View Full Version : Home Page Picture ! has to go today.

21-10-2008, 07:49 AM
Dude, funny is funny.

but that is beyond funny, it's wrong. ( no offence James )

I imagine a pretty global audience finds this site on a daily basis.. many of which probably don't even understand English.

It's claimed a picture says a thousand words... well.. I can only think of one.
- thanks SS, make that two.. add 'disturbing'

find something more indicative of the quality outfit one would normally associate with a premium car..

I thought the last picture was pure class and worthy of staying there for the year.


Silver Surfer
21-10-2008, 07:51 AM
Er mods....the picture is getting more and more disturbing.....!!!!
No offence J.


21-10-2008, 08:52 AM
I dunno, I agree that the main pic should change from time to time, but a lot of us on here have met up from time to time, and it's good to have a laugh at someones expense ( and funnily enough , James is usully at the end of it).
Nothinig wrong with a bit of humour from time to time.

21-10-2008, 09:42 AM
Joke or not is does give impression/confirm to the outside world the Great Britain NSX site is a glorified mates meeting place, chat room or blog. As a non paying member Ive no problem with that. Lets wait for the Ferrari Club GB to follow suit. Moderator hate mail to the usual address please or better still if time allows use it online rotating homepage image to attract new interest, enrich members experience or advance the perceived/actual value of a car which exists in declining numbers.

21-10-2008, 10:06 AM
You can use my pic, if you want.

21-10-2008, 10:18 AM
Pity about the telegraph poles!


21-10-2008, 10:22 AM
Joke or not is does give impression/confirm to the outside world the Great Britain NSX site is a glorified mates meeting place, chat room or blog. As a non paying member Ive no problem with that. Lets wait for the Ferrari Club GB to follow suit. Moderator hate mail to the usual address please or better still if time allows use it online rotating homepage image to attract new interest, enrich members experience or advance the perceived/actual value of a car which exists in declining numbers.

I'm not saying that pics like that should be there ALL the time, and agree it should cycle through the vast library of very artistic shots of the car that have been ammassed on here from various members, BUT it is ok to give us a cheap laugh at a member from time to time.


21-10-2008, 10:32 AM
I think it's great, it has a top bloke in it and the best NSX in the country in the foreground too....:laugh:

P.S. As this is Kevin's site I think he can do what he wants!!!

21-10-2008, 10:47 AM
I was under the impression that it was Matt taking a cheap shot at James. As the picture originated from the man at the top I believe you should all keep your mouths shut in case he finds some pictures of you that could be "unsuitable" for the homepage!

I overstepped the mark once and ended up with a donkey as my avatar for a year - tread carefully guys...


21-10-2008, 10:48 AM
You can use my pic, if you want.

Great pic (apart from the poles!) I can't enlarge it but is that you reflecting nicely in the door.

I need to do more arty shots whilst my car is still clean enough to reflect stuff!


21-10-2008, 10:53 AM
I was under the impression that it was Matt taking a cheap shot at James. As the picture originated from the man at the top I believe you should all keep your mouths shut in case he finds some pictures of you that could be "unsuitable" for the homepage!

I overstepped the mark once and ended up with a donkey as my avatar for a year - tread carefully guys...


Indeedy, Hey Luke have you been shafted with the 'Fest 09???

21-10-2008, 11:13 AM
Indeedy, Hey Luke have you been shafted with the 'Fest 09???

I thought you had volunteered ??

21-10-2008, 11:18 AM
I thought you had volunteered ??

Yeah, but just asking as I saw the erm "lukefest" in arys thread here,

and thought of it. I'm still up for it if not though. ( means i might actually make it on time for a change)


21-10-2008, 11:26 AM
Well I am surprised at the reaction of the home page.

If this club isn't to allow friends/owners of NSXs to meet/chat/discuss then what is it? If it should be more like the Ferrari Owners Club, fine, but it will cost £80 per person for the priviledge.

The people make the club, not the car. I think there's a decent balance here between the snooty club of some car makes, and the chavvy forums of others.

Normal home page picture has been restored, until I get some decent copy to put in its place.:rolleyes:

21-10-2008, 11:28 AM
Boo Hoo Kevin, lets start a poll and see what the MEMBERS choose, after all it is a member site.

we could even have the funny pic of the week comp!!!

21-10-2008, 11:32 AM
Put me down as one that makes up the chavvy section of the site then... or maybe Kevin is purely referring to Simon's influence?

The picture was fun and brought back memories of one of many good times had by the NSXCB community. It's a shame people objected.

I'll be sure to take some silly pics at tonight's meet so we have something to replace it with;)


21-10-2008, 11:33 AM
I thought next years big meeting is the Classic event at Silverstone?

We made a second trip to Japfest as we had the winnings from the previous year as best club.

21-10-2008, 11:40 AM
I thought next years big meeting is the Classic event at Silverstone?

We made a second trip to Japfest as we had the winnings from the previous year as best club.

Thought we were going to keep doing Japfest as it seems a pretty good meet.
Then the Silverstone one was going to be an extra ??

21-10-2008, 11:45 AM
Maybe we should go round the various chavvy Japanese meets pick up our winnings as best club each time? :)

You know these shows are falling over themselves to get NSXs to go along.

I thought the intention for the Silverstone classic is becuase it suits the demographic of our membership better.

21-10-2008, 11:53 AM
I think that now we are getting contact from the like of the euro NSX club, that Japfest would always be out main focal point, and trying to increase numbers each year, AS WELL AS going to other meets and showing up in the best japanese car ever made. No matter what modded cars turn up we ALL know who gets the most envious looks.

I might even miss a track session one year just so I can see the magnificent sight of NSX's banging round the track.

PS Kev, is it too early to start the word on the street for Fest 09? or is that section still locked to posts.


21-10-2008, 11:59 AM
I thought the intention for the Silverstone classic is becuase it suits the demographic of our membership better.

We're not all old grey haired anoraks ... I'm up for both to ensire the Chav in me is satisfied.


21-10-2008, 12:01 PM
We're not all old grey haired anoraks ... I'm up for both to ensire the Chav in me is satisfied.


I quite agree ( and yes before you say it, I know my hair is more grey than anything else now).


21-10-2008, 12:02 PM
OK thread going way off topic now.

The 09 events calandar will open soon. I am trying out some new features, but might stick the old format for now.

I would like to have a proper official events calendar set up, to distinguish our events from the numerous 'spam' events that other people keep joining the club for, just to promote their own 'meet'.

21-10-2008, 12:07 PM
Ah yeah it has gone slightly skewiff, BUT to get BACK on topic, how about a change once a month, where maybe 5 or so images get put in a thread and we vote for which one should be the front page pic for the next month, or something along those lines, that way the members who are most regular and give th most input to this site will have a say in the front page.

Just a sugestion


21-10-2008, 03:32 PM
OK thread going way off topic now.

The 09 events calandar will open soon. I am trying out some new features, but might stick the old format for now.

I would like to have a proper official events calendar set up, to distinguish our events from the numerous 'spam' events that other people keep joining the club for, just to promote their own 'meet'.

Forum Admin your a genius, that would be great !!!!!!!!

Thanks for removing offensive photo I thought this was an N.S.X site not G._._. Site

Look forward to the improvements and also like Jim's suggestion.

21-10-2008, 03:37 PM
Thanks for restoring the home page to its former glory, i was starting to worry.
As for meets i would prefer the Silverstone Classic any day.
Does this club have any stickers or badges for sale??

25-10-2008, 09:48 AM
Thought we were going to keep doing Japfest as it seems a pretty good meet.
Then the Silverstone one was going to be an extra ??

Personally I think this club has a very good social network and allways try to attend as many meets as possible, having had a good time at every one!
I would request that all potential meets should be put forward and those who want to attend will, and I'm sure continue to have a good time as we have in the past.

This forum provides a wealth of knowledge that is invaluable to any nsx owner or enthusiast combined with a bit of lively banter that usually manages to put a smile on your face each time you log on and in IMHO makes the spirit of the club what it is.


25-10-2008, 11:23 AM
Well if I wasn't mildly pissed off I'd be speachless. Just so everyone knows; I didn't even know about a change in picture and did not see it when it was up. However, if it's the one I think was I'd hardly call it offensive!?

The picture aside, on behalf of Kevin, we had been planning to rotate the homepage picture more regularly and add some articles to the front page so it was more interesting for members.
There are some really good events and projects going on throughout the year but they are rarely documented. The idea was to show new and existing members how diverse the club can be. Personally, I'd like to see a write-up from Ary about his current project, an end of year round-up of all notable events and as Kevin mentioned, some kind of itinerary for next year.

Which brings me to Japfest;

I know some people though it was beneath them and the position of the NSX to attend a 'chav' event and when it was provisionally decided to go elsewhere next year they thought Silverstone was a more 'fitting' venue. Personally I think change is important and I have no issue with Silverstone, but Japfest has been a good event for this club.
40-45 car turnout, Honda photo-op, all day track action, an NSX track session and a BBQ.
like I said, I've got nothing against other venues, but it pisses me off when people rubbish what has been a tough event to organise over the last two years.



25-10-2008, 11:40 AM
Those that organized Japfest did a great Job!

Well if I wasn't mildly pissed off I'd be speachless. Just so everyone knows; I didn't even know about a change in picture and did not see it when it was up. However, if it's the one I think was I'd hardly call it offensive!?

The picture aside, on behalf of Kevin, we had been planning to rotate the homepage picture more regularly and add some articles to the front page so it was more interesting for members.
There are some really good events and projects going on throughout the year but they are rarely documented. The idea was to show new and existing members how diverse the club can be. Personally, I'd like to see a write-up from Ary about his current project, an end of year round-up of all notable events and as Kevin mentioned, some kind of itinerary for next year.

Which brings me to Japfest;

I know some people though it was beneath them and the position of the NSX to attend a 'chav' event and when it was provisionally decided to go elsewhere next year they thought Silverstone was a more 'fitting' venue. Personally I think change is important and I have no issue with Silverstone, but Japfest has been a good event for this club.
40-45 car turnout, Honda photo-op, all day track action, an NSX track session and a BBQ.
like I said, I've got nothing against other venues, but it pisses me off when people rubbish what has been a tough event to organise over the last two years.



25-10-2008, 02:33 PM
Well said James, Japfest (Jamesfest/Mattfest) is a great event for this club and has enjoyed an exceptional attendance,i'm sure Silverstone will also be a good event but must not displace Japfest as our 'main event'.

Keep up the great banter guys and don't take things too seriously:laugh:

dan the man
26-10-2008, 03:14 PM
i never saw the pic..someone please post it :)

26-10-2008, 04:39 PM
You would have been shocked Dan! :eek:

26-10-2008, 06:40 PM

It's here, just where it's always been, but didn't seem to get the same reaction then.

dan the man
27-10-2008, 06:26 PM
So whats so offensive about the pic? Nowt wrong wi it..

The colours are amazing.. that needs doing but proper. One of every colour lined up so they all comliment each other..... with a good green grass underneath.

whos is the yellow one? where was this took?

27-10-2008, 06:58 PM
So whats so offensive about the pic? Nowt wrong wi it..

The colours are amazing.. that needs doing but proper. One of every colour lined up so they all comliment each other..... with a good green grass underneath.

whos is the yellow one? where was this took?

I have no idea what the problem was, maybe the changing demographic people harp on about on here from time to time is going to reduce the narrow mindedness long term?! Perhaps us young 'uns are more open minded!

Picture was at Japfest 2008, and the lovely yellow one is Steve's (lotusolly).

27-10-2008, 07:03 PM
perhaps it was the choice of headgear?