View Full Version : Carbon Fibre - Group buy

16-10-2008, 06:32 AM
My search for a cf engine cover has led me to a guy called Bert who is based in Thailand.

He has had several dealings on Prime with plenty of satisfied customers. The quality of the items has been vouched for by several Prime members so I am looking to bring some items to the UK.

I'm happy to organise a group buy to get stuff shipped here for a good price, no doubt customs will kill us but that's life. If you're interested then please indicate next to the items below; when the time is right I'll agree a price with Bert and ask him to commence construction of parts not in stock!

I'll alert Bert (RED-N) to this thread so he'll hopefully help out with questions I cannot answer.

He's sent me lots of pics which I'll upload in time, here're a couple to wet the appetite:

Here's an email from Bert with prices:

Hi Luke,
This is what i have:
CF sill plates is US$145.-
Flat Black E.cover US$195.-
CF E.cover US$395.-
NA1 Rear Diffuser Flat Black US$77.-
Na1 Rear Diffuser CF US$250.-
Marga Hill Front Bumper (with a pair of carnage)US$240.- Marga Hill Side skirts (a pair ) US$240.- Rear Trunk Underspoiler (Flat Black ) US$90.- Rear Trunk Underspoiler (CF) US$187.- Radiator Duct Panel (Flat Black) US$70.- Radiator Duct Panel (CF) US$150.-


2. Yes, you will save alot on bulk purchase. I will also give discount on bulk purchase.
3. I have at least one pcs. instock each. Let me know your order quantity.



16-10-2008, 08:35 AM
Luke, Bert,

Is a c/f version of the air intake duct which sits across the car at the rear of the engine hatch available please?

16-10-2008, 07:32 PM
Does the rear diffuser/valance fit uk cars with the different sized number plate?
Could also be interested in the rear 1/4 panel air intakes in CF if available?



16-10-2008, 08:54 PM
Just for clarity, the rear diffuser pictured is the cf one. The $77 one is the same style and is just the bottom piece which is stuck onto the rear valance pictured. I'll post a picture of the actual piece you get tomorrow. I believe the rear diffuser piece will fit OEM and JDM as long as bottom part of the rear diffusers for both cars are the same. Someone may want to measure up or compare side by side to make sure.

All of the parts currently available are listed. Future parts may be possible; I too would be interested in teh rear air intake piece.



17-10-2008, 04:16 AM
I'll give an engine cover a go.

17-10-2008, 06:25 AM
Here's some more pics of the rear diffuser piece in cf - the black piece is the bottom part of the OEM bumper as far as I'm aware.

17-10-2008, 06:26 AM
nuts the second pic is of the o2+ rear under spoiler thingy, here's the one I meant o post:

17-10-2008, 06:32 AM
CF Engine cover X 3
Luke, Matt & Kevin (LMK if you want the flat black one Kevin)

CF Sill plates X 2
Luke & Matt

Flat Black Rear diffuser X 1

Please get your a***s into gear this weekend if you want anything; I expected more interest than this but will go ahead with what we have if you don't chip in!

We can always organise another buy at a later date but shipping costs will be substantiall reduced on items such as engine covers due to the way they're shipped.



17-10-2008, 07:49 AM
Go on then, I'll have a flat black engine cover :)

17-10-2008, 08:19 AM
I've been thinking about this for a while as I usually like to keep to oem spec. But its too tempting. I've gotta have that black engine cover.

17-10-2008, 08:58 AM
I'm just in for a flat black engine cover please mate! Can't justify the carbon bits tbh.

17-10-2008, 09:02 AM
Just a black one for me too. CF is just for the bling boys. At this price I doubt the construction will be lighter in CF.

Silver Surfer
17-10-2008, 07:11 PM
Flat black E cover and the 77$ rear diffusor thingy for me please Luke.


20-10-2008, 12:25 PM
I've emailed Bert to get initial idea on prices and shipping for all these bits.

I'll post more deatils when I have them.


21-10-2008, 06:11 AM
I've mailed Bert and the shipping will be done in 20kg bundles at $286 a bundle.

This equates to 4 engine covers and some little bits in each box. This means we have one full and one half full box.

I propose we order the first box and give people a chance to put orders in for 2 more covers so that we can fill the second box. If we don;t have any more orders by the time all of the pieces are made then I'll ship a half full box and spread the shipping costs over the whole order.

So.... who else wants a cover? Be quick as there's only 2 more spaces! Could do one more cover and some other bits depending on what people want.



22-10-2008, 12:39 PM
recent message from Bert:

Hi Luke,
Below are the discounted price for your group buy(exclude S&H):
FB E.cover US$155 each
CF E.cover US$355 each
CF Sill Plates US$145 (sorry for this item, i couldn't go down any further, i suggest for free S&H for one who order this item) FB NA1 Rear diffuser US$70 each Marga Hill Front bumper US$200 each Marga Hill Side side US$200/pair

*Please note on the Marga Hill bumper and side skirts. It's not a perfect fit. Need to be trimm here and there, inorder to fit perfect.
By the way, I notice you did not post pics, of the radiator duct panel. Those can be insert in the E.cover box easily.

If you want a cover speak now. Limited to two more spaces only.

The radiator duct panel is here:

Not really sure what it replaces or is for!


22-10-2008, 01:20 PM
Go on then, I'll have a flat black engine cover :)

You blind Luke ??

22-10-2008, 01:51 PM
You blind Luke ??

So that leaves one more space for a flat balck engine cover? If so, please count me in. I wonder if it will arrive before the cats?

22-10-2008, 04:26 PM

You're in mate. I've requested details of payment etc from Bert and will post a final list up tomorrow. I think we still have a space but will check.

Simon... the term is stupid, my vision is well thank you.


22-10-2008, 07:41 PM
any more pic's of these parts pls both carbon fiber
Radiator Duct Panel (CF) US$150.-
and marga hill front bumber (cf)

thx amo

23-10-2008, 06:04 AM
No pics of the duct panel in cf... you'll have to use your imagination on the pic posted of the flat black one!

Here's the MH front bumper - not avail in cf though (please note comment from Bert above about fitting)

If you want a front bumper it wont fit with this order - I'm going to wrap up the first load, wait until receipt to check everyone is happy before ordering the second load. Then check demand for a third load.

Happy to pass details if you want to go direct, not sure what the bumper weights but each load is max 20kg.



23-10-2008, 06:23 AM
Not sure if there's room for anything else...

I need to pay 50% deposit via Paypal.

I estimate the CF covers to come all in at around £150. Estimate guys so no guarantees. I have


For FB covers

Kare for a diffuser $77

The rest of the stuff is mine... all mine!

Send me some £$ and we'll sort out the balances when it lands. Paypal, cheque cash I don't care as long as I'm not out of pocket.

PM me for details.


23-10-2008, 06:51 AM
£150 for the CF covers, so how much do you want from us for the FB covers?

23-10-2008, 07:36 AM
2 bob and about 16 shillings.

I based that estimate on an exchange rate of 2:1... it's down at 1.63 so it'll be much closer to £200. CF covers will be about £330 but I'm the only one having one.

Depends on what the duty comes in at and stuff.

Happy to take £150 for the FB covers now and sort the difference when I know it.

23-10-2008, 09:37 AM
2 bob and about 16 shillings.

I based that estimate on an exchange rate of 2:1... it's down at 1.63 so it'll be much closer to £200. CF covers will be about £330 but I'm the only one having one.

Depends on what the duty comes in at and stuff.

Happy to take £150 for the FB covers now and sort the difference when I know it.

I'm confused.

FB E.cover US$155 each

£150 or $150?

23-10-2008, 09:45 AM
PM me your bank details and I'll give you some ££'s.

Should have said on Tuesday night, would have been easier :)

23-10-2008, 05:07 PM
I'm confused.

FB E.cover US$155 each

£150 or $150?

I knew it wouldn't take much when I met you:laugh:

I've got a discounted price of $155 for the covers... look at me - that's a great deal.

By the time we've paid shipping and duties it'll be around £150 so that's what I'm asking for upfront. We'll settle the differences on hand over when I know the full score.



23-10-2008, 05:11 PM
Not sure if there's room for anything else...

I need to pay 50% deposit via Paypal.

I estimate the CF covers to come all in at around £150. Estimate guys so no guarantees. I have


For FB covers

Kare for a diffuser $77

The rest of the stuff is mine... all mine!

Send me some £$ and we'll sort out the balances when it lands. Paypal, cheque cash I don't care as long as I'm not out of pocket.

PM me for details.


Ooops - I forgot about Sudesh's cover.

Definitely no more room in this group buy - sorry guys snooze you lose.

I just hope we can get all of the stuff over in two lots. Any exchange rate fluctuations will be averaged between the two lots so everyone pays the same price. Shipping costs will be split by size and weight but there are only a few things other than covers so it should be straightforward.

Thanks for your participation... I'll post with progress when I have it.


23-10-2008, 06:37 PM
Ooops - I forgot about Sudesh's cover.

Definitely no more room in this group buy - sorry guys snooze you lose.

I just hope we can get all of the stuff over in two lots. Any exchange rate fluctuations will be averaged between the two lots so everyone pays the same price. Shipping costs will be split by size and weight but there are only a few things other than covers so it should be straightforward.

Thanks for your participation... I'll post with progress when I have it.



I could drop the money round at some point along with my Autocar magazines for scanning



Silver Surfer
23-10-2008, 06:55 PM

PM me your bank details.


23-10-2008, 08:32 PM

I could drop the money round at some point along with my Autocar magazines for scanning



You're just desperate to see the shrine!

To get a proper record of the articles I may have to cut pages out:eek: They'll be immortalised in digital format but you'll have to get your glue set out. I'll post up to see who is willing to donate mags, see what I can get on ebay and resort to "folded" scanning and passing mags back if I don;t get very far.

If you'r epassing through Basingstoke then you can give me a shout, otherwise I'll pm you my bank details.


23-10-2008, 08:37 PM

I could drop the money round at some point along with my Autocar magazines for scanning



Noel your pm box is full... let me know when it's clear if you want bank details.

23-10-2008, 08:48 PM
Sorry, but what's the amount in Swiss Francs??:D

2 bob and about 16 shillings.

I based that estimate on an exchange rate of 2:1... it's down at 1.63 so it'll be much closer to £200. CF covers will be about £330 but I'm the only one having one.

Depends on what the duty comes in at and stuff.

Happy to take £150 for the FB covers now and sort the difference when I know it.

23-10-2008, 09:19 PM

As you know, there are several members that already have CF parts. It would be useful if Bert could send you some small samples of the different finishes he offers and any variation in weave style.

For interior parts, can you ask if he is able to offer a satin/matt finish rather than the usual high gloss. IMO the gloss will be highly reflective and also dstracting across the windscreen.

Thanx, Paul

23-10-2008, 09:27 PM
What I would like is a real nice Hi-Q centre console with a single din cutout. Door switch inserts would also be nice as well as instrument bezel surround.

I agree with Paul regarding the satin finish.



24-10-2008, 07:31 AM
Kevin - there's always one:rolleyes: I think it comes to about 300,000,000,007 swiss francs.

Paul - Will do but all of the parts he currently does are listed.

Ary - This has been mentioned on Prime also ... we'd all love that Hi Q centre console so I'm sure it's on Bert's list!

Luke - that's me!

31-10-2008, 07:46 AM
The first load is ready to be shipped.

It will be going to Birmingham to the NSXCB delivery suite...

Pick up will be prioritised by who's paid and who can get there first! The next load shouldn't take too long but we'll get the first lot into the country first.



31-10-2008, 09:02 AM
.....when there is a space on a future delivery, let me know as I'm interested in an engine cover....

03-11-2008, 07:17 AM

Package has been shipped... progress as follows:



Silver Surfer
03-11-2008, 02:26 PM
Great, bang on time. :thumbsup:


06-11-2008, 12:54 PM
The package has landed and all duties and shipping has been paid for.

Total cost of each cover worked out at £165.

Those that have paid can arrange collection with Matt; send me the balance or give it to Matt.

I'll organise the second lot once i have all of the money up front.


07-11-2008, 12:22 PM
Second lot has been ordered.

I haven;t seen the covers yet but from what I agther from Matt they look excellent and are visually near identical to the £1200 Type R covers.

They weigh half of what the OEM covers do but I'll leave it to Matt to tell you about that as I'm sure he'll enjoy it!


23-11-2008, 08:18 AM
Second lot has been ordered.

I haven;t seen the covers yet but from what I agther from Matt they look excellent and are visually near identical to the £1200 Type R covers.

They weigh half of what the OEM covers do but I'll leave it to Matt to tell you about that as I'm sure he'll enjoy it!


Come on Matt, what are they like??

23-11-2008, 08:36 AM
I can't believe I just went out into the arctic cold for you Simon!

Here're my pics:

23-11-2008, 08:40 AM
Without Paul it wouldn't have been possible for me to get a cover in the first place so many thanks again Paul. The bay really does look great ... I just need to get the new coolant tank sorted and I've just ordered one from Dali.

The CF really is great quality and looks fantastic through the rear glass window.

I've got some sill plates as well but I need to work out how to get the original retainer clips off before I install this... any ideas anyone?

Matt warned me about putting the cover down but I think you'll only do it once but when you let it down do it carefully or it will drop with a big slam!


23-11-2008, 08:49 AM
Thanks Luke, much appreciated.
I'll be interested when there is another GB going through...

23-11-2008, 06:48 PM

I know this is belated - but finally took some pictures on my crappy iPhone camera! This is without doubt the best value mod I have done and once I fit the Dali OEM NSX-R coolant bottle cover the bay should be looking good. All I need is a few spare hours with the Dremel now in the engine bay and it should be looking good :D.

The other fantastic thing about the cover is it has removed the only bit of resonance I got in the cabin from my Tubi, which was in any gear at 2K revs. What a flipping bonus :).



23-11-2008, 07:25 PM
Looks good, can't wait to get mine :)

23-11-2008, 07:57 PM
One question. . . Does it incorporate the oem prop or is a new one supplied?

23-11-2008, 08:28 PM
One question. . . Does it incorporate the oem prop or is a new one supplied?

Nope! Doesnt have a prop or a hole in the cover like the NSX-R one, but I can live with that! How often does the cover be propped up anyway? I do have pics of the same cover where someone done a DIY install of the engine prop though if you want to see it.

23-11-2008, 08:29 PM
Simon, no to both! TBH it is a problem I think can be solved easily and for the money you can't grumble! :)

23-11-2008, 08:50 PM
Here are pics of the same cover where someone installed the oem engine prop. Its not my cup of tea, but thought some may be interested in doing the same. You'll notice the screws pierced through the mesh on both the upper and under side of the mesh.


23-11-2008, 08:55 PM
On the third pic you will notice the small cut out that's missing on the group buy covers.

This is the OEM setup for the NSX-R and Type-S.

Think the first 2 pics are of MarkC's car last pic is NSX-R


23-11-2008, 09:17 PM
Simon, no to both! TBH it is a problem I think can be solved easily and for the money you can't grumble! :)

Good value and a lot quicker to arrived than some OEM ones we got from Prime.

24-11-2008, 12:10 PM
Or you can wedge a coke bottle in when it's open and that will keep it propped up. Something else more tasteful could be stashed/fixed to the engine bay and then used if you could be bothered.

I've got a cf wrapped one so no hole drilling for me in case I crack it!


24-11-2008, 12:16 PM
Simon, no to both! TBH it is a problem I think can be solved easily and for the money you can't grumble! :)

....I'll consider it a further weight saving then...:)

24-11-2008, 12:25 PM
....I'll consider it a further weight saving then...:)

Yeah just what I'm doing!

I got a small metal rod, very similar to the fold up/down antenna on a controller for a radio controled car, only difference is; as it folds out it can be locked in place. Its quite neat when closed down and can be stored with the tool kit or in the glove box etc.

24-11-2008, 01:24 PM
Yeah just what I'm doing!

I got a small metal rod, very similar to the fold up/down antenna on a controller for a radio controled car, only difference is; as it folds out it can be locked in place. Its quite neat when closed down and can be stored with the tool kit or in the glove box etc.

I think you need to leave it at home rather than in the car for the weight saving to work :)


24-11-2008, 01:32 PM
I think you need to leave it at home rather than in the car for the weight saving to work :)


Yeah thats true Mark, but as it weighs something similar to a pen, I doubt it would matter!! lol Would need to take out the tool kit thought.

24-11-2008, 02:44 PM
There is demand for more bits... currently

1 x rear diffuser
1 x FB engine cover

Post on this list if you want any parts and Bert should be able to get them to the UK about a week after th eorder is placed.

We're looking at getting 20kg worth of stuff before ordering - 4 engine covers and a couple of diffusers is max.


24-11-2008, 02:51 PM
There is demand for more bits... currently

1 x rear diffuser
1 x FB engine cover

Post on this list if you want any parts and Bert should be able to get them to the UK about a week after th eorder is placed.

We're looking at getting 20kg worth of stuff before ordering - 4 engine covers and a couple of diffusers is max.


+1 FB engine cover

24-11-2008, 03:35 PM
The one I had on there was for you!

24-11-2008, 03:46 PM
The one I had on there was for you!


25-11-2008, 08:47 AM

Is Bert working on any interior parts with the CF finish and if yes, what parts and prices please?

regards, Paul

25-11-2008, 08:57 AM
He's thinking about them but AFAIK not progressed anything yet. I'll ask him and keep you posted if there's more of an update.


26-11-2008, 11:50 PM
TQO, the latest mod looks great!

27-11-2008, 10:36 PM

Is Bert working on any interior parts with the CF finish and if yes, what parts and prices please?

regards, Paul

Paul I found these guys and posted about some of their carbon bits a while back. Not sure if this is what your after?



28-11-2008, 07:37 AM
Looks good stuff - I see 2 problems:

OEM stereo only
How rubbish is the ash tray going to look in amongst all that!?

28-11-2008, 08:08 AM
Looks good stuff - I see 2 problems:

OEM stereo only - because that is a wrapped OEM console from what I can see - dont know if they can modify before wrapping?
How rubbish is the ash tray going to look in amongst all that!? - I woudl suspect that its simply missing from the photo ...

would think they are solveable ... :)

29-11-2008, 09:18 AM
Is this latest order still open ?

29-11-2008, 12:07 PM
Is this latest order still open ?

Yes. The order will be placed when there are enough items to fill the box. . .

30-11-2008, 03:57 PM
As I'm not after anything else at teh moment and will have a baby in the next few weeks you'll need someone else to manage this order through.



07-12-2008, 11:04 AM
Ok, I'll volunteer my services to coordinate the next shipment from Bert.

So, anyone interested please add your names to the list....there must be something that you want to buy yourself for Christmas...

"We need to get approx 20kg worth of stuff before ordering - 4 engine covers and a couple of diffusers is max."

1 x rear diffuser
1 x FB engine cover (NSXGB)

07-12-2008, 01:33 PM
hay every1
ok what im looking for is
1. carbon fiber headlight covers
2. carbon fiber boot lid
3. carbon fiber bonnet with 6 vents like mine

thx amo

07-12-2008, 02:27 PM
hay every1
ok what im looking for is
1. carbon fiber headlight covers
2. carbon fiber boot lid
3. carbon fiber bonnet with 6 vents like mine

thx amo

Amo have you considered that CF Bootlids might not be as strong as the OEM one, and might no be able to hold your wing in place?



07-12-2008, 03:31 PM
ya thought of that
was just thinkin
thx for the advice mattyyyyyyy

thx amo

07-12-2008, 03:53 PM
Let me know if you definitely want anything....if you ordered that lot Amo, we could be just about there in one go....

08-12-2008, 03:02 AM

As a Christmas present to myself, put me down for a 1 x FB engine cover if there is still room please.

Thanks Pete.

08-12-2008, 09:22 AM
hay every1
ok what im looking for is
1. carbon fiber headlight covers
2. carbon fiber boot lid
3. carbon fiber bonnet with 6 vents like mine

thx amo

Bert doesn't make any of these parts at the moment!

There's a list of parts he does at the start of the thread...

08-12-2008, 09:24 AM
It looks like this!

CF sill plates is US$145.-
Flat Black E.cover US$195.-
CF E.cover US$395.-
NA1 Rear Diffuser Flat Black US$77.-
Na1 Rear Diffuser CF US$250.-
Marga Hill Front Bumper (with a pair of carnage)US$240.
Marga Hill Side skirts (a pair ) US$240.
Rear Trunk Underspoiler (Flat Black ) US$90.
Rear Trunk Underspoiler (CF) US$187.
Radiator Duct Panel (Flat Black) US$70.
Radiator Duct Panel (CF) US$150.-

2. Yes, you will save alot on bulk purchase. I will also give discount on bulk purchase.

08-12-2008, 10:01 AM
Running total. . .

1 x rear diffuser
2 x FB engine cover (PeteM & NSXGB)

25-12-2008, 03:53 PM
The package has landed and all duties and shipping has been paid for.

Total cost of each cover worked out at £165.

Those that have paid can arrange collection with Matt; send me the balance or give it to Matt.

I'll organise the second lot once i have all of the money up front.


Who do I pay the extra £15 to, and where can I pick mine up from?

27-12-2008, 06:24 PM
me me me - I'll get Mattt to bring it to me when he comes to visit neext week then I'll bring it along to a Basingstoke meet with your p0rn mags.



27-12-2008, 06:42 PM
Hi Luke,

Talking of Mags, I have a couple sitting in the nSX to drop off to you for your scanning habit ;)

I'm off to Bristol in the NSX on Monday, not sure what time I'll be heading back but maybe a inpromptu mini meet to hand them over is in order?

regards, Paul

27-12-2008, 06:48 PM
me me me - I'll get Mattt to bring it to me when he comes to visit neext week then I'll bring it along to a Basingstoke meet with your p0rn mags.



Sorry for my curtness, I was suffering from ILOD (in law overdose)

22-01-2009, 02:07 AM
....bump to arouse some interest in another group buy....

These are parts available:
CF sill plates is US$145.-
Flat Black E.cover US$195.-
CF E.cover US$395.-
NA1 Rear Diffuser Flat Black US$77.-
Na1 Rear Diffuser CF US$250.-
Marga Hill Front Bumper (with a pair of carnage)US$240.
Marga Hill Side skirts (a pair ) US$240.
Rear Trunk Underspoiler (Flat Black ) US$90.
Rear Trunk Underspoiler (CF) US$187.
Radiator Duct Panel (Flat Black) US$70.
Radiator Duct Panel (CF) US$150.-

Probably get another 2 engine covers and a rear diffuser to add to this order (below) before we reach the 20 Kg shipping weight suggested.

As usual, add your name to the list if you are would like to join in.

1 x rear diffuser
2 x FB engine cover (PeteM & NSXGB)

31-01-2009, 12:51 AM
Been in touch with Bert regarding RHD centre consoles but he does not do them yet.

He did say that he has the following items for sale which could obviously make up the shipping weight.....

Used Type R copy hood US$440.
Used JDM CD changer US$55.-
Used JDM Fog Lamp US$180.-/pair
Used JDM OEM sill plates with VIN no. US$110.-/pair
Used JDM trunk spoiler with brake lamp US$160.-
Used Carbon fiber B-Pillar cover US$150.-/pair
Used Corner lamp US$110.-/pair
Used Head lamp+motor+cover complete US$380.-/pair
Used left side interior door handle US$135.-
New JDM 2002+ Type-R lamp US$1100.-(3pcs.)

Some pics...

31-01-2009, 12:52 AM

31-01-2009, 01:00 AM
I could use one of the CF consoles when they are done.

06-02-2009, 07:10 AM
Sorry for being thick....but I cant see any pictures of the stuff on the frist page.....

Like the idea of a rear diffuser, but would like to see it fitted to the car and make a call on whether it will fit with my GT Extreme exhaust?

Anybody got pics please.



06-02-2009, 11:04 AM
Assuming by FB engine cover it is a mesh cover but with plain black as opposed to CF surround I'm in....When will this go ahead?

1 x rear diffuser
3 x FB engine cover (PeteM, NSXGB & Hagasan)

06-02-2009, 11:10 AM

I have 1 x diffusor here. I'm due to drop it off with Luke. It was ordered by SS but is not required. Its boxed so I presume as new and undamaged.

Please liaise with either Luke or Kare if you want thispart rather than ordering another from Bert.

Regards, Paul

(This is not my part to sell and I simply advising of its possible availability)

06-02-2009, 12:36 PM

I have 1 x diffusor here. I'm due to drop it off with Luke. It was ordered by SS but is not required. Its boxed so I presume as new and undamaged.

Please liaise with either Luke or Kare if you want thispart rather than ordering another from Bert.

Regards, Paul

(This is not my part to sell and I simply advising of its possible availability)

I'm tempted, what was the price?


06-02-2009, 01:09 PM
I'm still missing one of these!

Matt - do you have this at your place still?

I can;t remember how many came over in the end.

In all fairness I think Sudesh ordered one but wasn;t able to get it because Bert could only ship 2. I'd say he should have first dibs on this.


06-02-2009, 01:10 PM
Also - if you do have this Matt then can you bring it over as well as Noel's cover!?

Let me know what other parts you still have hanging around and I'll try to make sure they get to their rightful owners.


06-02-2009, 01:12 PM

Any pics of the diffuser please?


Silver Surfer
06-02-2009, 01:19 PM

I've given yours to Paul to take over to you when you guys next meet as I think he will get to see you before I do.

Mine is now for sale at trade price...PM me if interested. ;)


06-02-2009, 04:16 PM
Assuming by FB engine cover it is a mesh cover but with plain black as opposed to CF surround I'm in....When will this go ahead?

1 x rear diffuser
3 x FB engine cover (PeteM, NSXGB & Hagasan)

Hagasan, see posts #44 & #47 for pics of the cf and fb versions.

This is likely to go ahead very soon, especially if I go for the bonnet.

I will mail Bert and see how much more we will need to buy on top of the above and the bonnet. I think there was a previous post saying the limint of about 5 covers and 2 diffusers per box.

06-02-2009, 05:13 PM
OK, confirmed as the FB version then please..

09-02-2009, 03:54 AM
I take it nobody has any pictures of the rear diffuser then???:no:

Dave J
09-02-2009, 08:46 AM
Can i order a FB engine cover please? If you'd like payment asap pm me your address and i send it at once.

09-02-2009, 10:47 AM
Can i order a FB engine cover please? If you'd like payment asap pm me your address and i send it at once.

1 x rear diffuser
4 x FB engine cover (PeteM, NSXGB, Hagasan & Dave J)

How many more do we need?

09-02-2009, 02:31 PM
Ahhh **** it, I would have liked a diffuser but I guess you have to buy one without seeing it, or be in the right group to get a picture???

09-02-2009, 05:01 PM
Ahhh **** it, I would have liked a diffuser but I guess you have to buy one without seeing it, or be in the right group to get a picture???

I have requested a picture of the rear diffuser for you markdas and asked if we need any more for the shipment...

Silver Surfer
09-02-2009, 05:20 PM
I will have rear diffuser for sale soon....i'll get a picture up in the next day or so.


10-02-2009, 06:55 AM
Thanks guys.....I was begining to think nobody loved me!!!:(;)

10-02-2009, 09:08 AM
OK, Bert says there is enough to ship.

markdas, pics below, unfortunately not fitted though.


10-02-2009, 12:38 PM
Hmm they look good......the first pic looks like a 2 piece affair.....is that the case? I guess we need to remove the existing black lower trim and replace it with this, is that correct?

Thanks again for the pics


Silver Surfer
10-02-2009, 12:56 PM

Just slot it over the black trim between the exhaust......you need to work out how to stick it on to stop it falling off.....?No-more-nails?


10-02-2009, 01:21 PM
No more nails do a really strong double sided sticky tape - I'm planning on using it to fit my Wings West front spoiler when I get around to it.


10-02-2009, 03:38 PM
Ahh so in the first pic...the large black trim represents the car! then either the flat black or carbon fixes to that section......correct?

SS why are youselling yours, is it CF or flat?



10-02-2009, 06:17 PM
Right Bert has replied:

Payment can be made thru PAYPAL (bertsupra@yahoo.com)
FB E.COVER US$155x4 = $620.-
FB Diffuser US$70x1 = $70.-
S&H = $286.-
Total: US$ 976.-
With this shipping fee, you can also add one more diffuser.

So, if anyone wants a diffuser speak up now....

PM's sent to interested parties...

10-02-2009, 06:36 PM
Hi, I may be jumping the gun as you only recently posted but I don't have any PM.....

10-02-2009, 06:43 PM
Yes, you are jumping the gun....been having probs with pc....only on this site though??

PM on it's way...

Silver Surfer
10-02-2009, 08:26 PM
I am selling as I am changing the exhaust and thinking of up-grading the rear....

The diffusor is flat black in colour.....75 quids +delivery if any body want it.


11-02-2009, 02:20 AM
Aaaaaa ..... just trying to get some help from SS regarding fitting this with an after market exhaust.....is it going to clash with a GT Extreme or similar......as soon as he can advice I can make the call....sorry

11-02-2009, 09:47 PM
Would the person who wanted the diffuser please make themself known otherwise it will not be ordered.

I hope to make the order by the end of this week....

12-02-2009, 11:02 AM
I've sent a PM to SS offering to buy his....so I won't need an additional difuser ordered.
Thanks anyway

22-02-2009, 02:01 PM
The latest order has been dispatched, I have a tracking number. It should be here this week....

25-02-2009, 04:13 PM
picking the covers up from Gatwick tonight. . . Not a bad turnaround. . .
Big thumbs up for Bert.

Just fyi, covers on this shipment came to £184 inc duty etc.

07-03-2009, 09:16 AM
Just want to thank Simon for organising the last group buy. Picked up my cover a couple of days ago and very happy with the quality especially for the money spent.

Only problem I have now is when I was looking how to fit it, (very easy), I finally discoverd why my rear screen keeps misting up........ yep another split expansion bottle!

Thanks again Simon for all your efforts.

Regards Pete.

07-03-2009, 01:04 PM
Not a problem Pete, nice to meet you the other day.

Check out the 2003 NSX that's being broken at the moment for a new expansion bottle mate....

21-03-2009, 02:45 AM
Hi Everybody,
I' m Bert. Thankyou everybody for buying the NSX parts. Also Thanks Luke and Simon for organising this group buy. Let me know, if anyone interested in those parts. My email is bertsupra@yahoo.com

Dave J
28-03-2009, 01:01 PM
Just a quick thank you to Simon for going out of his way to get my engine cover sent off to me. Looks great and will fit it as soon as i finish my VAT return :no:.

28-03-2009, 05:08 PM

If anyone else wants to arrange a GB, Bert is very easy to deal with. I've since had another order with him, there was a slight hiccup caused by the courier but Bert sorted it out very quickly, not bad considering he's the other side of the world.

28-03-2009, 07:00 PM
Just a quick thank you to Simon for going out of his way to get my engine cover sent off to me. Looks great and will fit it as soon as i finish my VAT return :no:.

If you need a hand you are welcome to drop by. A hand with the cover, not the VAT return! LOL

Dave J
28-03-2009, 08:21 PM
If you need a hand you are welcome to drop by. A hand with the cover, not the VAT return! LOL

Hi Ary, long time no speak :). Just signed up with Sky broadband so i'm finally back on here! I'll get down to see you again soon, my NSX is looking much nicer now as i spent a few days cleaning it as was a little on the dirty side. Soon as i finish my VAT i'm going to spend a few days on her with my Porter Cable polisher and a load of valeting products i recently bought, you are welcome to call in if you want to try any!
How's Mr Amo's car comming along, tell him he's welcome as well anytime :D

29-03-2009, 12:32 AM
Hi Ary, long time no speak :). Just signed up with Sky broadband so i'm finally back on here! I'll get down to see you again soon, my NSX is looking much nicer now as i spent a few days cleaning it as was a little on the dirty side. Soon as i finish my VAT i'm going to spend a few days on her with my Porter Cable polisher and a load of valeting products i recently bought, you are welcome to call in if you want to try any!
How's Mr Amo's car comming along, tell him he's welcome as well anytime :D

Thanks Dave, you are also welcome here anytime. By the sounds of it you got bitten by the NSX bug really well. :)

Dave J
29-03-2009, 07:56 AM
Yes she's really grown on me now! I have been thinking of selling her as i want a 360 for the summer but i think i'll wait until next year now. I blew a bit too much money last year and i'd like to get another business up and running alongside my current one and i don't want to borrow any money just in case it all goes pete tong!
Will get down to see you soon..........i've just had another Toyota in, not an NSX but a little SMX with a £30 odd k install.........seriously loud! It'd be great at Japfest :D I'll get a few pics up soon........

09-08-2009, 04:37 PM
So that leaves one more space for a flat balck engine cover? If so, please count me in. I wonder if it will arrive before the cats?

I continue to wonder!!

09-08-2009, 11:36 PM
I continue to wonder!!

If you feel so inclined I have a like new condition OEM NSX-R engine cover and prop stay for sale.

Way cheaper than the north of £ 1400.00 HUK are charging for this part.



10-08-2009, 05:48 AM
If you feel so inclined I have a like new condition OEM NSX-R engine cover and prop stay for sale.

Way cheaper than the north of £ 1400.00 HUK are charging for this part.



Thanks for offer but I will firstly attempt to track down the one I have alreay paid for.

10-08-2009, 10:25 AM
Hi Noel,

Your's has been in my factory for months now waiting to be collected. I assumed you had been informed when it arrived by Luke who you paid. Let me know what you want me to do with it - we are currently selling our factory so it would be good to get it out of the office too!



10-08-2009, 01:13 PM
Hi Noel,

Your's has been in my factory for months now waiting to be collected. I assumed you had been informed when it arrived by Luke who you paid. Let me know what you want me to do with it - we are currently selling our factory so it would be good to get it out of the office too!



I think both Luke and I had been distracted by baby arrivals!! I will think of a plan and get in touch - thank you for looking after it.

04-06-2010, 12:01 PM
hi folks

is this still available to us folks in the UK?

I would like a mesh engine cover ... if no one ordering could you supply me the contact details of who you guys bought off?


04-06-2010, 03:55 PM
hi folks

is this still available to us folks in the UK?

I would like a mesh engine cover ... if no one ordering could you supply me the contact details of who you guys bought off?

Nobby, see post #123 above.

05-06-2010, 12:33 AM
cheers bud! :)

Nobby, see post #123 above.