry to hear this, please pass my condolences onto his family.

20-10-2012, 08:29 PM
Very sorry to hear this, my deepest condolences to his family.
May he rest in peace.

NSX 2000
20-10-2012, 09:30 PM
It was very nice to meet Jim, we had a very good chat about flying and working for the US goverment. I was surprised to find out how true the film "Air America" was.



Paul G
21-10-2012, 10:18 AM
I was lucky enough to meet Jim at a coupe of events, one NSX event near Bournemouth that I seem to remember Jim helped to organise, that finished, or we left around 1pm. Jim went home got his P4 and off to show on Bournemouth sea front, loved his cars and loved his life,with more than a few memories to share, true gentleman.

21-10-2012, 10:31 AM
Rest in peace.

21-10-2012, 10:35 AM
So sorry to hear this news, RIP Jim, a true gentleman who was a pleasure to know.


21-10-2012, 12:34 PM
Jim RIP it was a pleasure to know you Sir.

Such a shame you never did sit down with a writer / producer to let the world know about your career. I think that would have made for a hell of a story.

Gone are the memories with a true Gent.

Chris B N
21-10-2012, 05:47 PM
i'm sure you will still be flying low and fast, God Bless Jim

21-10-2012, 06:48 PM
bad news. condolences to all. RIP

21-10-2012, 09:14 PM
Met Jim at some of the previous events and he was a fine outstanding gentleman always smiling and chatting :)

I send my warmest wishes to the family.

Rest In Peace

Silver Surfer
21-10-2012, 10:24 PM
My sincere condolences to the family...

21-10-2012, 11:52 PM
My thoughts are with Jim's family and my sincere condolence to them.

22-10-2012, 06:56 AM
As with previous posts, thoughts and prayers with family circle at this time.
always hard to lose a loved one regardless if been ill beforehand

22-10-2012, 04:01 PM
We only ever met Jim once and he was a true gentleman. He convinced us to buy a NSX, thankyou Jim.
Deepest condolences to his family, rest in peace.

Ian and Sharon

30-10-2012, 10:34 PM
Just returned from holiday and read the sad news , met Jim on serveral different meets , he was a fine fellow .

My thoughts are with his family and friends


31-10-2012, 12:08 AM
RIP Jim ....

Known to many of us was this quiet caring man whom I had the absolute pleasure to meet on several occasions, and not always NSX meets as I would bump into Jim at the odd classic car event.

He had a sparkle in his eye that told of a full and experienced lifetime, parts of which he was happy to share.

Its a strange world he leaves behind and one in which I will never understand why the good ones leave us early ....

Thanx Jim for lighting up so many lives you touched. I think the following sums you up my friend ...

It matters not what someone is born, but what they grow to be.
J.K. Rowling

You grew to be a great man.

My warmest regards to Jims family
