View Full Version : Another Alarm Question...

09-04-2009, 04:04 PM
Whilst removing the steering coweling which has the Alarm LED fitted into it, I managed to cross the two pins of the LED (the plastic separator fell out enabling contact). There does not seem to be any problem with the alarm - everything still works fine - but the LED does not flash any more.
I bought a new LED and hooked it up to see if that was the problem but it's the same.

Any ideas?

It's a Cobra alarm BTW.

09-04-2009, 09:22 PM

As I don’t know your electronics background, please allow me to write down the following points even you may already know about these points.

Do you have the multimeter and if so, have you checked the voltage at the 2 wires connected to the original LED?
While you are there, make a note on the polarity of the wires.

Did you get the new LED with the same spec as the original one?
Did you connect the new LED with correct direction, ie; anode and cathode?

If you don’t see any voltage on the wires when the LED should be ON, then you may have damaged the driver circuit on the control box. However, normally they have protection on the interface circuit so I think it would be more likely to be other reasons.


10-04-2009, 07:08 AM
Thanks for your reply Kaz.

I've not checked with multimeter, that has been lent and not returned...:angry:

I replaced the LED with the same and the polarity of the wires were correctly matched.

Will buy a new multimeter and check the voltage...or lack of....