View Full Version : No more weekend blasts?

16-03-2009, 12:03 PM
I don't think this has been posted here before so in case it hasn't...

Our political leaders, under pressure from the green/environMENTAList/road safety lobbies, are proposing to lower the speed limit on ALL rural single carriageway roads to 50mph AND enforce the new limit with average speed cameras!

So, potentially, no more Sunday morning "blow the cobwebs away" drives just for the pure enjoyment of it :(

If you disagree with the proposal there is a governent e-petition where you can register your opposition -> http://petitions.number10.gov.uk/noNSLreduction/

If you have no idea what I am talking about read this story from last weeks Times -> http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/driving/article5864847.ece

As ever the Association of British Drivers (http://www.abd.org.uk) is pretty much the only sensible voice actively campaigning against this latest attack on us motorists with the AA, RAC and IAM all pretty much sitting on the fence as usual.


I suggest you invite all your sensible friends and contacts to sign up to the e-petition to help us get this latest move thrown out of court.



16-03-2009, 01:07 PM
You might have to "blast" in the CX instead!


16-03-2009, 01:47 PM
A lot of people on blasts don't stick to 60, so they won't stick to 50 either ;)

16-03-2009, 02:06 PM
A lot of people on blasts don't stick to 60, so they won't stick to 50 either ;)

They will have to if the average speed cameras are there :(

As the little girl in the Haribo advert would say... Sign the 'tishan :)


16-03-2009, 05:33 PM
Average speed cameras pick up the front plate, right? :rolleyes:

17-03-2009, 10:19 PM
Average speed cameras pick up the front plate, right? :rolleyes:

The SPECS ones used mainly on motorways are currently setup to record the front plate but they'd work just as well the other way round. Also as more Average Speed Camera systems like SPECS come into use I suspect plod will take an increasingly dim view of cars not displaying registration plates on the front.

I fear it's only a question of time until one of you chaps running sans front plate will get nicked for it. 3 points and £60 as a minimum :(


18-03-2009, 12:07 AM
I just got notice of 2 camera speeding tickets last week from a car I sold over a year ago, with unpaid penalties nearly 500 Euros all together :eek: Funniest thing is the guy who bought the car from me is a copper. Over here the fines are embargoed on the car - but Im still obliged to pay them sadly.

18-03-2009, 09:19 AM
I think that more cameras appearing on our roads will increase the amount of "fake" or "cloned" plates on cars.

lets face it, how difficult is it with a little piece of black tape to make "F" into an "E " or a "3" into an "8".

Not saying that I would, (being an honest warrant card holder myself) but there are plenty out there that do already.


18-03-2009, 11:45 AM
I think that more cameras appearing on our roads will increase the amount of "fake" or "cloned" plates on cars.

lets face it, how difficult is it with a little piece of black tape to make "F" into an "E " or a "3" into an "8".

Not saying that I would, (being an honest warrant card holder myself) but there are plenty out there that do already.


Which is just one of the reasons why cameras are sooo not the answer to road safety.

The oiks who are prepared to use disguised or cloned registration plates don't give a hoot about the law or road safety and the current camera based enforcement policy excessively penalises us general law abiding road uses under the license granted to the policy makers by the the bad behaviour and indiscretions of said oiks.

Makes me seeth :(

The sad thing is most of us (law abiding road users) just sit there and take it, only complaining when we get nicked by a camera for doing 34mph in a 30mph zone.


18-03-2009, 10:41 PM
Makes me seeth :(

The sad thing is most of us (law abiding road users) just sit there and take it, only complaining when we get nicked by a camera for doing 34mph in a 30mph zone.


Which is why plod always says to stick to the 30/40/50 signs, respect the 60 and play in the nationals when safe to do so ... :)