View Full Version : Alarms

30-09-2008, 05:55 AM
When I brought my car it had a Clifford alarm on it, it was old but worked and I'm now wishing I would have left it there!

I thought I'd update the alarm to help protect P&J and give me peace of mind. After some research I opted for Toad AI909 (or something!) and it's been great apart from a couple of occasions when it hads decided not to let me into the car.

I was late for work this morning and it wouldn't open. after standing in the rain for 10 minutes trying I decided to try opening the car with the key and hitting the alarm fob from inside the car once the key was in the ignition - bad move, especially at 7am! The alarm wasn't happy and even less so when I disconnected the battery in a stupid attempt to shut it up!

It calmed down eventually, all my neighbours hate me and I had to take the Porsche to work :cantlook:

Does anyone have any idea why my alarm would dare to do this to me? I tried my spare (brand new) fob and that didn't work so it's not battery related. I tried touching the glass with the fob to improve the signal.

The blasted thing didn't reduce my insurance and I'm starting to think the only benefit is the central locking!


30-09-2008, 06:02 AM
As far as the alarm's concerned you broke into your car and tried to bypass it by disconecting the battery! Probably triggering all the circuits it possessssses!

My advice is dig out the instructions and/or call the numpty that fitted it!

30-09-2008, 10:51 AM
What on earth were you doing up at that time:eek:

It's started working again after being sat for a few hours. It'll probably be fine again now for a few months but I don't want it to strand me somewhere!

Called the fitter and he said he'd take a look if I called him back in an hour. Now he's disappeared off the face of the planet! Typical:angry:

30-09-2008, 10:59 AM
Called the fitter from a different number and he said:

"It's probably a signal interfering with the alarm and it must be very close to my house. Try moving the car or parking it the other way around and it probably won't happen again."

He doesn't think it will strand me anywhere but he's not the one who will be left high and dry if it does!


30-09-2008, 12:11 PM
"It's probably a signal interfering with the alarm and it must be very close to my house. Try moving the car or parking it the other way around and it probably won't happen again."

And how, exactly, are you supposed to move the car if it's not driveable :)

30-09-2008, 02:26 PM
Is it a potential conflict known only by the NSX between being a Porsche and a Honda driver :laugh: ???? Sold my 997 4S a month ago!! Hope you do get the NSX sorted out soon though as my old Cobra system is a bit crabby too so know just how you feel.

30-09-2008, 03:30 PM
Thanks :O)

I think I'm meant to open it, set the alarm off, push it down the road and try again:laugh:

30-09-2008, 05:48 PM
I hope it works OK for the next week or so!

See you 2mrow

regards, Paul

30-09-2008, 05:52 PM
Hi, Luke.

Sorry to hear this and I hope your installer will sort it out for you very soon.
I just sent you a PM as I have some experience with this system and I didn't want to put security information on the web.


30-09-2008, 11:41 PM
Luke, be warned! I should have changed the fob battery as it was getting more difficult to switch on/off the central locking/alarm. Drove car, switch alarm on, went for meal, switch off, drove short distance, switched on. Went for a drink, then couldn't switch off alarm/immob! Tried everything, rang breakdown, took 1.5 hrs to arrive, its December & freezing! Breakdown tried everything, then just about to load car onto trailer, but needed a low loader as car too low, said another 30 mins, whilst waiting he tried a new spare battery fob, reconnected car battery & hey presto, it turned immob off! Then off we went. Funny thing was we got engaged earlier on after the meal! This was dampened by our 2 hour wait ordeal just because of a 3 quid fob battery! :(