View Full Version : Just a f**king Honda..

01-11-2008, 08:49 PM
Picking up the girlfriend from work yesterday, some guy approached the car with his mates and asked "here what car is that?" I repled "its a Honda NSX mate" to which he remarked "ah f**king piece of sh*t, its just a f**king honda" whilst walking away. That really p*ssed me off for the rest of the day! the ignorance of some lesser car enthusiasts really rubs me the wrong way. On reflection I wish I told him it was a corsa or something...Pr*ck!

Just felt like venting some frustration to you guys. Maybe you relate to my rage at this a**holes comment.

01-11-2008, 09:11 PM
Sorry to hear that! Just an ignorant, unknowledgable and probably a car less txxxxr! :angry::angry::angry::angry:

01-11-2008, 09:13 PM
I wouldnt be worried buddy! He obviously doesnt know his cars and was just out to try and be a big shot in front of people. Would have been interesting to see what the guy that commented drove!!

To give you a cheer up, I used to own a Lamborghini Diablo and I was once parked up and a gentleman approached the car and stood for about 15 mins looking all round it, he then tapped the window to which I lowered and said "Hello"
The gentleman returned,
"Hello, I'm just admiring your car, if you dont mind me asking what is it"?? I replied,
"Its a Lamborghini Diablo" The gentleman replied, "OH RIGHT" With a bit of a long pause and another look he replied,
"Is that made by the crowd that make the tractors"??

So you can see where I'm going with this!! lol I thought it was well funny!!

01-11-2008, 09:27 PM
"Hello, I'm just admiring your car, if you dont mind me asking what is it"?? I replied,
"Its a Lamborghini Diablo" The gentleman replied, "OH RIGHT" With a bit of a long pause and another look he replied,
"Is that made by the crowd that make the tractors"??

So you can see where I'm going with this!! lol I thought it was well funny!!

Hahahaha, my god I think I would have punched him! Yeah I'm recovered from my tantrum now, cheers! :thumbsup:

01-11-2008, 09:31 PM
Hahahaha, my god I think I would have punched him!

Naaah more a case of " Ignorance is Bliss!! lol

01-11-2008, 09:59 PM
hmm, weren't lamborghini AND ferrari both tractor manufacturers?

NSX 2000
01-11-2008, 10:33 PM
I use to tell my friends at school that my dad had a Lamborghini, and they say wich one and I always say the TRACTOR.

I did live on a farm so there was some truth in it.

01-11-2008, 11:04 PM
A touch of jealousy there mate. Probably drives a Focus and would give his right arm for a sports car. Shame he just couldn't admire it rather than be offensive. Would have p**sed me off too!

02-11-2008, 12:10 AM
Picking up the girlfriend from work yesterday, some guy approached the car with his mates and asked "here what car is that?" I repled "its a Honda NSX mate" to which he remarked "ah f**king piece of sh*t, its just a f**king honda" whilst walking away. That really p*ssed me off for the rest of the day! the ignorance of some lesser car enthusiasts really rubs me the wrong way. On reflection I wish I told him it was a corsa or something...Pr*ck!

Just felt like venting some frustration to you guys. Maybe you relate to my rage at this a**holes comment.


Uneducated morons will always exist. Those that have driven and are in the know, understand the NSX is a drivers car thats reliable. Gorden Murray's opinion is the one that counts.

02-11-2008, 07:06 AM
Sounds like a bad dose of the green eyed monster to me...unless his team had just lost? Like you say don't waste a second thought on these type of people - he would have looked at the badge had he been an enthusiast. Ive never had a bad word yet from anyone in the street.

Midnight Blue
02-11-2008, 08:18 AM
Ignore him, he's just the sort of bloke that gives "Two short planks" a bad name. Anyone who knows their a**e from their elbow wouldn't have needed to ask what the car was.



02-11-2008, 09:50 AM
Here's one to cheer you up.

Last year I pulled into a petrol station and when I approached the cashier - a lad of about 20 - he said - "That's a nice car mate, what is it?" I told him it was a Honda NSX to which he replied - "Gosh, is it a new model that's just been launched."
Well, I thought it was funny!

Cheers all,


02-11-2008, 03:21 PM
This is what you are up against: http://www.clubscuderia.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=424531

Check out post #35....then look at what the tool drives! :D

02-11-2008, 03:47 PM
This is what you are up against: http://www.clubscuderia.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=424531

Check out post #35....then look at what the tool drives! :D

LOL. That is so funny! How could you take the opinion from anyone who has a 355 based look alike! I would sooner walk.....

Nick Graves
02-11-2008, 07:45 PM

You've failed the sense of humour test and must now give the NSX to me as a forfeit.

The loser probably drives (badly) a Zafira because he got some old trout up the duff and bitter at anyone who has an interesting car because a Zafira's as good as it's gonna get.

Although the loser has a point; it's such an embarrassing brand with no heritage or engineering integrity, that they feel the need to call the poor thing an Acura NSX in the 'States! Or the US of A is AlSO full of losers driving the Chevy equivalent of the Zafira, deliberately badly.

02-11-2008, 09:19 PM
Ok i'm not a guy who normally does the traffic lights drag race thing.

However I got similar attitude from a guy in an M3 at the lights, have to say he certainly was'nt smiling at the next set. I know he was probably goading me on but annoying all the same.

That is the only time i've had any attitude and the only time i've been pi**d off enough be brutal with the clutch.

Jonny think about it you've got a car that these guy's can only wet dream about. :D

02-11-2008, 09:52 PM
jonny mate
welcome to the world of the nsx lol

i was asked once by a bloke he said wot cars that then a kit car lol told him he dont know he dont deserve to know lol and i boy about 12 came up and said its a nsx muppet lol
i just pissed my self and it was thumbs up for the kid

thx amo

02-11-2008, 10:27 PM
This is what you are up against: http://www.clubscuderia.co.uk/forum/showthread.php?p=424531

Check out post #35....then look at what the tool drives! :D

Actually, I think he has a 360... maybe hasn't changed his tagline, or says it's a replica for a laugh...

I started that thread on ClubScud ages back - and was pleasantly surprised by the volume of positive comments that came back about the NSX. I bet if it had been Ferrarichat.com then things might have been different...

I like Ferraris but even if I had the money to buy and run a good one, I'm not sure I would. Nice cars, great heritage, but they kind of take it for granted, don't you think?

On a different tack, was walking round the Goodwood FoS this year and they had a Cars of James Bond exhibition, with all the old Lotuses and Astons. The Vanquish that Brosnan used was there (nice :P) but two guys in front of us were talking about Astons...

Guy 1: "It's nice, but it's looks will really date in a few years - they all look the same and they're starting to look old hat"

Guy 2: "Yeah, and there's plenty of them around. I see loads of them round where I am, guys driving about in V8s, DB9s, etc. And they're all wankers."

Guy 1: "Aston Martin: The Wankers' Car"


03-11-2008, 12:42 PM
Imagine what a little kid thought of me when i corrected him that my 'Ferrari' was just a Vauxhall (VX220).

At the end of the day those sort of people are obsessed with brands and the associated image. I pity them!

03-11-2008, 01:14 PM
Gorden Murray's opinion is the one that counts.

Took the words right out of my mouth.:)

04-11-2008, 07:49 AM
i can only say - yes its just a f***ing Honda and i´ve seen so many cars that are really f***ed by a f***ing Honda.
http://tq.gamona.de/wbb2/smilies/0006.gif http://tq.gamona.de/wbb2/smilies/0006.gif http://tq.gamona.de/wbb2/smilies/0006.gif

dan the man
06-11-2008, 06:53 AM
proof of the pudding is that the guy actually came over to ask what it was.............

so was obviously intruiged..

06-11-2008, 09:46 AM
Yeah i have to admit, I would have just laughed at him and hit him with a cutting remark.

Jealousy in this case is obvious, the fact that he had to ask what it was.


06-11-2008, 10:54 AM
Jealousy in this case is obvious, the fact that he had to ask what it was.
exactly :D

Nick Graves
15-11-2008, 12:53 PM
As if the trapezoidal H on the end wasn't enough.

Perhaps he was illiterate, as well as stupid!

30-11-2008, 09:24 AM
But it is "just a Honda" and nothing wrong with that. They do have an F1 team and long standing racing credentials, not many other car manufacturers can say the same. He would have probably said something similarly scathing if you had a BMW .... BWM to$$er!

I guess it doesn't help that Honda also make the Jazz!
