View Full Version : Headers & Exhaust

21-04-2009, 12:58 AM
I am looking for some Headers and Exhaust for my NA1 NSX. Something with grumble and smooth( Not too loud) ! Would any any one have any suggestions. I have heard some VW and Audi V6s with a nice exhaust . Also if anyone is selling their aftermarket header or exhaust I will be at Japfest.


21-04-2009, 02:37 AM
Will you be running test pipes?

If you are running cats I may be able to help you with an exhaust but you would have to run '91-'94 headers and cats to quieten it down.

If you are replacing the headers and exhaust and buying test pipes, these are worth a look:
http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=5770 (http://www.nsxcb.co.uk/testvb/showthread.php?t=5770)

21-04-2009, 11:54 AM
It will be chaeper to buy Eclipse's headers than to import ones from the US. As far as exhausts, it is a very subjective topic, so best bet is listen to loads of different ones ( Japfest, youtube, prime ) then you can make an informed choice.

21-04-2009, 07:33 PM
My wife says she will divorce me if I don't shift those headers out of the kitchen soon. I can feel a bargain coming on. Just don't ask me how to fit them. Ive took them off marketplace but still got them if anyone needs a set.

22-04-2009, 08:19 PM
If you want the best sound and to be different get one of these beauties.


22-04-2009, 08:54 PM
If you want the best sound and to be different get one of these beauties.


What exhaust is that? and any pics of it fitted or rear shots of it on the NSX? Very nice!

22-04-2009, 10:15 PM
Its a taitec system, gives the high pitched F1 sound.
trying to locate pic and sound clip.

22-04-2009, 10:22 PM
Pretty sure this guy had one of the first ones


22-04-2009, 10:35 PM
and here is a clip of it in use on road

http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f140/irishteacher1/th_MOV00053.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/albums/f140/irishteacher1/?action=view&current=MOV00053.flv)

http://i46.photobucket.com/albums/f140/irishteacher1/th_MOV00054.jpg (http://s46.photobucket.com/albums/f140/irishteacher1/?action=view&current=MOV00054.flv)

23-04-2009, 12:35 AM
Hi there there is more to it than meets the eye. That exhaust which now is sold as the GT-Rom V6 and the Belcanto is just a Taita exhaust getting around the old GT-Rom design.

I pestered Barry for ages and in the end he managed to get them to commit to build it but they wanted 20 orders and the Yen had jsut taken a dump.

Subsequently they are now pedled over the pond by different vendors.

Taita was willing to call it anyones brand as can be seen now a days.

The videos are not of this exhaust but rather of an S-Tai system, not the Taita, VTEC, Belcanto, GT-Rom V6 or wathever is called now a days. :)

BTW apparently you loose some HP as well!

23-04-2009, 07:30 AM
Those video clips were sent to me by taitec directly when i asked for a sound clip of the gt exhaust, think its called the FN-09 now lol.
As for HP Loss, really couldnt say and without a back to back dyno plot i think its very unfair for you to state that also.

23-04-2009, 07:47 AM
i have a tiatec zorst not sure which one but japfest looks like a nice place to make a few sound clips

thx amo

23-04-2009, 12:04 PM
Those video clips were sent to me by taitec directly when i asked for a sound clip of the gt exhaust, think its called the FN-09 now lol.
As for HP Loss, really couldnt say and without a back to back dyno plot i think its very unfair for you to state that also.


You are new to the VTEC direct Tracy Sports Taita saga.

They ( TAITA and Tracy ) can be the most unreliable company in the world or perhaps that was just my experience when the previous VTEC direct owner had problems getting my parts from them.

Here you can download the video of the S-Tai system:


This is the system in the video:


As for the bundles of pipes system, it might sound good but, common sense and a few threads on Prime confirm that it looses power.


More info here:




23-04-2009, 12:50 PM
Yes i believe at the time the tracey taita saga was due to not actually having anything made etc, whereas now they are pushing them at me saying stock ready for shipment etc.
The single exit gt is way too loud for road use, so am surprised they sent me those clips.
Anyway, roll up and all buy a system and i can have a nice holiday.

23-04-2009, 03:24 PM
They might have some in stock, but my bodykit was in stock for months. :eek:

The clips are of Pop-Nishimura's orange NSX that was for sale a few years ago.

Having seen how desperate Taita was to promote them and at the prices he was willing to go i find it hard to believe how much they are charging for them in the US, let alone overhere!

Be careful with Tracy Sports and Taita is all I can say as they can delay some shippment for x or y reason and leave you looking like a ( insert expletive ) and your customers very angry and frustrated.



23-04-2009, 05:04 PM
Have had in the region of 160 items from taita in last 5 weeks and not one single problem.
I always check stock levels and dlivery times and costs before quoting to customers, and so far all seem very happy.
I am Not Barry and I do things differently.
But i understand your frustration from your past dealings.

please dont allow that to tarnish me.

23-04-2009, 05:17 PM
Have had in the region of 160 items from taita in last 5 weeks and not one single problem.
I always check stock levels and dlivery times and costs before quoting to customers, and so far all seem very happy.
I am Not Barry and I do things differently.
But i understand your frustration from your past dealings.

please dont allow that to tarnish me.

Sory Andy perhaps I got the wrong impression since they sent you the wrong videos.

When VTEC direct the first started, Barry could get things faster than Honda.

Wow I just notice this is my 3000 post!

Who knows what happened then.

If you have a better relationship with taita and Tracy all the better for all of us.

I still wondered WTF Tracy did with my Sorcery wing garnish that never arrived and that is never sold without a wing, but that is a different kettle of fish!

Believe we as NSX owners want you to be succesful and a competitive alternative to HUK.



Just notice this is my 3000 post. :)

23-04-2009, 05:43 PM
Anyway, roll up and all buy a system and i can have a nice holiday. :)

Hi Andy, stop teasing me with more pics and sounds of this system. I want one very badly but Mrs Mark holds the purse strings and won't let have one. Yes, I do know what an under the thumb wimp that makes me sound :(

Keep me informed of the price as (if) the Yen - Pound rate improves and you'll get a sale out of me eventually... I hope.

As Wayne Campbell (Wayne's World) famously said of the 64' Pre-CBS Fender Stratocaster in the music store, "It will be mine. Oh, yes — It will be mine." :)



23-04-2009, 07:01 PM
i have a tiatec zorst not sure which one but japfest looks like a nice place to make a few sound clips

thx amo

Amo your car has a:

